Actually, this year has been the absolute best year in a long time. Always seem to have good strong heats, but this year didn't have any trouble with BUN (blood urea nitrate). Had one late 3 year old calve 5-17. On morning of 6-1 she had lost her K-Mar patch and had good clear discharge. 18 days later in standing heat so we bred her. If she settles, that will up her over 45 days. That would be super! I occasionally use K-Mar patches when I am looking for every "edge" possible. Usually, I just use the cattle marking crayons over their tail head. I use "Hot Pink" - shows up on all my different colored cows. Plus pretty appropriate - hot pink - get it!! Jeanne <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>
> This year we have had in the most
> part weak heat signs, a few real
> strong ones. None of the girls
> have had any external discharge or
> even noticable interna discharge.
> However, if you've ever tried to
> slip the gun all the way to the
> cervix in a totally dry cow you
> can tell the difference between
> one tha has been in standing heat
> and a dry hole. You have to
> remember also, each cow is
> different and one year to the
> next, even one heat to the next
> may vary a little in their
> behaviour. Just like genetics,
> ain't cow breeding fun? Granted
> I'm a rookie at this, only been
> doing AI for 20 years or so, but
> this year has been the most
> difficult heat detection season
> I've ever had. Hopefully all the
> ladies took so I can quit
> worrying. Won't know for
> absolutely sure till fall when
> preg check time rolls around.
> dunmovin farms
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