Aging America

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You missed the most important part.

The first people killed after a revolution are the spare revolutionaries.
Yup, that happens quite often. People get used to win the war and then find out they were being played.

Of course until they find out they are the inconvenient riff raff, they are extremely confident that they are the future elite.
Yup, that happens quite often. People get used to win the war and then find out they were being played.

Of course until they find out they are the inconvenient riff raff, they are extremely confident that they are the future elite.
Yeah. Seen it. It is what it is. Unless you're lucky enough to live in a handful of places on this planet, life is brief, brutal and random. And if you live in those nicer places, the world is complicated, bureaucratic, unnatural and regulated to hell. Every moment that happens is the bleeding edge of all of existence, and we're all caterpillars crawling along the surface of the blade that cut that bleeding edge.
Yeah. Seen it. It is what it is. Unless you're lucky enough to live in a handful of places on this planet, life is brief, brutal and random. And if you live in those nicer places, the world is complicated, bureaucratic, unnatural and regulated to hell. Every moment that happens is the bleeding edge of all of existence, and we're all caterpillars crawling along the surface of the blade that cut that bleeding edge.
I like that, "Every moment that happens is the bleeding edge of all of existence, and we're all caterpillars crawling along the surface of the blade that cut that bleeding edge." You have a way with words.

It's so weird that many people screaming about how regulated their lives are... are screaming for other people to be regulated in ways the first people would scream about if the second people were regulating the first people in that way. I hope that makes sense. I'm not going to name the people I'm speaking about. It's just such hypocrisy when people rail about individual freedom... and then want to restrict people that believe differently.
The declining average IQ of Americans: Used to be 100, now it's 98.

Lets consider other races in the population . The average IQ of Hispanics is 89. The average IQ of African Americans is 85. Both of these have lots of kids.

White Average IQ is 103. Asian is 106. Whites have fewer to no children and nfortunately Asians have an even lower birth rate.

I like that, "Every moment that happens is the bleeding edge of all of existence, and we're all caterpillars crawling along the surface of the blade that cut that bleeding edge." You have a way with words.

It's so weird that many people screaming about how regulated their lives are... are screaming for other people to be regulated in ways the first people would scream about if the second people were regulating the first people in that way. I hope that makes sense. I'm not going to name the people I'm speaking about. It's just such hypocrisy when people rail about individual freedom... and then want to restrict people that believe differently.
Thank you, I have been a writer at times. I used to be very scholarly. Got run out of it. I have a book I'm working on and I write poetry. I have thought to share it here before but who the hell would want to read through that mess?

As far as the rest of what you said, I just want to be left alone and to be the one (alongside my wife) that decides what my kids will be told, taught, and how they'll be prepared for the world.
I am surprised Alaska is as populated as the color would indicate. Around here we have hundreds of Amish that have moved in recently and I wonder if they even count them. It doesn't take long for a square mile to get populated with lots of kids.
Thank you, I have been a writer at times. I used to be very scholarly. Got run out of it. I have a book I'm working on and I write poetry. I have thought to share it here before but who the hell would want to read through that mess?.................
I would.
Genetics is only part of it. People grow where they're planted and can usually only grow as well as they're tended to. That's the thing people miss with raising folks. There isn't just a one and the other, nobody just is a person that's a certain way for no reason. It's all a domino trail of cause and effect. That's why parenting is hard, every action has a reaction. You want kids that know how to use an inside voice, but if you scold them every time they show excessive excitement, they'll repress it and shun it. You want kids that can control their emotions instead of their emotions controlling them, but if you dog them every time they show anything strong emotionally, they'll move past stoicism and never be able to really put to words how they feel, never be able to really know how they should show emotion. If you don't discipline them, they'll walk all over you, but if you cross the line into bullying and abuse then they'll either become those things later in life or they'll become used to it and may end up accepting it from others. You have to teach them to know how to judge right from wrong but also not to be too quick to judge others off of the surface. And the worst part is that we're all a far piece from perfect ourselves and we're going to mess something up along the way even if we don't realize it, so the best we can actually do is just assessing our own flaws and trying not to pass them on. And this is optimal, this is in a home with two parents who are around and have time for their kids. Think of how rare that's been at times in recent years. I was born to the "divorce generation". My wife and I both came from messed up homes where the grandparents and one parent had to do most of the work instead of two stable parents. I've been married longer now without interruption than about the longest my mother ever was. We won't have to do too much more to surpass the benchmark of her parents. And you've got to take all of that cause and effect, those ripples that raising and life and experiences have made in your life and try to not pass on the bad ones. It's a hell of a job, but if more people would just do the dang thing we wouldn't have so many people walking around effed up like a football bat.
Genetics is only part of it. People grow where they're planted and can usually only grow as well as they're tended to. That's the thing people miss with raising folks. There isn't just a one and the other, nobody just is a person that's a certain way for no reason. It's all a domino trail of cause and effect. That's why parenting is hard, every action has a reaction. You want kids that know how to use an inside voice, but if you scold them every time they show excessive excitement, they'll repress it and shun it. You want kids that can control their emotions instead of their emotions controlling them, but if you dog them every time they show anything strong emotionally, they'll move past stoicism and never be able to really put to words how they feel, never be able to really know how they should show emotion. If you don't discipline them, they'll walk all over you, but if you cross the line into bullying and abuse then they'll either become those things later in life or they'll become used to it and may end up accepting it from others. You have to teach them to know how to judge right from wrong but also not to be too quick to judge others off of the surface. And the worst part is that we're all a far piece from perfect ourselves and we're going to mess something up along the way even if we don't realize it, so the best we can actually do is just assessing our own flaws and trying not to pass them on. And this is optimal, this is in a home with two parents who are around and have time for their kids. Think of how rare that's been at times in recent years. I was born to the "divorce generation". My wife and I both came from messed up homes where the grandparents and one parent had to do most of the work instead of two stable parents. I've been married longer now without interruption than about the longest my mother ever was. We won't have to do too much more to surpass the benchmark of her parents. And you've got to take all of that cause and effect, those ripples that raising and life and experiences have made in your life and try to not pass on the bad ones. It's a hell of a job, but if more people would just do the dang thing we wouldn't have so many people walking around effed up like a football bat.
Well said.
Pull up a world map of IQ , it's nurture and nature.
I just finished watching a live video of two "of my kids" (my sponsor "kids") competing in Lexington, KY on the Senior National Dairy Bowl representing NY. 4-H age, they are 18 and 16. The 16 year old is actually a Junior not Senior, but qualified to compete as a SR. They just WON the National Title for NY. Their Mom & Dad are super supportive and super intelligent - thus, the kids are wiz kids. Talk about parents doing a great job. These kids are home schooled - but socially active with other kids. They do NOT live on a farm. Have a dog & cat! Was sponsored by a dairy farm in the dairy program before they started showing beef with my farm. Hopefully, they represent out future!!!
It's become fashionable to be stubborn, and extreme. Tribal, loyalty at the expense of reason. Few people listen and hear, and then take the time to think. It takes most people an average of twenty seconds to become invested in a conclusion that is given to them by others, most likely accepted as truth because it is popular opinion within their circle.
Take home message: Don't be fashionable, average, or most people.
I just finished watching a live video of two "of my kids" (my sponsor "kids") competing in Lexington, KY on the Senior National Dairy Bowl representing NY. 4-H age, they are 18 and 16. The 16 year old is actually a Junior not Senior, but qualified to compete as a SR. They just WON the National Title for NY. Their Mom & Dad are super supportive and super intelligent - thus, the kids are wiz kids. Talk about parents doing a great job. These kids are home schooled - but socially active with other kids. They do NOT live on a farm. Have a dog & cat! Was sponsored by a dairy farm in the dairy program before they started showing beef with my farm. Hopefully, they represent out future!!!
There is something to be said about fresh inputs to the industry from the outside. It's anything but easy for them, but they can make a significant contribution. For better or worse, I did not grow up on a farm and I do not own or work on a farm.
It turns out that most single women getting abortions were not in commited relationships, but were "friends with benefits". 6% of women are getting 38% of the abortions. That 6% would be half of the 12% (black), 75% of which are US unwed mothers. Wonder about the high crime rate and the school to prison pipeline? It takes a commited relationship to raise decent kids.

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