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  1. TexasShooter

    Trump signs executive order withdrawing US from TPP trade deal

    My question is, what are your thoughts on this announcement and the effect it will have (if any) on the cattle market? Will we see a rebound in prices? Any impact on COOL? Any other thoughts? I am just an interested and concerned cattleman.
  2. TexasShooter

    Nice steer calf, 42 days old...need advice

    Hello, Just an update for everyone...the calf weighed 150 lbs. and brought 4.20 lbs. for total of $630. Thanks for the recommendations and definitely was the right decision.
  3. TexasShooter

    Nice steer calf, 42 days old...need advice

    Yep...I think its unanimous. I will get the little one to the SB asap. Thanks a lot for your time and responses.
  4. TexasShooter

    Nice steer calf, 42 days old...need advice

    Hello All, I had to put the momma cow down yesterday. Typically don't have this issue and the last time I did, I kept the calf in the pasture. The calf lived but was stunted...pop belly, etc. until I sold at the sale barn. My question is...does anyone have any advice on this issue? 1. Do I take...
  5. TexasShooter

    ARGH!!! Cr@ppy fence charger--advice?

    I to have ran into issues with Zabra and gone through several other brands as well. I use ParMak solar (12volt) issues. I wouldn't even consider another brand and it's paid for itself over and over again. I practice rotational grazing and a hybrid MOB methods.
  6. TexasShooter

    Getting a loan

    Agriland Farm Credit
  7. TexasShooter

    How Long Will This Market Last?

    A lot of good comments and questions…good discussions about expenses and costs as well. Here are my comments about some ideas that I am implementing this year. Maybe some of you practice them already or have been thinking about doing them or something similar. I know in different areas of the...
  8. TexasShooter

    How Long Will This Market Last?

    First off I would like to say that I respect many of the opinions and information that I receive on this website…I have for many years. It has saved me time, money and given me peace of mind. For this, thank you and I am very appreciative of your time. I hope am able to return the favor and...
  9. TexasShooter

    Ball Clover

    Thanks Slick...appreciate the info. Let's keep in touch and update each other as to if the program and process is working out or not.
  10. TexasShooter

    Ball Clover

    Good deal Slick. Do you mind letting me know what kind of deal your getting at the Co-op? I am going to need another 200lbs. As you know its not cheap. Greenville is within an hours drive and well worth it if the price is right.
  11. TexasShooter

    Ball Clover

    Hello Slick, I am from your neck of the woods and I haven't been online the last week because I was planting clover and Ryegrass. I have seen and read the articles from Solluck as well. Got 35 acres done prior to the rain and I plan on doing another clover/ryegrass on another 30 acres within...
  12. TexasShooter

    Bidding on fence

    Meant to add to my post that I would charge for any welding done like what you mentioned..."do you figure a different price for welding the corners?" Yes - I would think $50-100+ per brace depending on the size (and that would include setting, etc.) Some others on this board might have other...
  13. TexasShooter

    Bidding on fence

    Just hired a person to do this for me this spring. Field fence with 2 strands wire on top. I purchased and had all supplies on site. Labor $1 ft Double H stretching braces (that I welded) - $50 per section (for digging 3 holes and setting in concrete). I had 5 sections done $250 total. Double...
  14. TexasShooter

    Triclopyr - For Killing Mesquite/Locust Trees

    Isomade - Thanks for tip. I believe that would even use less solution on the smaller trees...I will have to try that out on my next round of trees this week or weekend. Just got another gallon in the mail yesterday.
  15. TexasShooter

    Triclopyr - For Killing Mesquite/Locust Trees

    Cowboy, good point. I didn't spray the folage...Just the stumps (all the way around) approx 1-3 ft from the ground. They sure look dead...if not, it sure put a major "hurt" on them. I did read somewhere you have to wait 3 months before taking it down. You mentioned don't remove to next year...I...
  16. TexasShooter

    Triclopyr - For Killing Mesquite/Locust Trees

    I wanted to post back on the board based on my research and success using this forum. The results were outstanding and for those that get something from this post I am passing along what I learned here and hope that it might help someone else. 4 weeks ago I did a basel spray (8-10 in. spray...
  17. TexasShooter

    Rye/Clover/Oat mix on Native Pasture

    It would be a ryegrass and not sure all the grasses that make up the native pasture...yet. I have an USDA/NRCS agent going to meet me in the next week or so to look at the place. I haven't decided whether to improve the pasture or stick with the native pasture. So the comments everyone made...
  18. TexasShooter

    Rye/Clover/Oat mix on Native Pasture

    Thanks novatech and 1982vett Novatech - you mentioned the no-till have you had any luck with broadcasting? 1982vett - Nice pics...Did you no till or broadcast? And what type of rye do you have?
  19. TexasShooter

    Rye/Clover/Oat mix on Native Pasture

    I am located in NE Texas. I currently have 50-60 acres in native pasture that I want to over seed with a rye/oat/clover mix in Sept/Oct. My plan would be to manage grazing through Feb and then in March/April let it go with the intention of baling. My initial plan is to mow pasture, lightly...
  20. TexasShooter

    Planting rye and clover...

    Can anyone answer... Will broadcasting (like mentioned above) give enough stand to bale in the spring? If so, how many bales (approximately) per acre if unfertilized and sufficient rainfall? How many bales (approximately) per acre if fertilized and sufficient rainfall? Thanks for replies in...