y'alls opinion on this bull.....on craigslist

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Yep I kinda like him :) to the original poster, as some rough guidelines, this bull is a good one because he displays masculinity, lots of meat in the back end and over the top, and structural soundness with a nice strong straight back and correctly angled legs. Hope that helps. personally I don't see the "only terminal" in him, and i'm interested to hear the thoughts as to why some think this way. Doc, I used to just get annoyed with your long and useless posts. But that was downright RUDE. There's no need to speak to a relatively new member like that just because you feel like stirring the pot and picking a fight. :-(
by TennesseeTuxedo » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:13 pm

True enough cutter but the idea is to sell the bull and I would want maximum exposure were I the selling party.

Doesn't cattle range only charge if you sell through their site?

This is true but I did`nt choose to put him on Cattle Range. I sell most all of my cattle private treaty and many to repeat buyers but I also have to look at options when marketing cattle. I have a website that I have sold a world of cattle through. Occasionally I will use craigslist or another monthly paper called the Alabama Farmers Bulletin that are both free. The whole idea of selling privately and using free advertisement is to save commission fees. These three forms of advertisement get many responses for less cost to me. They also offer very much exposure. I also ask every new potential buyer where they found out about me. This gives me a better understanding of where my advertising is best placed. Its not that I don`t like Cattle Range, I do, but I just chose not to use it on this bull.

Circle H Ranch
DOC HARRIS":38tnrqir said:
TennesseeTuxedo":38tnrqir said:
Well from one newbie to another, I kind of like him.

Several comments are in order in answer to Chris's request. He is interested in receiving some 'informational' data for the purpose of learning more about analyzing beef cattle. Now, there are hundreds of thousands of educational bits of information on the internet (Googel, Dogpile, etc.) which are capable of doing just that service, and probably with more specificity than Chris will get here on the Forum.

"...I kind of like him." is NOT an informational answer to his request. In order to be specific in one's answer, detailed comments regarding the bull's phenotype, Functional traits (legs, feet, hocks, level top line (or not) are some of the starting points in being specific. A picture is a lousy method of analysing any animal, but that is all we have here, so details of the picture should be carefully observed, such as depth of body throughout, level top line, masculinity of his head and neck, spring of rib, thickness of loin, and depth of hindquarters. those are just some of the 'details' which should be considered in your answers.

As a quick summary, his phenotype for a Limflex bull is more than acceptable, but the Milk EPD is too high for my personal choice because it indicates that in subsequent female replacement calves there may be a tendency to lose muscularity and beefiness, however with a Limousin that is not a high priority criticism. For most average commercial herds, this bull, in my opinion, would serve a satisfactory position if the cow herd is not lacking in beef phenotype.

In giving reasons for selection choices, we should be demonstrably specific for educational purposes.


Serious? Sooooooo, if someone is not considered very experienced or professional in the art of providing educational feedback, they should just shut their mouths, and leave the thread to the pros? If that's the case, it's going to get real lonely on this website. I enjoy reading responses from ALL (well...most...LOL) folks here, and quite frankly, a "newbie's" perspective might actually teach a teacher a little every now and then. Run off all the newbies because they make a comment, and sooner versus later only you will be asking the questions and providing the answers on this site. I'm honestly not trying to bust someone's chops, but to provide some friendly feedback to the those providing the feedback.....as I too, kinda like the bull. :nod:
Regarding the second bull posted ... It is hard to see a lot about this bull due to the angle of the photo. Again he displays masculinity, appears to have sound front legs and an acceptable topline. He could perhaps be a little wider in the chest? He appears to display great volume and body capacity and spring of rib. I cannot assess his hindquarter in terms of meat carriage or leg structure due to the photo.
houstoncutter":1tffdlda said:
backhoeboogie":1tffdlda said:
When I saw "craigslist" My expectations were low. Usually there is only garbage on there.

Don't know why anyone would sell that quality of a bull on craigslist. He is an acceptable bull. You can (and will) see a lot worse out there in the pastures.

If I owned him, he strictly be a terminal bull.

Just curious Boogie, why do you think this bull is only useful as a terminal bull?

The way he would fit in to my operation.

Circle H, what I am accustom to seeing on Craig's is cattle trader items. Bottle calves that are sure money losers going as pets - things like that. Sorry calves that would bring their worth at the sale barn going for way more than that. Mostly people catering to a pet market with junk animals. Your post is the first for me. I have bought and sold trailers and the like on that site. Never an animal of any kind.
TennesseeTuxedo":1xzk6fbc said:
moloss":1xzk6fbc said:
well since the replies have picked up, here's another on the craigslist.....

I don't much care for this feller. He looks a bit ornery and at 5 I think he's a tad bit on the old side. Just an opinion not a professional assessment by any means.
old :shock: if he's wore out at 5 i sure wound'nt want to retain any heifers from him... actually he's not a bad looking bull, and just a few miles from me.
ALACOWMAN":1ze7to9x said:
i was around brahman enough to know, whats going on behind their eyes... if any animal could tell on their self, they did '''that look''

I wish I could read that look in my wife's eyes. She can get madder than any bull I've run into...and when she starts butting and kicking, watch out! :nod: