Who has a White Christmas?

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kenny thomas

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2008
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SW tip of Virginia
We will have one by morning. Not too bad just 1-2".
Heard on the radio today that Alanta, GA will be having the first one since 1882. You remember that one Jogee?
We've had snow on the ground for about 3 weeks and it's snowing right now. Supposed to get 2-4 inches tonight. Have to do a little shoveling in the morning.
Yeah we are having a White Christmas. We had 6' on the ground already and then starting about 4PM yesterday until now we have gotten another 7-8". No wind and it is pretty settling down but if the wind kicks up anytime soon we could get a ground blizzard as it is really light and fluffy. Supposed to stop here anytime now. Merry Christmas everyone.
An inch or so left. But if it doesn;t get below freezing that will be gone in the morning (I hope)
We've got about 3" so far. Awful glad to see it. Christmas just ain't quite the same when its 55 and sunny.
20 miles west of Nashville, Tn. 1 inch and still snowing those big fat wet snowflakes. It will be pretty in the morning for the kids to see and then I want it to melt.
7,000" in the Rockies and clear as a bell and dry. It was in the 60's today. However the peaks around us are 4'deep and beautiful. It rained last night for an hour :shock:
We are going to miss a white Christmas by one day-
It would have been a real treat as I can only remember snow on Christmas one other time.
Ours has turned to slush and ice, should be getting some more sadly after Christmas, I hate the cold weather, think I was born in the wrong Country.

MERRY CHRISTMAS every one and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.... :heart: Chris.
we have a light dusting and it is stiill coming down almost looks like a haze the flakes are so small
is barely sticking as the ground is wet from the rain yesterday and it isn't frozen so snow is mainly on the grassy and elevated oblects
Everyone Have a Merry Christmas
Santa brought between a half inch and and inch of rain according to the precipitation map. Could have been snow if it were cold enough.
About 4 inches here.
Not a white one but a muddy one and that's a blessing. Had enough of the white stuff in the blizzard that hit here last christmas to do me a lifetime.


Ours is white alright. Cows have a 3' deep trench dug so they can go over the hill to the feeding grounds. Took us 4 days to dig out the bales so we could get to them. But we have been blessed the last week with 20's (F) and low winds. People and cows are more relaxed. We're fortunate that our barn didn't collapse like many of our neighbors. Most were less than 10 years old. :cry2: Pays to have a 1930's barn built from oak beams by a Norwegian, I guess.

Merry Christmas everybody. Stay safe and warm. And may all your problems stay in the barn!
We have had snow now for two weeks, still on the ground, the water is still all frozen, been breaking ice daily, cattle and sheep are not too badly affected, the outdoor pigs and wild boar have small piglets so need the ice broken and removed daily, (130 troughs!)
Hate white Christmasses, and miss the tropics at this time of the year. :help:
Been white here since the 13th Dec, and at the rate it's going will be here a while. can't remember so many December days that have been between 10 and 20 degrees.

Merry Christmas!

we rec'd 4" of fresh new snow on Friday to cover up the old stuff. The sun is shining bright and it's a beautiful day. :santa: Much better than the 2 feet of snow we rec'd last Christmas!!!

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