White vs red clover

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I planted a lot of red clover this year. One reason for the red is that it gets taller and maintains its presence in the pasture without having to to graze or clip it too short.
10 years ago I started seeding Ball clover in some pastures. Wasn't a favorable year weather wise so the next year I planted Arrowleaf and Yuchi. Had better luck with that but still wasn't a stellar year as far as reseeding went. Had a little Ball clover show up as well. Year after that I put some Red clover out. Again just didn't get the weather for it to really thrive but the others were more prominent. Fall of 2018 and 2019 evidently was quite favorable as the stuff is showing up everywhere. Baled some that I grazed till late April and baled the end of May. Protein tested 13.5%. Ryegrass without clover tested 10%.

Spring 2019. Ball clover



Spring 2020. Red clover

Red clover and Ball

Different clovers mature at different times. Here, the Red is done around the end of May when the Ball is in full swing. the Arrowleaf is a few weeks later and went on into June this year.

I've always herd too that red doesn't reseed and hang around well. Don't know, but the red in the pictures above is from 50 lbs of seed I put on 22 acres about 7 years ago. Also, can't tell the difference between the Yuchi and Arrowleaf. They both grow pretty tall if not grazed. The Ball is shorter and a lot denser. Looks like it, and the others for that matter, can choke Bermuda out if not grazed. I start grazing it early (as soon as it looks like it's going to take off) and haven't has issues with bloat. I put them on and leave them on, give them all the hay they want and not necessarily premium hay. The clover fattened them up good this year, course a mild winter didn't hurt either.
1982vett said:
10 years ago I started seeding Ball clover in some pastures. Wasn't a favorable year weather wise so the next year I planted Arrowleaf and Yuchi. Had better luck with that but still wasn't a stellar year as far as reseeding went. Had a little Ball clover show up as well. Year after that I put some Red clover out. Again just didn't get the weather for it to really thrive but the others were more prominent. Fall of 2018 and 2019 evidently was quite favorable as the stuff is showing up everywhere. Baled some that I grazed till late April and baled the end of May. Protein tested 13.5%. Ryegrass without clover tested 10%.

Spring 2019. Ball clover



Spring 2020. Red clover

Red clover and Ball

Different clovers mature at different times. Here, the Red is done around the end of May when the Ball is in full swing. the Arrowleaf is a few weeks later and went on into June this year.

I've always herd too that red doesn't reseed and hang around well. Don't know, but the red in the pictures above is from 50 lbs of seed I put on 22 acres about 7 years ago. Also, can't tell the difference between the Yuchi and Arrowleaf. They both grow pretty tall if not grazed. The Ball is shorter and a lot denser. Looks like it, and the others for that matter, can choke Bermuda out if not grazed. I start grazing it early (as soon as it looks like it's going to take off) and haven't has issues with bloat. I put them on and leave them on, give them all the hay they want and not necessarily premium hay. The clover fattened them up good this year, course a mild winter didn't hurt either.
The 4th pic looks like crimson clover instead of red clover....am I mistaken ?

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