Wet Spring

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Jul 17, 2006
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South Georgia
After an extremely unseasonably cold winter it appears we are in for a wet spring. If the rainfall doesn't shut off things will be good here this year. Was wondering how our Australian friends faired this year. I guess they are heading toward fall. Am curious if Austalian weather patterns could be used as a hint to what our summer will be. Probably not but can't help but wonder.

Its a sopping mess here right now. Promised myself I wouldn't ever complain about rain again but all this water is really ..... well I ain't gonna complain.
You farm on a beach. I'm thinking your definition of "sopping mess" is what I'd consider "sticks to the tires" wet. :D
We had lots of winter precip, but it is a little reluctant to rain now. Was supposed to be a 70% chance today, and all we have is a light mist. Supposed to rain the rest of the week, but the liars are lowering the %'s and the expected rainfall. We might have an "open" Spring aka a Spring where crops get planted when they should be planted.
3.5 inches of rain today. Most of it in a 1 hour period. 2-4 inches more expected overnight into tomorrow. I love the rain because it makes the grass grow and also feed my off farm business, but this is too much too quick. Fields are standing water and I want to get out of the house and do something besides watch all the news on this weather
We got hammered by rain too.

john250":j1rzkgd0 said:
You farm on a beach. I'm thinking your definition of "sopping mess" is what I'd consider "sticks to the tires" wet.

Pretty good description since we do at times find sea shells in the dirt. Problem we have is its so flat there is nowhere for the water to go. Yesterday I was using a road and you could just about gauge the rise and fall of the moon by the moisture in the road. No doubt its underwater now and totally unusable after the rain we got today.
Don't know about Australia but I'm sure liking it. Started raining about two weeks after I had to sell most of the herd last year and hasn't stopped since. I'm scheduled to get some T-85 sprigged next week if they can get the equipment in the field. It has been a strange two and a half years. First no rain then it started raining and it got cold. Three freezes this Winter and it stayed cold in between. Managed to put up some sausage though. I'd almost forgotten how good them suckers taste in the morning for breakfast.
lavacarancher":36scyp0s said:
It has been a strange two and a half years. First no rain then it started raining and it got cold. Three freezes this Winter and it stayed cold in between. Managed to put up some sausage though. I'd almost forgotten how good them suckers taste in the morning for breakfast.

My sentiments exactly. Its been a wild ride. Glad you had time for the important things in life. :nod:
Couldn't even hear the hoot owls over the chorus of gopher frogs and other amphibious creatures this afternoon after the two inch rain we had this morning. Shoot, even had a hard time tracking my coon dog over the cacophony. :D
We didn't get the rain scheduled for yesterday afternoon. It sort of did the same little trick it was so accustomed doing last year. Can't say that it breaks my heart at the moment as long as it doesn't totally forget how to rain.
Sort of dry enough to borrowed my neighbors 4440 today to get some haygrazer ground broke up. My 2955 is in sad shape....gutted from the transmission drive shaft to the radiator. So much for anything that looks or smells like profit for this year. Sure was cloudy for a day that was supposed to be a sunny day.
A couple of days ago we got 5 inches in the 36 hour rain. Rained last night and some this morning but not sure how much since I havn't checked the rain gauge at the other gate. One of our pastures close to the creek looks like a 7 acre lake. Rode the 4 wheeler thru it and about 18" deep. With the ground as wet as it is now, the "lake" may hang around for a while before it soaks in.............
It's here..........
That must be the bugger they say is going to get us Sunday. We really don't need anymore rain. But I'm not complaining ~ yet.
Jogeephus":368z21v8 said:
That must be the bugger they say is going to get us Sunday. We really don't need anymore rain. But I'm not complaining ~ yet.
Just ran over the top of me. Water still standing in the bottom. The ground was getting just about right on the hill sides. Oh well, still better than last years drought. Better something growing than nothing.
The rains we have had lately have been mostly slow and gentle. This one was hard and windy. Looks to be about finished now, starting to get colder. Temp has dropped 14 degrees in the last 4 hours.
I'm really getting behind and could use two weeks with no rain. Its beginning to test me and my promise to myself about not complaining about rain but I'd still rather hear squishing than crackling under my feet. I do however think had I been a little smarter I would have chosen another career path that was not influenced by weather.
Oh Jogee, if you wouldn't be happy with one of those high paying corporate jobs where rain on the weekends would spoiled your golf games and outdoor parties. :D

It is testing the patience of a lot of folks at the moment. Already delayed cropland prepreation to where most are basically no till planting. I've got 50 acres that is itching to be fertilized but the weather is still kind of cool. I'm resisting for the moment. Trying to cut expenses too.