We should be able to trust each other.

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Sure, lets hear what the forensic audit of those machines says!

Meanwhile, a news site I've never heard of (newsla.localad.com) sure sounds like a trustworthy, reliable site
Perhaps a news site one have never heard of is reporting something because the main stream media refuses to admit/discuss/ investigate. Anything about the Biden family is off limits.

If a conspiracy went on with building material after a hurricane it would be headline news. When the conspiracy IS the news media the public is left believing anything they hear on their favorite channel, and many folks will not do any digging for themselves.

That means one gets to hear the gov't employees tell how they did everything right, so there's no problem. So to get any information the the news media doesn't bring up other sources are available.

Here's an example of what the report says, who developed the report, and their findings. It's 34 minutes long and somewhat boring, but the speed on YouTube can be increased to 1.25 and still understandable to save time.
Ah right, deflect and discredit.... got it.
The 21st century American way.

1. Play the race card
2. Play the gender card

If you're not dealt the cards, bluff

3. deny, deflect and discredit
and if all else fails try calling for a misdeal
Gore tried it in 2000 and Trump followed suit. With his favorite suit a lawsuit. :)
The 21st century American way.

1. Play the race card
2. Play the gender card

If you're not dealt the cards, bluff

3. deny, deflect and discredit
and if all else fails try calling for a misdeal
Gore tried it in 2000 and Trump followed suit. With his favorite suit a lawsuit. :)
I agree with everything you said, but Bush filed the lawsuit in 2000. In that case, he won.
I agree with everything you said, but Bush filed the lawsuit in 2000. In that case, he won.
Guess I was thinking of Gore conceding then changed to calling for a recount.

Interesting the 2000 election set precedent establishing blue for democrats and red for republicans.
Prior to 2000 American news organizations followed British system of Blue for conservative party [republicans] and Red for left of center liberal party-communism [democrats]

I don't remember, but it was probably Bernie who changed communism to socialism by usa news media. It was discussed by democratic national committee after this 2020 election to quit using the word socialism when campaigning and use the term progressive. Their polling showed voters are turned off by the words like communist and red china.
China is a proactive progressive country - lol :)
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Is there an example of a successful socialist (progressive) country anywhere? Free speech, Opportunity for their people to better themselves. Growing economy. People optimistic for their future.
What is the allure of socialism in this country and elsewhere?
Seems that socialism in other countries has worked better for those in charge and those who serve them than for the general population.
I continue to find it interesting and of note that this party of " peace and healing" is the one who wants lists made and revenge taken on Trump supporters. Not sure how it is exactly he has harmed all these people they allege he has wronged. You don't like him fine I can see that, he offended you thats fine I can see that too. I don't see where he has targeted or actually moved against any American citizen or group. The closest to that is a few usually misconstrued or incompletely publicized statements.

As to the allure of socialism I think it is the belief that things become free and that the rich pay more than the poor. No personal responsibility, the Govt will take care of you. This has been proven false time and again however most only read Facebook posts and google headlines not history books. Nor do they have the life experience or common sense to realize nothing in this life is free.
Is there an example of a successful socialist (progressive) country anywhere? Free speech, Opportunity for their people to better themselves. Growing economy. People optimistic for their future.
What is the allure of socialism in this country and elsewhere?
Seems that socialism in other countries has worked better for those in charge and those who serve them than for the general population.
I guess you'd have to first define which countries would be deemed socialist. Every country has elements of it. The Scandinavian countries appear to be quite socialist and seem to score well for opportunity, economy, optimism, standard of living, etc. Of course, these countries are the exception not the rule. But what makes them work?
The original question posted, "We should be able to trust each other." When in the history of mankind have we been able to trust each other? There has always been the untrust worthy.
Today at 9:26 AM
I continue to find it interesting and of note that this party of " peace and healing" is the one who wants lists made and revenge taken on Trump supporters. Not sure how it is exactly he has harmed all these people they allege he has wronged. You don't like him fine I can see that, he offended you thats fine I can see that too. I don't see where he has targeted or actually moved against any American citizen or group. The closest to that is a few usually misconstrued or incompletely publicized statements.

As to the allure of socialism I think it is the belief that things become free and that the rich pay more than the poor. No personal responsibility, the Govt will take care of you. This has been proven false time and again however most only read Facebook posts and google headlines not history books. Nor do they have the life experience or common sense to realize nothing in this life is free.

I heard someone talking the other day that America should give every person above the age of 18 a set amount a month and do away with all other entitlements. If you want to have a well paying job, then your entitlement will just be icing on the cake, if you get laid off well no unemployment you just keep getting that same check which should cover necessities. At first I thought "no way" but after listening I think it might be the best option. He explained that if you cut all other entitlements that this would actually save money. With the current system a single mom can be rewarded for having more children in the form of more entitlements, in most places those are the people having alot of kids partly due to the monetary value and partly because of no personal responsibility because they're not gonna have to worry about how to support that kid. If everyone got the same amount no matter how many kids you had to support then that might cut that out. This would also keep the politicians from pandering to certain people by promising more entitlements. I found it very interesting, I don't know the math on it but if it saved money it'd be worth looking at because there's no way we're getting all the people who are on entitlements that shouldn't be off of them, it's went on for way too long.

Me personally, I think if someone has a kid and by a certain time they're not able to support it themselves without government assistance, they should have to be sterilized so they don't keep spitting out kids they can't support. Same goes for these moms that keep having drug babies, make them get fixed after the first time. Don't tell me it's their right and then make me pay for it. I know in the area of Arkansas I grew up in, there's men that have 15 or more kids by different women and don't claim any of them, at least on paper, so the moms can get entitlements. These men need to be fixed also so they don't keep reproducing bastard children. And these kids for the most part go on to live the same lifestyle as their parents.
I continue to find it interesting and of note that this party of " peace and healing" is the one who wants lists made and revenge taken on Trump supporters. Not sure how it is exactly he has harmed all these people they allege he has wronged. You don't like him fine I can see that, he offended you thats fine I can see that too. I don't see where he has targeted or actually moved against any American citizen or group. The closest to that is a few usually misconstrued or incompletely publicized statements.

As to the allure of socialism I think it is the belief that things become free and that the rich pay more than the poor. No personal responsibility, the Govt will take care of you. This has been proven false time and again however most only read Facebook posts and google headlines not history books. Nor do they have the life experience or common sense to realize nothing in this life is free.
I heard someone talking the other day that America should give every person above the age of 18 a set amount a month and do away with all other entitlements. If you want to have a well paying job, then your entitlement will just be icing on the cake, if you get laid off well no unemployment you just keep getting that same check which should cover necessities. At first I thought "no way" but after listening I think it might be the best option. He explained that if you cut all other entitlements that this would actually save money. With the current system a single mom can be rewarded for having more children in the form of more entitlements, in most places those are the people having alot of kids partly due to the monetary value and partly because of no personal responsibility because they're not gonna have to worry about how to support that kid. If everyone got the same amount no matter how many kids you had to support then that might cut that out. This would also keep the politicians from pandering to certain people by promising more entitlements. I found it very interesting, I don't know the math on it but if it saved money it'd be worth looking at because there's no way we're getting all the people who are on entitlements that shouldn't be off of them, it's went on for way too long.

Me personally, I think if someone has a kid and by a certain time they're not able to support it themselves without government assistance, they should have to be sterilized so they don't keep spitting out kids they can't support. Same goes for these moms that keep having drug babies, make them get fixed after the first time. Don't tell me it's their right and then make me pay for it. I know in the area of Arkansas I grew up in, there's men that have 15 or more kids by different women and don't claim any of them, at least on paper, so the moms can get entitlements. These men need to be fixed also so they don't keep reproducing bastard children. And these kids for the most part go on to live the same lifestyle as their parents.
Me personally, I think if someone has a kid and by a certain time they're not able to support it themselves without government assistance, they should have to be sterilized so they don't keep spitting out kids they can't support. Same goes for these moms that keep having drug babies, make them get fixed after the first time. Don't tell me it's their right and then make me pay for it. I know in the area of Arkansas I grew up in, there's men that have 15 or more kids by different women and don't claim any of them, at least on paper, so the moms can get entitlements. These men need to be fixed also so they don't keep reproducing bastard children. And these kids for the most part go on to live the same lifestyle as their parents.
while part of me agrees, that sounds a heck of a lot like communist China with the 1 child law
Get rid of any and all entitlements and the rest will right itself. Maybe 30-45 unemployment tops but not even sold on that. Hustle or starve simple as that.
Get rid of any and all entitlements and the rest will right itself. Maybe 30-45 unemployment tops but not even sold on that. Hustle or starve simple as that.
I agree, but you and I both know that will never happen so they have got to come up with a better system.
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