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bbirder":p4el1s87 said:
I think the results will surprise everyone. All those polls mean nothing. I've never been polled. Wish we could throw them all out and start over.
From what I'm seeing right now those that were predicted to win seem to be doing it with ease. N o real upsets YET.
I voted around 4:15 this afternoon. I took my 83 yo F-I-L to vote also.

He wasn't going but when I asked if he voted, he said no. I said OK, but you know if you don't vote for your guy, it's just like voting for the other guy. He kinda perked up and asked when I was going. I told him and asked if he wanted to go. Kinda proud of the old man for going with me and excerising his right to vote.........
Polls opened at 6:00 and I was there at 6:10. I was numberr 22 even getting there that early. Heard on the radio that turnout four years ago was at 48% and this election could reach 75-80%. Seems people have something to say.":3c0flp2s said:
I voted two or three weeks ago. I wish it weren't over. The political ads are the best thing on tv.

:lol2: :lol2:

I paused today cause I didn't know whether or not to vote for someone I had been pushing for. I cooked BBQ for this candidate at one of his fund raisers and he sent me a nice thank you letter thanking me and my girlfriend for all our hard work. :shock: Very polite of him, I just wished he had left out cause my wife screens my mail for me. :shock: This could have caused some problems had her cousins not been there to vouch for my innocense. :lol2: :lol2: Besides, she knows me all to well for that nonsense but it did give me pause but I ended up voting for him anyhow.
MistyMorning":s4ab85ij said:
We have so few voters in our township that we don't have open polling on election day, it's all mail in, so I voted a few weeks ago.

Now that's country!
How many 1/2 pints does it take to win office in your township? 3? 4?
peg4x4":2bspukk1 said:
I will be sooo glad when all this is over.
"Vote for me because my opponent is a stinky boggerbrain" does not inspire any comfidence in you.
Ain't that the truth.
Now we can go back to "Injured...Call Dewey, Cheatum and Howe" commercials. And the old favorite "The world is ending--buy Gold".
john250":375ucqcy said:
MistyMorning":375ucqcy said:
We have so few voters in our township that we don't have open polling on election day, it's all mail in, so I voted a few weeks ago.

Now that's country!
How many 1/2 pints does it take to win office in your township? 3? 4?

It takes 3 or 4 pints to LOSE! Everyone always says, don't go to a township meeting or you will be a supervisor for the rest of you life.
I forgot to check what number I was. Our state voted out 3 state supreme court justices, including the chief justice, basically over their decision to allow gay marriage in Iowa. Chet Culver, our gov, was also voted out, basically for the same reason. Voter turnout was very good, lots of ppl were riled up. They kept reminding ppl to turn over the ballot. The state senate is a tie but the Dem leader will apparently stay leader. He said there is no way he will bring up anything to do with gay marriage as far as proposed legislation. Apparently he wasn't up for election. Newt Gingrich and company even talked about it.