Vomitting Calf

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Well the vet had to tube him today. It went allrite. Then he gave him some more bloating medicine, yellow thick fluid. I watched him until about 12:45 AM. He drank a little water and through a little of it up. Im not sure wwhats next. Ill see in the morning. He worked on him about 1hr. and a half. I learned something new today. My vet always lets me help him and he says its my turn the next time. Good vet. If this treatment doesnt work Im going to use mineral oil. Bought some today just in case. I hope I dont half to use it. Ill keep you posted. I forgot to ask him about the banamine. Ill call him tommorrow. THANKS REDFISH
Your bloaters are always big eaters it seems to me. I got a big group in last year and it had one like that. Its not right something is messed up on the inside. That is probably why he is thin. I sold mine and about broke even. I doubt a calf like that will ever ammount to anything.
Well my calf is still kicking. 2 days ago, he started vomitting again. I called the vet and he said for me to come and get some draxxin. He said give it under the skin and give him 30cc of probios twice a day. He said if that didnt work, dig a hole. He is starting to bloat again, andhe has a little blood coming out after he poops. He acts alright, he eats a little and throws up a little of it every time. I am only feeding him grass hay, good dry, not dusty hay, and water. Ive been changing the water every other day. All the other calfs still doing great. I separated him weeks ago. I put one of the hyper calfs in with him yesterday. Its cheering him up and making him move around a good bit. Is there anything I can do to stop the vomitting. I gave him the draxxin 2 days ago. Hes still vomitting. Any ideas appreciated. THANKS REDFISH. I never quit until they do well or die. I wont rip off someone by taking him to the auction. Raised with values.
Have you tried a different type of hay to see if that would help? It is worth a try. Some plants and weeds contain Alkaloids that can induce vomiting. Maybe this calf is sensitive or has an allergy to something in the hay you are feeding? Just an idea to see if a change in hay helped.
Everyone is giving you great advice,

I would start concintrating on suthing those guts, sound like she has been through the ringer, Bismol also known as Pepto Bismo, Works awsome.
And like it was suggested before PROBIOS, PROBIOS it helps replace the flaura and fauna in the digestive system.

If she continues to bloat I would definatly try the mineral oil it works great for Bloat, Baking Soda is the best but will mess with PH in the guts. with the mineral oil it will coat and sooth the digestive track so know that any medicines givan orally right away will not absorbe into the body correctly.

And not through my experience though, have known people to IV Baking soda into the blood stream as it gets acidic and going directly to the sorce is best. but the biggest thing in my opionon is get thase tummys feeling better. and if no fever i would just treat the symptoms, its not as hard on them. and Baytril Is alot easier on the stomach.
also check with your Vet First on the IV baking Soda incase I am wrong. oh and PROBIOS, PROBIOS Most important.

Good Luck

I would not IV baking soda to this calf.

Its normal use is to treat acidosis, but if you give it to a calf with a normal pH balance, and give it systemically, at that! you're risking throwing the animal into a serious state of alkalosis. The calf doesn't need his entire body pH messed with like that -- he's got enough problems as it is.

Other than that, probiotics are always a good plan.

I wouldn't make a practice of giving mineral oil on a regular basis -- yes it may soothe the gut but it'll also coat the intestines so the animal does not absorb nutrition/feed either, and I suspect he needs everything that stays down. If the calf is bloated that's a different matter, of course.

Food for thought -- ever considered that perhaps the calf has a partial intestinal blockage?
milkmaid":1xmhh1sh said:
Food for thought -- ever considered that perhaps the calf has a partial intestinal blockage?

I think Milkmaid is onto something here...seems odd that a calf would go on like this for close to two weeks...doesn't sound like a 'disease' type thing to me...wonder if there is a wad of twine or plastic bags inside him somewhere causing problems? I don't know how one would determine that either outside of surgery...is there some other way?
I have switched hay 4 different times, but it hasnt made any difference, but that is a good idea. Im still giving him probios and I can control the bloating with pepto, so im making some progress. I should have had him x-rayed allready, because he has to have a blockage somewhere. He eats, he throws up. He poops a little bit, and other times he poops alot. I think Milkmaids rite also. Im giving him banamine only when he has a fever. Ill finally get this situation figured out with youralls help and persistence. THANKS REDFISH. I thought batril was an antibiotic used for respiratory infections. Jerseyfied please explain the reason for using the batril. Thanks again.

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