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Oct 26, 2019
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What vaccines are needed for a clean beef cattle herd in Louisiana and what time of the year do you give it?
Big question. Ask a local Vet or call the Vet school at LSU. Vaccines mean nothing about "clean" on Johne's, BRV and a lot more potential wrecks.
Definitely develop a relationship with a vet for clear direction. Include info such as whether you share a fence line with a neighbor that may/may not vaccinate, if your herd is closed, vaccination history (if known) and specifics of your operation (cow/calf, stockers, etc). What vaccines the vet recommends is contingent on your operation.

"Clean" is subjective. Any time you introduce a new animal from an outside source into your herd there is the potential for contamination.
Basic - Vaccines are generally considered Killed or Modified Live. Killed, you MUST give a booster within a time frame like 4-6 weeks (read label). Killed "generally" only gives you about 6 months protection. MLV is 1 shot and good for year - BUT - you have to be careful with MLV - you can abort cows. READ LABELS
Newborn calf - iodine naval - give a Selenium shot (BoSe, MuSe, or Multimin90) I prefer Multimin90, and I give Inforce 3
Cows: 30 days prior to breeding, BoviShield 5L5 FP HB
Fall: Letpto 5L5 HB (Lepto is only about a 6 month protection, so I booster the Lepto in fall)
Calves: 3 months of age: BS 5L5 FP HB , OneShot Ultra 8 (Ultra 8 is the Clostridials and needs booster)
4 months of age: BS 5L5 FP HB (even tho this is a MLV, only 90% of all vaccinations are usually effective and you need to booster the Lepto in about 4 weeks, so I give the whole thing again instead of just Lepto)
Ultra Choice 8 (booster)
Calves are good through weaning. I give another shot of BS 5L5 FP HB and another OneShot after the stress of weaning.

You can only give the MLV to calves IF the cows has been vaccinated with MLV within 12 months. So, if you vaccinate your cows 30 days prior to breeding, her calf on her side can be vaccinated as shown above. I also deworm everything.
Some fundamentals without recommending specific vaccines:

All cattle operations in the United States are exposed to bacteria in the genus Clostridium. These pathogens are ubiquitous throughout the world and occur in the environment. Meaning they don't require a reservoir or other animal to transmit them. A good example of one of these is the Blackleg bacterium. Thus, a vaccine for the group of Clostridial pathogens is a primary need. These come in 4-way, 7-way, 9-way, etc. An 8-way denotes that the vaccine covers 8 species of clostridium in one preparation.

Keep in mind that some vaccines provide immunity NOT against the pathogen but against the toxin they produce. These preparations are called TOXOIDS.

Another group of vaccines are the REPRODUCTIVE vaccines. They protect fertility and the fetus and thus reduce the incidence of open cows. These are preparations that include viruses and bacteria. An example of a virus - Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis. An example of a bacterium is Leptospira.

I think the third group worth considering are the Respiratory vaccines that protect against Bovine Respiratory Disease ( a large group of pathogens). This includes Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasturella multocida. Some of the reproductive vaccines also protect against respiratory viruses, for example, Parainfluenza 3 is included in most fetal protection vaccines.

Here is something that is fundamental:

Remember, antibiotics almost totally function as bacteriacides. On the other hand, viruses are not easily killed or controlled (related to expense to some extent) by drugs. Thus, the best defense for a viral pathogen is a vaccine. You can fight bacteria with some exceptions with an antibiotic.

Selecting the vaccines is more difficult. Unless you have the background and have studied the available vaccines, you have no choice but to use a vet or other professional in your area for recommendations.

Last, I vaccinate spring and fall. I vaccinate in cool weather and a cool time of day - morning and evening.

Keep your vaccine cool. Use a small cooler. Avoid UV exposure.
If you use a MLV (modified live vaccine), you have to mix it. Once mixed, you must use it up in about 1 hour. So, order bottles of dosage based on the number of animals you will be vaccinating in 1 hr.
Like, I vaccinate about 50 animals at a time, so I buy my bottles in 10 dose size and also get 1 or 2 - 5 dose size.
Jeanne - Simme Valley said:
If you use a MLV (modified live vaccine), you have to mix it. Once mixed, you must use it up in about 1 hour. So, order bottles of dosage based on the number of animals you will be vaccinating in 1 hr.
Like, I vaccinate about 50 animals at a time, so I buy my bottles in 10 dose size and also get 1 or 2 - 5 dose size.

Just keep this in mind. And it fooled me until I studied it. None of the Bovi Shield Gold combinations that come packaged as 5 doses covers Leptospira borgpetersenii (Type Harjo bovis). I like the 5 dose for the convenience but since it does not cover HB, I never use them anymore.
Bright Raven said:
Jeanne - Simme Valley said:
If you use a MLV (modified live vaccine), you have to mix it. Once mixed, you must use it up in about 1 hour. So, order bottles of dosage based on the number of animals you will be vaccinating in 1 hr.
Like, I vaccinate about 50 animals at a time, so I buy my bottles in 10 dose size and also get 1 or 2 - 5 dose size.

Just keep this in mind. And it fooled me until I studied it. None of the Bovi Shield Gold combinations that come packaged as 5 doses covers Leptospira borgpetersenii (Type Harjo bovis). I like the 5 dose for the convenience but since it does not cover HB, I never use them anymore.
You made me question what I had!! I agree that the catalogs that I checked do not offer it - but yes, it is available in 5 dose bottles. I get it every year. Mine is a catalog service thru my vet, called MWI Animal Health
Jeanne - Simme Valley said:
Bright Raven said:
Jeanne - Simme Valley said:
If you use a MLV (modified live vaccine), you have to mix it. Once mixed, you must use it up in about 1 hour. So, order bottles of dosage based on the number of animals you will be vaccinating in 1 hr.
Like, I vaccinate about 50 animals at a time, so I buy my bottles in 10 dose size and also get 1 or 2 - 5 dose size.

Just keep this in mind. And it fooled me until I studied it. None of the Bovi Shield Gold combinations that come packaged as 5 doses covers Leptospira borgpetersenii (Type Harjo bovis). I like the 5 dose for the convenience but since it does not cover HB, I never use them anymore.
You made me question what I had!! I agree that the catalogs that I checked do not offer it - but yes, it is available in 5 dose bottles. I get it every year. Mine is a catalog service thru my vet, called MWI Animal Health

Jeanne, be sure if you are using one of the Bovi Shield Gold FP 5 products packaged in 5 doses that it covers HB. It will have "HB" at the end of the label of the product, for example, Bovi Shield Gold FP 5 L5 HB. I have scoured Valley Vet and Jeffers. The only ones that are packaged in 5 doses do NOT contain HB in the label.

PS: I called Zoetis about another vaccine issue and I confirmed with Zoetis that they do package a Bovi Shield Gold FP 5 L5 HB product in 5 doses. :cboy: Too bad Jeffers and Valley vet do not stock them.

BTW: I also confirmed that their Bovi Shield Gold FP 5 vaccines in all their various combinations DO PROTECT AGAINST BVDV Type 1b. They simply don't see the need to break down the BVD Type 1 and Type 2 any further on the label or in the manufacturer's brochure. :p
OP may be gone, but I'm here for a "refresher" on this very important subject......especially as I got back my vet's report from a month ago..(yes, he's busy/slow too)...on a small group of yearling heifers.......several positives to BRSV AND Bluetongue.
While I've not experienced any respiratory distresses/pneumonia, etc....winter is on the way here. Just wondering what my options are at this I was getting ready for a fall workup on the herd next weekend. ?????
Fortunately, all other items on the panel of tests came back negative.