Talk to your vet to find out what is recommended specifically for your area. A lot of producers don't vaccinate for pinkeye because it's not really a problem. And they'll help you figure out if a mod live or killed vaccine would be better for your operation. Also, a lot of the vaccines I typically use have been backordered/out of stock for a long time; your vet will help you come up with an alternative or possibly a combo of vaccines.
That said, I'll give you an example of what I usually use and how I had to improvise this year when we worked them in May.
Cows, retained heifers and bulls in the Spring: 5cc Vira Shield 6+VL5 Somnus, 2cc Cavalry 9, 2cc autogenous pinkeye (moxarella bovis, moxarella bovocili, mycoplasma bovoculi), Cydectin.
Calves in the Spring: 5cc Triangle 4+PH-K, 2cc Cavalry 9, Autogenous pinkeye (moxarella bovis, moxarella bovoculi, mycoplasma bovoculi), Cydectin. And that's in addition to a First Defense bolus or Optimizer gel and Inforce 3 at birth.
Cows, retained heifers and bulls in the fall: Cydectin.
Calves at weaning: 2cc Bovishield Gold One Shot, 2cc Calvary 9, Cydectin. Heifers get 5cc Lutalyse.
This year:
Cows, retained heifers & bulls in the Spring: 5cc ViraShield 6, 5cc Spirovac VL5, 2cc Pinkeye Shield XT4, Cydectin.
Calves in the Spring: 5cc Ultrabac7/Somubac, 5cc BAR-VAC CD/T, 5cc Triangle 4+PH-K, 5cc Pinkeye Shield XT4, Cydectin 5/12.