treating scours in newborn calves

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Mar 3, 2009
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Does anyone have a cheaper way to treat scours in newborn calves. The way I do it costs about $15, which is of course worth it, but if there's a cheaper way i'm all ears. What I do is first force a bottle of kaopectayte, which is just to stop the fluid loss, works great. Second I give the calf two regular bayer aspirin, which helps with the fever, and makes the calf feel better which sometimes means makes the calf feel like it wants to live. A feeling of well bieng in a sick animal can go a long way. The actual treatment, is giving the calf teramyacin. My feed store carries the big pills that call for one every twelve hours per hundred weight. I give one per twelve hours for four days no matter the size of the newborn, and it seems to work well everytime. Now, as I said, I think it's well worth the money to save the calf, that's a no brainer, but i'm always out for learning new ways, especially cheaper ones. Anybody got anything?
Cheapest way to treat for scours is vaccinate your cows based on your vets advice as to timing. We vaccinate because it is effective both in cost and in management. As well, scours is mostly viral so any antibotics will only really prevent a secondary infection. We are dillegent on colostrum intake and management issues as being the biggest contributer to scour outbreaks.
Second, look at management issues like bedding, crowding, shelter be it bush or three sided shelters for the calves, and timely colostrum intake for good and sucessful passive transfer
Next, when scours hit, if you vaccinate...key word... give your calf 24 hours to recover with no treatment if they meat is criteria.
- still sucking on the momma
- not flat out, if you can walk up to the calf and sit on it without much of a fight....treat
- still up an around, maybe just not as active

In 24 hours re assess
- still sucking and the bag on the cow looks more sucked out
- calf a little more up and around

Let calf go reasses 24 hours later
but if at any time the calf seems to not get better treat.
Price out your treatment VS say mine and see what is cheaper

if the calf is not active:
We tube with 1 pouch of electrolytes to rehydrate
we give sulfa boluses to the weight of a calf. Calf span lasts for three days. Don't ask me the cost on this cause we have had the box of 100 tabs for three years and used about 10 on a herd of near 100.
We give a shot of a sulfa drug, trivetrin or suck along side

Do a search on scours here. I know Jeanne, Msscamp, Randi MilkMaid, myself have all posted on scour treatments. As well don't skimp on the drug. If it calls for two, then give two. There is a reason for it.

One treatment usually does it. If not the next day they get a shot of trivetrin.
1 1/2 cc of micotil per 100 pounds. Catch it early and one shot will work, if later you might have to feed an electrolyte for dehydration. We have been trating this way for the last five years and had no problems. We give shot sub Q over the ribs. We also vaccinate the cows and try to provide a clean place for them to calve. Calves are seperated by age no more than 30 days apart in any pen . a version of the sandhill calving system. We move preg cows out to new calving area.

I agree - cheapest method is vaccinate cows & good management - colostrum - cleanliness.
I also use CalfSpan and I also have the same box - might be very outdated.
I don't vaccinate my cows, because we don't have a problem on this farm. But, if there is any chance you have a problem - vaccinate cows prior to calving. But, read the label. I believe they ALL need a BOOSTER in 2-4 weeks after first shot.
You didn't say if these were calves you calved out or some you bought. All of our newborns get a dose of
Calf Guard vaccine as soon as possible after birth[a squirt in the back of the mouth].We really haven't had any scour problems since we started with the Calf Guard several years ago. $3.00 per dose. Prevention is easier than treatment.
Now as I believe it was Dun that stated he was using elephant repellent on his farm and hadn't seen any elephants lately so it must be working, I don't know if the Calf Guard is the reason but it is part of the protocol our Vet recommends for newborns in our area.

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