Tough choice to make

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Be proud of who and what you are, that way no racial slur will affect you. Anything negative just saps your energy and screws with your mind and you slow down the whole process of obtaining your goals.

How do you know that the next guy won't be worse? Perhaps it should be a case of better the devil....
chippie":10jo5jac said:
Good for you. You did the right thing.

The employee handbook is a good idea too. Many places/employers have policies concerning expected behavior while on the job.

I never thought I would have to but I guess I will do it soon. Alison you are right as well on that note and it did good to sleep all night on that matter and not just blow up.
Slick I hadn't even thought of that but I will do so and what I may also do is get a document drawn up that they sign that says if they do anything like this they can be immediately terminated and etc and give examples of wrong behavior while representing my company.
Now you're talking about the handbook thing. The last DA I worked for came aboard and threw that kind of a handbook out and had everyone jumping threw their butts. It sucked moral out of everyone and I basically waved my middle finger and retired.

My suggestion is to make something simple and not be a hardass in it. You'll have time for that later if you need to be.

When I had guys under me I was sent to several administrative schools. I think every other word spoken was "DOCUMENT!"
I would say that if you are going to fire him, you better have a dang good reason, and well documented. Around where I work , just talk between co-workers about how someone feels about race or religion IS NOT going to get anyone fired, even if the boss heard them. Not showing up for work, not calling in when you are sick or late, or too many late/sick occurrences, AND any type of threat of violence, harassment, guns, etc. WILL get you fired.
I have been a supervisor over crews for over 20+ years now, and sometimes you just gotta let things pass thru your ears, and realize some good working people say some dumb azz things, or things I dont agree with. But I wouldnt fire them over saying things that I didnt agree with.
For what it's worth, I never threatened to fire anyone. I either fired them or stayed quiet. Now you have put the guy on alert. You'll end up firing him very soon, I predict.
heath":agpqe3ep said:
No offense, but it sounds like you are being way too sensitive.

No offense taken... but if someone is being derogatory about everything I am and stand for and I am paying them well and treat them like family thats just disrespectful to me. I can't make someone thats never been the different person understand how those comments get old after a long time of hearing negative stuff. I am sure everyone has had issues but A. It is on my property that I am paying for. B. He said it while on my time. I can't tell anyone how to be or what to think but on my time you better watch what you say. Heath if someone came in your home and was disrespectful talking about something about your race creed or religion I am sure it would not sit well with you. If he were on his time and property or in public thats on him as long its not spouted out wearing my company logo.
FWIW, I'm going to somewhat disagree with many here. No, I would not have fired him on the spot. For the purposes of CYA, I would have called him into my office for a chat. It would have been made real clear that it was his one and only warning. Yes, he would have been a short timer after that. Lifes too short and there's way too many good people out there looking for a job these days to have employees I don't like.

No, we didn't own our employees. But we did own the company, and it was our name on the door. From our customers point of view, the behavior and attitudes were a direct reflection of ours. Everyone knew how we felt about most things and that they were required to look and act professional, respectful and courteous at all times. No visible piercings or tattos. No nasty stuff on their tshirts. No foul language around customers. You know....common courtesy.....

At one of our Christmas parties, one of the guys made a nasty racial comment about blacks. My stepson, who was normally real easy going about stuff, decked the guy. I was real proud of him for standing up for what is right.
The part that would get him fired by me was that he was talking about the ''daughter of a customer''! It is his business to have his own opinion but he better keep his mouth shut when it comes to ''my'' customers. When the word gets out to clients they tend to ask questions of others that deal with you and business can drop off for reasons that you would never suspect.
I agree with just about everything spoken here. You are probably handling it in the best way possible given the circumstances, but I also have to agree a bit with whoever said something about your sensitivity. One of the reaqsons we all have to walk on eggshells and be politically correct in our country is because every little thing we say is determined to be "offensive" to someone.
I would certainly have been offended as well... I'm a pretty easygoing guy, if something is meant as a joke, I can usually take it as one. I'd have been miffed if I was in your shoes. I think your talk with him was appropriate. One thing you could have done to make your point extra clear is hand him a week suspension... I don't think there's a lot of legal recourse for that.

My ex was just fired from her job, she work at a corporate call center, and the long and the short of it, is she made some changes to her own account, changes which anyone else would have made... she was a star employee for the 9 years she's been there, never having been reprimanded for anything. I think she has a good chance of getting back in via the union.

If you suspend him, I think it would set some legal groundwork for firing him later.
Just my two cents
I also agree with everything CF said. Too many people here want to chant "Stand for something or fall for anything." then when they see it in action instead of words, they get after you for standing up for what you believe in. You are the one who has to live with the man in the mirror. My sig line used to say "Silence equals consent", and I believe that to be true. Your remaining employees will respect you for it. I do agree with whoever suggested you document. It does not need to be a thesis.

I appreciate your integrity ~ its not always easy or pleasant to do the right thing. :tiphat:
I'm not talking about PC. I'll laugh at all the funny blonde jokes you can throw at me.
What this guy said is not just "insensitive" to someones feelings.

Don't you find that it takes a pretty sick/twisted SOB to prefer having his daughter beat up by a white guy rather than have her date a black guy? That goes way beyond insensitive.
melking":14ks0bff said:
I agree with just about everything spoken here. You are probably handling it in the best way possible given the circumstances, but I also have to agree a bit with whoever said something about your sensitivity. One of the reaqsons we all have to walk on eggshells and be politically correct in our country is because every little thing we say is determined to be "offensive" to someone.

Melking thanks for your comment. in response to my sensitivity. I disagree with my sensitivity. I could care less what someone says on there own time on there own property or in public. What made me mad was it was said on my property on my time I am paying him and those opinions are not shared by me as the company owner. If he would do that in my shop whos to say he would not do that elsewhere . I think you are comparing apples to oranges about having to be P.C. and walking on eggshells. When you walk on someones property you need to respect that person there land and there family. I think if everyone used the treat others the same way you wanted to be treated we would not have to be P.C. and walk on eggshells.
Funny thing about business... He shouldn't have said it on your time, and at the same time you need to leave your personal feelings at the door too
hooknline":3g6fjo9u said:
Funny thing about business... He shouldn't have said it on your time, and at the same time you need to leave your personal feelings at the door too
No. He doesnt. It is HIS business. Do you suggest we should start private business owners what they can and cannot do? Very liberal of you hook....

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