To Build on Alan's Country Direction thread

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Caustic Burno

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2004
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Big Thicket East Texas
Not wanting to hijack Alan's thread.

Events in Boston.
The event's of the last week have really bothered me as I have watched my countrymen act as sheep waiting to be eatin by wolves. This is not the America I grew up in, I think back to my childhood, the men that raised me would have rose up in anger and defiance to such event's. The thought of cowering in their homes from one man would have never been allowed or even considered. The whole while the media was whipping the public into a frenzy of fear and panic their tactic's would have made Hitler proud. I now see how the masses can be controlled and genocide practiced with the public blessing. I have never been able to undertand that part of history until now. This is what makes it so scary. What event are cause will be used to controll the masses to continue to erode our liberties and the very essence of who we are. We have allowed the fourth to be torn up they are after the second and first now.

The bombing suspect captured I hope swing's from the gallows' he is still an American Citizen due all right's that comes with that privilege. Unalienable right's shall not be infringed.
As despicable as the terrorist bombing's of innocent American's is the terrorist didn't scare me as bad as tactic's I saw on TV by law enforcement. A systematic neighborhood search removing people from there homes without a warrant.
Who waved the magic wand here? What event will cause the wand to be used again.
The fourth amendment was shredded and trampled on.
The true Irony is it was inspired by illegal search and seizures 240 year's ago in Boston.
The fourth was first trampled on by the court's in the 1960's one hundred and eighty year's after it was written. This was never intended by the founding fathers or ratified by the states.
They were not in hot pursuit they had no clue where he was. He was only found after Boston's pseudo Marshall law was lifted by a citizen returning to normal activity. Again I find true irony in American Citizen's standing in the street chanting USA after they let one man completely traumatize an entire city of million's. The only hope we have to remain a free republic is strict compliance with the constitution and bill of right's.
Even with the capture of the terrorist they won, "when we are willing to trade liberty for temporary safety we deserve neither Ben Franklin "
We are better than this you and I are better than this. We have to be better than this.

God Bless America
I saw it the same way C.B. just can't put the words together on paper. I pray and hope every day that somehow, someway this will all work out. We all have family and hope for the future but I just don't know. I was taught live free or die, and my outlook doesn't look good.
highgrit":2j4yfdvh said:
I saw it the same way C.B. just can't put the words together on paper. I pray and hope every day that somehow, someway this will all work out. We all have family and hope for the future but I just don't know. I was taught live free or die, and my outlook doesn't look good.

I can see the terrorist playbook now.
One pressure cooker, cell phone add one loose nut and paralyze million's.
They can win this.
MarkM":1au0zkx8 said:
This applies to all the threads going about the happenings in Boston last week.

As long as we allow our rights to be taken we will continue down a very dark road with an unhappy ending.

Sadly, there is a part of me that thinks it is too late. There appears to be no resistance. ... to-change/

Write your US rep I have as well as my Senator's.
You are exactly right on this> I too was appalled at what I saw and how the law enforcement reacted during the time they were searching for the suspect. It goes way too far.
My friend, I am afraid you are so right. Too many people are like rats, and run to hide when there is trouble. Terrorists will eat this kind of thing up.
Caustis Burno VERY VERY well said, did the folks in Watertown not have any firearms of their own ?? I have been thinking about all of this since this all went down and just what I would have done! I know if law enforcement had told me to stay in my house while they did not know where he was or that I could not go to the store for some milk for my family things sure as hell would have went south from there, would they have arrested me if I said i'm going to the store, I'm not going to tell ya what my dad would have done and how quick it would have all went down !! 101
Ya already know how I feel.

Events in Boston remind me of something I heard my grand kids say when they were little.

Can we go out and play now?
I certainly don't want to stir up and controversy on this but look at it from the other side. The cops were in a feeding frenzy and I fear that if folks took their weapons out and took care of business themselves someone other than the terrorist would have been killed because a cop seeing someone with a weapon would surely have acted the wrong way.

I agree with CB on our rights. I have been kicked off this forum more than once trying to explain what's going on (as I see it). Everything I have cautioned against has come true and still no one listens - or maybe they do and are too afraid to act. Writing to my Congressmen won't do any good because they feel the same as I feel. The leaders that need an attitude adjustment aren't from my part of the country.

We have taken "political correctness" way too far. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and poops like a duck it's probably a duck. So when our leaders have evidence that something is not right they should take action without worrying about hurting someones feelings. The incident(s) with Pakistan is a good example. Seems like Mr. Bush stated it right when he said that "If you're not with us, you're against us".
101":3gh79i17 said:
Caustis Burno VERY VERY well said, did the folks in Watertown not have any firearms of their own ?? I have been thinking about all of this since this all went down and just what I would have done! I know if law enforcement had told me to stay in my house while they did not know where he was or that I could not go to the store for some milk for my family things sure as be nice would have went south from there, would they have arrested me if I said i'm going to the store, I'm not going to tell ya what my dad would have done and how quick it would have all went down !! 101
I am willing to bet that the majority of Watertown is reliant on the government and police to protect them therefore they do as they are told and do not care about the 4th amendment. That is why terrorist target these cities and stay out of the south for the most part. People that value self-preservation and are armed to provide and protect their families would have handled things differently. If that had of been in Birmingham and some old codger found him hiding in his bass boat headlines would read differently.
greybeard":1myjifn2 said:
Ya already know how I feel.

Events in Boston remind me of something I heard my grand kids say when they were little.

Can we go out and play now?
When i was was a kid it was go out and play.. but didnt hear it often ...cause we were already out there
I really think it is a leap to assume the people in Boston were "cowering" in their homes. They were asked (okay, maybe told) to stay inside as that would assist law enforcement the most in apprehending a terrorist suspect who was assumed to be armed and intent on hurting American citizens. Why do we assume that because they went inside that people were cowards?

As far as the door to door searches are concerned: From what I have seen/heard; authorities went door to door asking if everything was okay. If police had recieved a tip about a possible location of the suspect, then police went inside. In regards to the video of police pointing guns at a civilian and ordering them out of the house: First, I don't think it is even confirmed that the video was shot in Boston during the search for the bomber. Also, since there is no sound we don't know what was said by either police or the civilian. I'm just saying, people should try to gather all the facts before jumping to conclusions. If law enforcement took that much time at every house it would have taken months to do a house by house search.

Also, are you people really saying that you would not cooperate with U.S. forces in a search for a terrorist that is on American soil, in your neighborhood?
Caustic Burno said:
Write your US rep I have as well as my Senator's.


I have, I do and I will. I just breathed a sigh of relief after 3-4 months of constant attention to the gun bills and I thought there might be a rest. Wrong.

However, much of my correspondence to reps is so that I can "check the box". I don't expect much result. They are on their own agenda.

Lockdown??!! That is a term coined in prisons when the inmates are out of control. It began to be applied in public schools several years ago and now the indoctrination is complete with its use on the citizenry...and the citizens applauded it. The scenes from Boston are an object lesson in things to come.
ChrisB":2e24hlpp said:
I really think it is a leap to assume the people in Boston were "cowering" in their homes. They were asked (okay, maybe told) to stay inside as that would assist law enforcement the most in apprehending a terrorist suspect who was assumed to be armed and intent on hurting American citizens. Why do we assume that because they went inside that people were cowards?

As far as the door to door searches are concerned: From what I have seen/heard; authorities went door to door asking if everything was okay. If police had recieved a tip about a possible location of the suspect, then police went inside. In regards to the video of police pointing guns at a civilian and ordering them out of the house: First, I don't think it is even confirmed that the video was shot in Boston during the search for the bomber. Also, since there is no sound we don't know what was said by either police or the civilian. I'm just saying, people should try to gather all the facts before jumping to conclusions. If law enforcement took that much time at every house it would have taken months to do a house by house search.

Also, are you people really saying that you would not cooperate with U.S. forces in a search for a terrorist that is on American soil, in your neighborhood?
i dont think that is what their saying.... but you just dont bust in my home a treat me like one...
ChrisB do you think I should be arrested if I had firearm with a CW permit and I needed to go to the store ? How much longer do you think it would have taken to find the guy if the home owner had'nt found him first, or maybe how sooner if the home owner had not been in a lockdown, he knows his yard better than anyone and could see something different. I am not against law enforcment, I am a first responder so I have worked with them when needed, but respect goes both ways. I live 40 miles from our Sheriff and other officals and it can take 3/4 of a hour if their coming hot so I need to protect my family till they get here, and I am prepared to just that. I never said that everyone should have been out in the streets looking for the guy, but they should have been watching over their own property in MOP. 101
ChrisB":3s5wieri said:
And I don't think that was done in Boston.

We must have watched different new's together.
Waving a flag or chanting USA doesn't make you an American it has a high price tag.
Maybe our citizen's have reached the point they are not willing to pay the tab.
46 years ago Austin had The U.T.Tower shooting where Charles Whitman from the top of the Tower with a rifle killed 16 and wounded 32, The Austin Police Dept did not have the firepower to reach the top of the Tower. After about 20 minutes into the attack armed citizens with deer rifles started to arrive with deer rifles offering resistance to the shots fired from above , citizens were also risking their lives by dragging the wounded to safety, One officer with another person reached the Tower and were headed up the Tower when the office found out the person with him was a civilian, he quickly deputized him and they proceeded up the Tower stepping over dead bodies to get to the observation deck with the armed citizens returning fire from the street. I do not believe the average Texan ( not the imported ones) would cower behind his doors unarmed , they would be out there helping the police find this person. Times have changed but I hope people have not.

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