The human face of "illegals"

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auctionboy":3j8ap1er said:
Hippie rancher, It is nice you trusted this man, but whatever wrong he does here the blame falls on you. People talk about the government failing when everyone here says they would go out of there way to help this man flee from authorities! I hope this man you only assumed was looking for work doesn't rape anyones daughter, you kind hearted person.

Wow. I thought I had it bad for living in a world where I witness suffering and hardship and am not able to help fully. What a sad, frightening world you live in.
Hippie Rancher":1hn94qas said:
auctionboy":1hn94qas said:
Hippie rancher, It is nice you trusted this man, but whatever wrong he does here the blame falls on you. People talk about the government failing when everyone here says they would go out of there way to help this man flee from authorities! I hope this man you only assumed was looking for work doesn't rape anyones daughter, you kind hearted person.

Wow. I thought I had it bad for living in a world where I witness suffering and hardship and am not able to help fully. What a sad, frightening world you live in.
the way you think you would look at some murder in court and say, "He sure does look sad, he should be let go."
Hippy, I know that you think that I am a racist, but I am not. When I was a boy, I worked on different farms and ranches in the San Joaquin Valley of central California. I'm sure you know where that is. On these farms and ranches were many Mexican laborers known as "Brazeros", I use to work with them. They came to the United States to work the fields and orchards.They lived in filthy labor camps supplied by the labor contractor who leased them out for a percent of their pay. In return the were worked like slaves. I don't know what they were given for breakfast, possibly nothing. For lunch they were given a small brown lunch bag with one small bean burrito and a small orange juice. They worked in the hot sun all day long. In my opinion they were treated like some peoples dogs. I got to know many of them personally. For the most they were just like us. Working hard for a dollar. I could tell stories about those days all day long, but no one really cares. Later in life when my kid brother and I were back home after the war, my brother met and married a young college student in this country on a student visa. She was from south of our border. From that marriage there were three children. My brother passed on in December 2001. His wife and children, grand children still live in north west Texas. They all have good jobs and are good tax paying Americans.
Wewild":3kvipk26 said:
Crowderfarms":3kvipk26 said:
I'm not about to do time in Prison to remove lying,cheating, corrupt Politicians from Government.Violent behavior is about the only way they can be removed.

That is purty weak..... Voting? Being educated in the facts to cast an intelligent vote is the answer.
BS. Ya'll have totally mis-interpreted my thoughts.We have been sold down the River.You vote for who you would think is the "man".He gets in office, and things go South in a hurry.This is going on from the smallest towns to the national political level.I've always excercised my right to Vote, as that is still one the few rights we do have.This Country is slowly going down the drain because everything revolves around the dollar, and not what is morally correct. Men and Women have gave up their lives to fight for our freedom, and the way things are going, seems to me we're headed for the History books.

Alice, You need to get out more often and listen to the thoughts of the working folks in the Country and take in some of their thoughts.Turn off Fox and CNN, and hear what really is on the minds of the "common" folks.
Hippie Rancher":qk935ymh said:
Once again I have to see it in person. It is so easy to blame Mexicans for all sorts of problems...but as with all of life there is another side. The human one.
A man just stepped out from behind the barn and asked for some water. He was small and wirey, probably in his early thirties although you might guess much older. The border patrol is swarming all over the place about 3 miles below, vehicles, even the plane is flying around...the man asked for some water and the direction to the next town. I pointed and said about 15 miles, gave him some water, a bag of burritos and an orange. Bet he hasn't eaten in a few days and all the water around here for probably 10 miles is stock ponds (yum). He had a jacket but it froze last night and the night before and will again tonight. He was limping as he headed off.

He said he was from Chihuahua City. I'm planning to be in that area just for a stupid fun trip in April. I bought cheap apples yesterday at the store. I could have given him a shower and a ride. I didn't do it. I feel like crap.

I really hate this stuff.
Don't mind the fact that you fed him, probably would have done the same. But, why didn't you call the boarder patrol? Do you think we should just let anyone into our country with out any kind of background check?
Crowderfarms":10qjexpk said:
Wewild":10qjexpk said:
Crowderfarms":10qjexpk said:
I'm not about to do time in Prison to remove lying,cheating, corrupt Politicians from Government.Violent behavior is about the only way they can be removed.

That is purty weak..... Voting? Being educated in the facts to cast an intelligent vote is the answer.
BS. Ya'll have totally mis-interpreted my thoughts.We have been sold down the River.You vote for who you would think is the "man".He gets in office, and things go South in a hurry.This is going on from the smallest towns to the national political level.I've always excercised my right to Vote, as that is still one the few rights we do have.This Country is slowly going down the drain because everything revolves around the dollar, and not what is morally correct. Men and Women have gave up their lives to fight for our freedom, and the way things are going, seems to me we're headed for the History books.

Alice, You need to get out more often and listen to the thoughts of the working folks in the Country and take in some of their thoughts.Turn off Fox and CNN, and hear what really is on the minds of the "common" folks.

I can see this thread being locked.
But I am gonna to have to say I'm with crowder on this one. The problem being it seems anymore everyone is out for the almighty dollar. Can you look at each individual running for office and tell wheither he or she will be honest when they get in office? I think not.Of course you vote for whom you think is best for the office, but you have no way of knowing if they will fulfill there promises.
The whole thing boils down to noone are held responsible anymore for their cheating,kniving, and lying after getting in to a public office. Seems to me like helping illegle aliens is just adding to the already major problem. Everything has gotten so far out of hand I really don't know the best way to fix it and wonder if anyone else really knows.

The problem I have with most that come over is they do not want to be Americans. Watch a rally and all the Mexican flags flying, if it was so great why did they leave. Illegals are not paying there fair shair and sticking out there hands for our milk and honey we Americans are paying for.
Why do I have to pay for there medical,food stamps, or educate there children they are here illegally.
Americans are being Mexico's welfare system while Americans struggle to get benifits that are passed out like candy to the illegal.
The key word is they are illegal.
Caustic Burno":2l5i81z3 said:
The key word is they are illegal.

This in itself should tell you they are a criminal,breaking our law and should be held accountable as well as anyone helping a criminal. I don't think for a minute if I was hungery and robbed a grocery store for something to eat the law would just ignore it. Illegal is just plain Illegal no matter how you want to try to sugar coat it.Helping someone in need is one thing but helping someone break our laws is totally a different thing.

I am not opposed to the immigrant worker, as long as they enter our country legally. This country was founded on immigration the difference is those immigrants wanted to be Americans.
We are being invaded from the south it is that simple, my blood boils when you call the local utility company and it says press one for English. It boils again when stores like Lowes intercom systems brodcast in Spainish I refuse to buy there products because of this.
They are many people in this country of Mexican Heritage just like my favorite DIL the difference is she will tell you right quick she is an American.
I would have gave him a drink of water, maybe something to eat, but i would have held him by gun point until the border patrol got there . They are illegals, stealing from our people, our children, our grandchildren. The weak blooded candy a$$es that help them on this side of the border should be locked up also.
We have been sold down the River.You vote for who you would think is the "man".He gets in office, and things go South in a hurry.This is going on from the smallest towns to the national political level.I've always excercised my right to Vote, as that is still one the few rights we do have.This Country is slowly going down the drain because everything revolves around the dollar...

Crowder, on this I agree, more than you know. What I cannot agree on is the idea that I think I'm reading in your statements about violence. Are you actually talking about an armed revolution? Maybe I've misinterpreted, and if I have, I apologize, and if I haven't, then I say again, I find that's something I could not condone.

The scary part is the country I love so dearly is in deep trouble IMO. We are as fractured or more so since 1860. We have lost our moral and legal compass.
Caustic Burno":37bjoxhx said:
The problem I have with most that come over is they do not want to be Americans. Watch a rally and all the Mexican flags flying, if it was so great why did they leave. Illegals are not paying there fair shair and sticking out there hands for our milk and honey we Americans are paying for.
Why do I have to pay for there medical,food stamps, or educate there children they are here illegally.
Americans are being Mexico's welfare system while Americans struggle to get benifits that are passed out like candy to the illegal.
The key word is they are illegal.

WELL SAID!!! :clap:

They don't want to be Americans, they want us to adapt to their culture and language. We have immigration laws and they don't follow them, what about illegal do most people not understand. We can't go to Mexico and do what they are doing and get by with it. I know a few people that have came here from other countries and went thru the process, whick took years, and they get really upset at the people that do it illegally. I am afraid that we are headed downhill fast.
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