The day is finally here

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
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Well I'm going tomorrow to buy some steers. They are Limousin and I've talked with the farmer about 5 times in the last week and feel pretty good. I still have the mindset if I get there and don't like what I see I'll get back in the truck and drive home. They are due for their 2nd round of vaccinations which he said he would do tomorrow and worm them (I'll help him) so I can just turn them out when I get them back to their new home. We still live in a subdivision so the neighbors really appreciate the nice smelling cattle trailer in front of the house. Also, the land owner where I'm putting them has been great and very encouraging/helpful. Besides grass they will be getting this feed as well. Hey, how bout that front yard? It's small but looks good, the back is bigger and looks the same. Sorry, I'm bragging. But we are really looking forward to getting a home on some acreage.


Congrats tncattle, I have fed a few tons of Brutons special till I switched over to Supreme 16 the boys and girls are pretty nice over at CPC.
Congrats Bruce, I know you have been looking forward to this for over a year. Stick to your plan and you won't get buyers remorse.

How's the new baby and mom doing?

Hope all is well...
Congratultions! :clap: :clap: :clap:

edit: Nice yard btw. Prolly won't look that good much longer now that you getting into the cattle business. :D You won't have so much free time. So they tell me.
lawn (noun) def: Waste of pasture.

Forget the lawn, I like that trailer. I'd love to have an open pipe trailer to use in the summer, ours is so hot on the animals.
I only have a minute but I got 5 Limo steers average about 750 pds. I'm very happy with them, it's been a long day so more tomorrow. They were about 75 miles from me.
Congratulations! I can still remember the excitement of the first group of cattle. And even subsequent groups after that! You could clean your trailer out on that nice lawn.. that would make it grow nice.
I went to feed this morning and was like a worried parent because we had lightning storms last night. They were all there with the other cows, steers, heifers they are with. Out of my 5, two of them ate really good, 2 more ate fair and the biggest one kind of pouted and went back and forth from feed bunk to feed bunk. I guess it was a rude welcome on their first night at a new place to have big thunderstorms. I think they are doing OK and just feeling things out.
congrats on getting your 1st 5 steers.youve waited along time to get cattle.if the neighbors dont like the cattle trailer in front of the house.tell them to buy you out so you can move to the country.
Here is one of the boys at feed time. I call em boys since their manhood was taken from them!


Hanging out in the shade

I didn't buy em to show, I bought em to eat and sell as beef. They were in the area where there is shade. It was middle of the day and hot/humid.
Looks like the steer is pretty muscled to me. I like his rear. Wouldn't mind finishing him out for the freezer.
TNC - I know you must be proud! You've waited a long time to get some cattle and I'm real proud for you. Best wishes on your venture and I hope everything works out for you just like you've planned.
Tnc, I like the idea of what your doing. And I say good for you, and you got some good beef there. 8)