Texas Lawsuit Imminent

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Cheerleader's family to sue school district
Teen was cut from junior varsity team and family claims unfairness
July 12, 2007 - Posted at 12:00 a.m.
YORKTOWN - The attorney for the Billy Fischer family, whose daughter was cut from the Yorktown High School junior varsity cheerleading squad, says her clients have no other option but to sue the school district.

"At this point we are planning on going forward with a lawsuit," said Lisa Duke of the San Antonio law firm of Anderson and Duke. "We have not filed the paperwork yet, but we will soon."

Incoming freshman Wycoda Fischer was cut after tryouts were held for six positions on the squad. Seven girls tried out. The family contends that because an exception was made for the varsity cheer squad, nine girls were allowed on instead of the eight called for in the high school's cheerleader constitution, that an exception should also be made for allowing Wycoda on the squad. The high school principal and cheerleading sponsor approved the expanded JV squad, but superintendent Deborah Kneese ordered tryouts.

The Fischers, Billy and Wysenda, took their grievance to the school board on Monday, but the board upheld the superintendent's decision with a 5-1-1 vote.

According to testimony during the grievance hearing, the varsity was expanded to nine members because the sponsor made a mistake and told eight of the cheer candidates they had made the squad and there would be no tryouts, because it was believed the ninth candidate had withdrawn. She had not, and was allowed on the squad.

Kneese told the school board, "There was an error with regard to the varsity cheerleading tryouts. The decision was made to allow nine cheerleaders on the squad despite the provision in the constitution. The district was not going to penalize the student for its own error. No such mistake was made during the JV tryouts. The mistake concerning the varsity squad has no bearing on the JV squad."

The Fischers' attorney disagrees.

"The school district nor the superintendent has offered a satisfactory explanation as to why Wycoda was singled out," said Duke. "We have no other option but to move forward with the lawsuit."
3MR":3lumrwfv said:
Thats ridiculous. I wish I had money to spend on stupid stuff.

These kinds of lawsuits would end if the suing party had to pay all court costs and expenses for both parties if he/she did not prevail.
3MR":2h01i1ap said:
Thats ridiculous. I wish I had money to spend on stupid stuff.

Don't you remember the Wanda Holloway case? Wanda is the woman that tried to hire a hit man to kill the mother of a girl who made the cheerleading squad of a Texas high school (don't remember which one)...instead of Wanda's daughter.

High school football and their cheerleaders are serious stuff here in Texas... :lol: And you dang sure don't wanna tick off the mothers of these kids! :shock:

Alice":8ddcj2pp said:
3MR":8ddcj2pp said:
Thats ridiculous. I wish I had money to spend on stupid stuff.

Don't you remember the Wanda Holloway case? Wanda is the woman that tried to hire a hit man to kill the mother of a girl who made the cheerleading squad of a Texas high school (don't remember which one)...instead of Wanda's daughter.

High school football and their cheerleaders are serious stuff here in Texas... :lol: And you dang sure don't wanna tick off the mothers of these kids! :shock:


Makes it kinda hard to take Texas people serious then. :shock:

Makes you wonder what the next generation will be like. :roll:
MikeC":1gb4t8wu said:
Makes it kinda hard to take Texas people serious then. :shock:

Why, suh, you wouldn't be referrin' ta our past guv'nah now, would ya'? :shock:

Alice":1hmpdrxu said:
MikeC":1hmpdrxu said:
Makes it kinda hard to take Texas people serious then. :shock:

Why, suh, you wouldn't be referrin' ta our past guv'nah now, would ya'? :shock:


Nope. Just the people who condone these ridiculous lawsuits that are a waste of taxpayer resources.
Alice":7ld4orjs said:
3MR":7ld4orjs said:
Thats ridiculous. I wish I had money to spend on stupid stuff.

Don't you remember the Wanda Holloway case? Wanda is the woman that tried to hire a hit man to kill the mother of a girl who made the cheerleading squad of a Texas high school (don't remember which one)...instead of Wanda's daughter.

High school football and their cheerleaders are serious stuff here in Texas... :lol: And you dang sure don't wanna tick off the mothers of these kids! :shock:


I remembered it and htought about mentioning it, but decided I had been hard enough on you good Texicans lately and decided to let sleeping dogs lie. :lol:

High school football and cheerleading is big time here as well, but if someone here dosnt make it they just try harder next time.

I can see that girl in the workforce some day. She sues her employer becasue someone else makes more money than her. After all its not her fault they were better than her.
Cheerleaders and "Cheermoms" need to get a life! After all, it is only a "game" and there is life after High School... however, some don't think so...

However, egos and popularity issues are difficult to deal with...
Nope. Just the people who condone these ridiculous lawsuits that are a waste of taxpayer resources.[/quote]

When you have a Judge trying to sue a Mom & Pop laundry for 54 million dollars over a pair of lost slacks it is easy to see the mind set of some of these people. He lost the suit and may end up loosing his Judgeship because of the law suit. I think that would be appropriate!
There are school around here where every girl, and boy, I guess, gets to be a cheerleader if she/he wants. Thirty people to a squad!

I am not a bit suprised because it happens all the time. Usually, the school will just put the extra girl on the squad to avoid all the fuss. At the high school where I work, the really popular girls don't want to do that stuff anymore.

That is what is happening to our kids. We have raised them to expect trophies for showing up. We have taught them that the minimal effort deserves praise, and everyone makes the team so no one's feelings get hurt. I have seen it a lot of kids raised by my generation. I have tried not to be like that, but every time either of my sons played a sport when they were, say, under 12, they came away with a trophy even if they didn't win a game all season!

These kids, when they grow up, dont make very good employees.

That isn't all kids certainly. I know of some really good young people who are very responsible, bright and talented. They usually have responsible parents who would say "try again next year" if Judy didn't make the squad.
if they sue and win, will the school have to pick up the bill? if so wont that take away funding for other things that girl should be doing in her more important thing, Academic Education. Don't these parents see this could damage the school.
My Daughter went to dance school when she was little, and I hated all those Mothers who pushed their daughters and wanted to live their life again through them. I let mine go for fun and as soon as she was ready to finish she did, no way was I making her do something. Except go to regular school and encouraged her to do well there, she went to University and came out with a 2.1 degree so she did good.
If they sue and win, which they will not because a judge won't let them, then the school will let the girl on the squad, in addition to any other girl who wants in in the future. Pretty soon there will be thirty girls on the squad.

It cuts down on the quality of the team, as cheerleading is a sport around here, and it will make the other girls depise the girl who started it. Schools won't stand their ground against this sort of thing. I have seen school make these kinds of kids the mascot or something, but that usually won't satisfy Mom, who wanted to see her daughter get out there and shake her groove thing.

Senn it happen with a dance team. End result? How shall I say? Out of shape girls you don't want to see in spandex because it is no longer cool to be there.
It wouldn't bother me to see schools go strictly with pep squads that sit in the stands and yell thru out the game. The cheerleaders have become an annoying distraction with their dumb "cheers," and their provocative little dances in their ever shrinking little uniforms are embarrassing.

And the fact that it has become a competitive "sport" is ridiculous. Basketball, tennis, baseball, track, rugby, etc. are sports. Cheerleading? C'mon! Plus, more and more little girls are being seriously hurt, crippled, and killed each year with this "sport."

I wonder if colleges will start offering degrees in cheerleading. Imagine, looking at a resume that said Education: Bachelor of Science in Cheerleading. :roll:

Lammie it happened at my high school after I graduated. They were forced to let a real heavy girl on the majorettes squad. From what I heard from people it was not a pretty sight.

Has anybody else heard that song "It was a Different World" I don't remember the singer, but he did say," Not everybody make the team when they tried, but we turned out alright."
Maybe those invoved in the lawsuit should hear it and see how stupid they look.
It was not much different in sports either. In Jr. High the girls had to run an 8 minute mile to be on the team. I couldn't believe the flack the school caught over that.

When your daughter plays college ball, she is on the team with players who were the star of their HS Team. The parents scream about wanting their daughters in the game and off the bench. You name it, its been said.

I once saw a brawl over a Girl's Jr. High basketball game. I couldn't believe it.
chrisy":2f0ri9of said:
if they sue and win, will the school have to pick up the bill? if so wont that take away funding for other things that girl should be doing in her more important thing, Academic Education. Don't these parents see this could damage the school.
My Daughter went to dance school when she was little, and I hated all those Mothers who pushed their daughters and wanted to live their life again through them. I let mine go for fun and as soon as she was ready to finish she did, no way was I making her do something. Except go to regular school and encouraged her to do well there, she went to University and came out with a 2.1 degree so she did good.

Chrisy - What is a 2.1 degree?

I agree, parents should encourage their kids, but not try and live vicariously through them.

I dont think it will damage the school because they would actually have to sue the school system, not the school individually. I imagine the school system has lawyers on retainer. Regardless, I doubt these kind of people actually care how their actions affect the rest of the world.

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