Talked to a wonderful person today...

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Ryder":3n0asvk0 said:
OK, I'll bite. What is a lolllipop kid?

Wizard of OZZ song.

A movie I loath above all others BTW.........and I am facinated with little people.
I would like to own a small herd of them but they are prone to disposition issues.

Imagine if you will what an elevator ride is like for them.

Actually we have on in the family, who is a year younger than me. You cannot begin to imagine the trouble he caused for himself and me growing up.
3waycross":12v4b5zy said:
I would like to own a small herd of them but they are prone to disposition issues.

Imagine if you will what an elevator ride is like for them.

Actually we have on in the family, who is a year younger than me. You cannot begin to imagine the trouble he caused for himself and me growing up.
One time a big, tall green beret type told me he didn't like little people. He was talking about normal sized smaller people--not real little , little people.
I'm not real big myself and didn't know what to think about this. I asked him why, and he said,"Every time there is some kind of trouble, some little person started it."

It got me to thinking back over things I have seen and I know his statement is not 100per cent accurate, but I think to a large extent what he said had a lot of truth to it.

If this is true concerning regular size litle people, then real little, little people could be a real trouble issue.

(Disclaimer: The above is not meant in any way to suggest or infer discrimination of any kind concerning another person. Little, big, real little, or even smokers.)

Addendum: I am a lot bigger now than I was when I smoked. I don't think that is a good thing. :(
Maybe you are just not tall enough for how wide you are Ryder.

Measure yourself in the mornings you are taller when you first get out of bed.

I have also started on Pilates and they say that people would comment on me being taller. That hasn't happened yet!!!
Jo it is good of you to take time out and talk to this old man.who I must say sounds very interesting......I used to have an old neighbor who used to tell me stories of his time on board ship during the first war, and inbetween the wars, he retired before the second one. He was a lovely man although stubborn and a bit pig headed would not except any help, once while out shopping I bumped into him (not literally) and offered to take his heavy bags back to the house on the pram but he refused, just before home he fell and broke his hip and that was the begining of the end for him, his daughter told me he said he wished he had taken my offer of help, I wish he had to.
chrisy":2psi28ga said:
He was a lovely man although stubborn and a bit pig headed would not except any help, once while out shopping I bumped into him (not literally) and offered to take his heavy bags back to the house on the pram but he refused, just before home he fell and broke his hip and that was the begining of the end for him,

Chrisy, I think these traits were common in this generation. We have sort of adopted a lady from this generation and people who don't know us better think she is part of the family. (She is but not by blood) It amazes me how much knowledge she has. For example, I once was reading a book on welding and she asked me what I was doing and I told her my dilema. She quickly explained how to overcome the problem and how to do it properly. I was shocked and asked her how she knew. She laughed and said she welded victory ships during the second war. :shock: Every day I spend with her I learn more about her and am more impressed by her. She is an amazing person and I'm sure your friend would have loved meeting her as they sound like two peas in a pod. She recently broke her hip too and I don't think her stubborness is going to win out of the years. And I too told her not to do what led to the hip.
Suzie Q":1wjai875 said:
Maybe you are just not tall enough for how wide you are Ryder.

Measure yourself in the mornings you are taller when you first get out of bed.

I have also started on Pilates and they say that people would comment on me being taller. That hasn't happened yet!!!
I think bucking off rodeo bulls and landing on my head maybe squshed me down.
If that Pilates works, let me know. I don't want folks thinking I am one of those little trouble makers. :(

Chiropractor put me on a table and hooked straps on me and tried to stretch me to fix my back. Didn't do any good..
What a lovely person to know Jogeephus.

I too have landed on my head. At least twice off the same horse. Once in canter - he was knew and other riders started galloping for home. I tried to stop him, but he only turned his head and went down on his knees in a ditch he couldn't see.

The other was on loose rein at a walk. He trippped, went down, came up for a sec and then flipped and my head hit first, he ploughed me about 6 foot across the ground. I was knocked unconscious and don't remember. I hate to think what would have happened if I wasn't wearing a helmet.

There were probably others I can't think of at the moment.

Pilates worked for me Ryder. Never in my whole life have I ever been able to touch my toes. Not ever and nowhere near.

This video is pilates, yoga and ballet combined. You do the whole thing lying on a mat. It teaches you how to stretch and I used to do an aerobic video daily with stretching and never improved.

3 days. 3 DAYS and I could touch my toes. 2 days after that my lower leg was stronger in the saddle. 3 days after that my upper body was better in the saddle.

Then I stopped riding for a couple of years. Went to a lesson and I was thrown in with the advanced for an hours lesson.

Not one bit of pain from not having ridden. I lasted 45 minutes before starting to tire a little but I did last the lesson, rising trot the whole time. Pilates does that - you no longer have aches and pains. However I wore jeans and wore the skin off my legs and that hurt.
Pilates worked for me Ryder. Never in my whole life have I ever been able to touch my toes. Not ever and nowhere near.

This video is pilates, yoga and ballet combined. You do the whole thing lying on a mat. It teaches you how to stretch and I used to do an aerobic video daily with stretching and never improved.

3 days. 3 DAYS and I could touch my toes. 2 days after that my lower leg was stronger in the saddle. 3 days after that my upper body was better in the saddle.

Then I stopped riding for a couple of years. Went to a lesson and I was thrown in with the advanced for an hours lesson.

Not one bit of pain from not having ridden. I lasted 45 minutes before starting to tire a little but I did last the lesson, rising trot the whole time. Pilates does that - you no longer have aches and pains. However I wore jeans and wore the skin off my legs and that hurt.
Suzie Q
Suzie, you just got my attention. I assume this Pilates is suitable for men, right.
I just may have to look into this.
Suzie Q":3h9y15al said:
I would say great for men. They work your abdominal muscles.

Also better for men as it makes sex better for women.....................................!!!!!!!!!!!
:eek: :shock: pilates will have a lot of women in the class now,,,,where's the next one?????? :help: :oops:
We don't go to class. I bought a video from a cheap shop.

Jennifer Kries - there are 2 work outs. One about 10 minutes for daily and the other with both together is about an hour. As I said all done lying on a mat. I did put in on DVD so as we can start it where we want.

Now I walk down to my neighbour which is about 1 km or so, and back up afterwards. One day I walk down there and then we walk up to our next neighbour which is about the same distance but a lot steeper. We usually only do the 10 minute work out now as our lives are much busier and it has gone from 5 days a week to 3 days a week, with different things being done.

There are big differences between now just doing the 10 minute 3 times a week to when I used to do the hour work out daily.
WOW what a great post :D
One heck of a good story and a new work out to boot. Only on cattle today can you have such luck.
Jogeephus please keep us posted on your frequent visits to your new friend. I just love hearing life stories like that, thanks for the pic's the kids just loved seeing her hanging upside down holding onto all those people. It's just to unreal to believe without those pic's.
thanks again ;-)