Swollen alternate legs

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PetCow Mum

New member
Aug 19, 2005
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Mangrove Mtn, Australia
I posted previously thinking my 3 year old pet hereford steer had BVD. Test came back clear -- not BVD! Thank goodness. But vet does not know WHY front left knee and upper leg, and opposite entire back right leg are badly swollen (both 3 times the size) - and cow doesn't want to walk (obviously).
Have been through 3 rounds of strong penecillin & ant-inflamtory for supposed "septicemia" - absolutely no improvement at all. Running a temperature but eating normally and processing normally? Seems happy when off his feet. I'm in Australia, home of poisonous snakes and spiders - although no obvious signs of any lacerations. All feet pink & swollen 10 days ago - feet have now gone down, but 2 legs (mentioned above) continue to stay badly swollen no change. Foams at mouth a little while eating - but eats. Condition deteriorating - losing weight. On lucerne (alphalfa?) hay diet now as drought here has burnt off all green grass (even though this is our so-called "rainy" season). Swollen legs for almost 3 weeks now.
Pet cow - herd of two!! Want to save!!! Any ideas?
Well, as I understand it you folks have almost no snakes that do not carry poison and darned near every spider can either make you sick or kill you.

If there is no obvious sign of injury, I would think it is time for a biopsy. Also time for some additional blood work. I would suspect the last blood test did nothing more than determine whether or not it was BVD. Now it is time for some exploratory work.

It is also time for you to call in some second opinions - you're going to have to spend a few bucks. Another vet and perhaps a visit to the nearest veterinary college. They will provide direction as to what your local vet might need to "collect" for their laboratory.

Pick up the phone and call the college - distances are not an issue here - just the price of a call. I have used various colleges over the past 20 years and found them to be an excellent source of advice. They also tend to be very, very reasonable when it comes to charging for their services.

The students generally do the work under the eyes of the staff. In our case the work was above reproach and certainly was of a higher standard than that which would have been completed on the farm - understandable, as the most up to date equipment and the most modern facilities beat my handling system hands down.

So it will be Monday there within a few short hours - actually I suspect it is about 0300 Monday there as I write - make the calls and then get back and tell us what has transpired.

If you do not know where to go - get back to me - PM or otherwise - I have a friend at University of Adelaide - who is a research Doctor in microbiology - she will assist in direction to find a vet college if you have no luck.

The one thime we had to treat septicemia it took a motnh with double doeses of long acting pen every other day before we saw a real improvment. May take the same for the swelling/edema that you have.
