Steer swelling below both eyes, discharge...What is it?

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Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
Southern Illinois
Got a 9 month holstein steer, wanting to lay around a lot, what looks to be swelling below the eyes with a little discharge. When we bring feed to him, he gobbles it up. He will get up to go get water and lay down again. Seems awful stiff when he gets up, almost like he is arthritic. Anyone have any ideas? Originally thought he just pulled a muscle or tendon in one of his front legs, but now after seeing the discharge from his eyes, feel it is something else. Any help would be appreciated.

Have you had the vet out to look at him?
He is not feeling well if he just pretty much laying around. It sounds like pink eye to me, but not seeing him I can't tell.
Call the vet.
Hard to diagnose online, but it sounds a lot like Mycoplasma Bovis. M Bovis can settle in ears, eyes, lungs and joints. Its a nasty critter and take lots of treatment. The only antibiotics that M Bovis is suceptible to are Nuflor and Draxxin. You have to have a prescription for them, hence call the Vet and get his diagnosis.

I would give 6cc/100# of nuflor every 3 days until symptoms go away. This may take 2-3 weeks if it is M Bovis. Also some Banamine wil help reduce lung damage and swelling. Don't give Banamine too many times or you can have intestinal problems. Also give some Probios to help maintain necessary digestive bacteria.

Bottom line-take the calf to the Vet immediately.
Thanks to those that responded. Had already called the vet to come out this morning. I'm not in a real big cattle area here so our vets don't have much exposure to the various illnesses we come across with cattle. Like to have my bases covered and get others insight.

Will try to remember and update and tell everyone what it is according to the vet.


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