Right or wrong, we have been running our beef calves out on pasture with supplemental feed until the last 3-4 months before process date and then putting them in a lot and gradually upping their feed, and leaving them free choice hay.
They have ranged in age from 13-18 months, mostly steers but a couple have been bulls. Meat has been well marbled, ours has been good and feedback from others has been positive.
If I change anything, I think that wintering them like our heifers or bulls, is not helping to achieve maximum growth potential and probably should push them a little more to hopefully get a little more growth and yield. Hanging weights have ranged from 520- 820 with the 2 bulls being the oldest and heaviest, and a 13 month old steer being the lightest at 520.
The rest are steers that have been 15-16 months and have been from 560-720 hanging weight.