Spring Estrus Behavior

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2011
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Kentucky, Outer Bluegrass
Dun, you had a thread on here about the odd behavior you are having with spring calvers. Same here. I had one cow that walked the fence line with the neighbor's cows. I am sure she was in estrus because she was separated from the herd and acting moody. I watched her off-and-on all day thinking she was in the early stages of estrus and more action was on the way to base my AI on. It didn't come and I missed her. Last evening, I was happy to see another cow in estrus. She was chalked. A three month old bull calf was on her azz everywhere she went. She tried to mount a couple of the other cows but they wanted nothing to do with it. Her tail was covered with mucus. I bred her at 6 am this morning. This morning she still had her tail chalk except at the tail head where I assume the three month old calf was able to reach. She was producing mucus and her cervix had good tone. I got a first calf heifer that is over 60 days post-partum that has not come in. I am planning on going to the vet tomorrow and set her up on a CIDR. First time I have resorted to that.
A couple of days ago we had a heifer that was chinnning but nobody would mount her and she didn;t try to mount anyone. Decided, screw it, turned her in with the bull. He followed her around for a while then she stood and he bred her. The next morning at first light he had no interest in her and she was back to acting normal.
Yes here in Missouri this time of year that is about all the heat we get. I was told and I think its true DO NOT AI in Missouri after June 1.
We preg checked one that was bred four months I had heat patches on all the heifers she was orange the next morning. Two more were orange turned bull out and he bred two others that were not orange go figure and go crazy.
Just learned some feed companies have to much bacteria in the corn and corn processed feed that cause cattle not to come in heat or get bred.. Ask your feed company and another company about that.
Brand":qecwege7 said:
Yes here in Missouri this time of year that is about all the heat we get. I was told and I think its true DO NOT AI in Missouri after June 1.
We preg checked one that was bred four months I had heat patches on all the heifers she was orange the next morning. Two more were orange turned bull out and he bred two others that were not orange go figure and go crazy.
Just learned some feed companies have to much bacteria in the corn and corn processed feed that cause cattle not to come in heat or get bred.. Ask your feed company and another company about that.
In "normal" years we don;t have any problem getting cows/heifers to settle to AI till around the first of July. This year the weather has been so weird, it's affected the plants AND the cows. Probably affected a lot of other stuff that I'm not aware of.
I have had problems in TN as well. Had three patched this week. They were set up on the 7 day schedule. No rub marks at all. I did notice the night before AI one was cranky and moved away from others. Was set to AI the next night. I checked them multiple times the next day and finally caught the one that was cranky sniffing of one of the others and the cranky one attempted a mount . The cow she was sniffing would have nothing to do with her. At AI time when the rod was removed she dropped a nice amount of discharge. Not having any chinning or riding makes it tough.