Do you have other calves? would be concerned about the blood. Several diseases could cause blood to be in the stool. Ruth
> Hopefully someone who really knows
> something will answer your post,
> meanwhile here is what a book of
> mine says: * Replace liquids give
> a quart of warm water by
> esophegeal feeder every six to
> eight hours. You can add
> electrolyte or homemeade
> elecrolyte mix (1/2 t salt, 1/2 t
> lite salt, and if critically ill
> 1/2 t baking soda). Add powdered
> sugar if he is weak. *You can also
> add 2 to 4 oz kaopectate to soothe
> the gut and slow down diarrhea or
> adult dose of liuid pepto bismol *
> It mentions to get a good liquid
> antibiotic from your vet.
> * It says if you catch scours
> early you can give a neomycin
> sulfate solution in a syringe to
> squirt in the back of the claf's
> mouth. Use 1cc per 40 pounds of
> weight.
> This is taken from a book on
> calves by Heather Smith Thomas.
> Hope someone else gives you the
> real deal on treating scours, but
> maybe some of these interventions
> will give you a start. Good luck
> to you and your little one.
[email protected]