Shop Heaters

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Sep 8, 2005
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My cousin and I both have 40x64 pole barn shops with poor insulation (bubblewrap under the metal roof and sides), 14-16' eaves and no ceilings currently. We were talking about options the other night for some sort of heat in them, and both like the idea of propane heating - either Modine style heaters or some sort of infrared style. I've been reading about the infrared tube style heaters and they've got my curiosity up. We have reasonable expectations, 50F would be great when it's 20-30F outside and they'll only be ran when someone is in the shop working.

Anyone here have something similar, or words of advice what to avoid?

Do you remember our workshop? We just use the old fireplace from the original house we dozed and there's a propane tank outside. Keeps it pretty warm and will sometimes use a small fan to blow the heat around the entire shop. We added an addition for all the tractors, machinery, etc. a few years back and just keep the door closed. Bonus: if I have a cold calf, I'll plop it in front of the fireplace on lots of bedding.
Do you remember our workshop? We just use the old fireplace from the original house we dozed and there's a propane tank outside. Keeps it pretty warm and will sometimes use a small fan to blow the heat around the entire shop. We added an addition for all the tractors, machinery, etc. a few years back and just keep the door closed. Bonus: if I have a cold calf, I'll plop it in front of the fireplace on lots of bedding.
That's a good use of what you have on hand. What type of propane heater do you have in the fireplace?
This is the latest technology for heating chicken houses - called "quad" heaters.
Does yours have an outside exhaust at the end of the radiant tube? Happen to remember the name brand?

My dad has two of the tube style in his 40x60 shop. They heat up in no time. His are vented to the outside. They're efficient enough that they don't have to be, but birds built nests in the open end when he unhooked them so they hooked them back up to the outside vent.
I bought one of these for $250 this fall. Works great. I turn it on, build a fire in the wood furnace, and turn off the gas when it gets up to temp. The propane will work stand alone as well. 30x56. 14 ft sidewalls.
My shop is 24 x 24 with a 14 foot eve. Metal siding and roof with not a bit of insolation. I have an old Blaze King wood stove in there. It is a long ways from air tight too. Both the stove and the shop. If I seriously want to warm the place up before working in there I build a fire first thing in the morning and plan on working in there in the afternoon. General maintenance type projects just don't happen this time of year unless the weather is unusually warm.
This is the latest technology for heating chicken houses - called "quad" heaters.
Any rough idea as to cost of a single unit? The literature references heating a 40x60 area with a single unit which would suit me, I just can't find any pricing online.
Any rough idea as to cost of a single unit? The literature references heating a 40x60 area with a single unit which would suit me, I just can't find any pricing online.
Not sure of a price. I know someone that is converting their chicken houses to quad heaters. I will ask them when I see them if they know the equipment price for a single unit.
Make sure to check with your insurance company before installing any sort of furnace.

Local guy lost his shop and a couple of pieces of equipment from a wood stove fire. Insurance company didn't pay a dime. My insurance company won't insure my shop if I put in a wood stove either.
I've installed many tube heaters, Reznor and Schwank are the nicest, but with the price of LP I wouldn't want to heat a not so well insulated barn that way.
I use a cleanburn waste oil heater, they're reasonable price, usually only need 240v have a low amp draw, and throw some serious heat. And the fuel is free.
If you don't go through enough oil, #2 heating oil (AKA off-road diesel) works too.

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