Selling Cows tomorrow

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kenny thomas

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2008
Reaction score
SW tip of Virginia
Well the time has came that I must sell a portion of my cows. I am selling 40 cows tomorrow night at a special cow sale. I will have another colon operation later this winter and want to be sure I can graze all winter without feeding hay. That way no matter the outcome of the operation or how long the recovery is all I will have to do is ride by and look at the cows. I will sell around 50 calves right after the first of the year also to get by the tax man. Its hard to sell for any reason other than culling. Have never done it before for any other reason.
If im better next summer I will make cows bring high in this area. I always have anyway but this time I will have empty farms with lots of grass. Wish me well.
May you have the Midas touch of luck for your sale, and God's touch to bless you and see you through your surgery! Best wishes KT
Sorry to hear that you are having to sell of part of your herd Kenny. I hope they bring top dollar for you at the sale. Hopefully you'll have a quick recovery and be able to build back up your numbers as you like.
Good luck Kenny, we will be praying for your cow sale and your health.

Here junk pairs have been bringing around 2000$ and nice ones 2500$ and even a little higher. There's a special here Saturday, but it's deer season and I figure they will be so high I can't reach them.
Kenny, best wishes to you for both your health and the cattle sale. I have been through the experience myself.

I sold down in 2003 for my heart surgery. Only kept my coming 2 yr old heifers and heifer calves. Was also dealing with drought and water was severely limited back then before pipelines. Had a good neighbor who kept things together for me until I recovered in the spring.

2012 brought failing health again so I sold my cattle for good and also my home place. I still do some haying and that's about it for ranch work. Being on oxygen is a PIA but better than the alternative.

Kept one steer to butcher for a guy. About a year overdue now I'm hauling that steer to the locker for him next week. Would have done things a bit different if I was still in the business myself. Would have just ate the steer myself and saved another one back for him.
good luck on selling your cows an up coming surgey.if you cant buy cattle back next summer maybe you can buy some equipment you really need,
I wish you the best on those cows Kenny! It would be great if a young farmer could make up a nice set of start-up cows out of those girls of yours, at a good auction price for you!
Sure hate to hear that hope that everything goes well with your health and hope the cows sale good, we're are they going to be sold at? I would like to pick up some good cows
Prayers for you and your family.I don' t know what its like to be where you are but we are both the same age.I hae had to downsize in the past but for other
reasons so I do know something of that.
Happy Anniversary! Five years a member today.
Wow, I had not even noticed I had been here 5 years. Some of my best friends are people I have met on here.
Ended up selling 30 cows last night. They ranged from 3 years old to old as the hills. They sold good for this area. Highest bred cow was $1675 and highest pair was $2100. Gonna sell another 50 head, calves included after Jan 1. I gotta get by the tax man somehow.