Scour vaccine

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Jun 5, 2014
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Who out there does or does not vaccinate their cows to help prevent scour problems w calves? Why or why not? Thanks
I use Calf-Gard. It is a Bovine Rota-Coronavirus Vaccine (MVL). You can choose oral vaccination of newborn calves or IM vaccination of pregnant cows. I prefer the vaccination of the cow. I do it for the obvious reason; prevent calf scours and break the cycle/pathway of the viruses in my herd. I have not had a single case, minor or major, since I started vaccinating almost three years ago.
I have used Calf Guard orally in my newborn calves for 15 years. (As recommended by a vet back then.) I have not had a case of scours yet.
Have used Calf-Guard for several years. Many neighbors do not. Rotavirus was really bad this spring and know neighbor 2 miles north lost several calves when more than 30 got sick. Vet was there continually and cultured it and told me it was rotavirus. Dead calves and lots of sleepless nights, just to save 4 bucks a calf. Those dead calves altogether would be worth at least 10k here this fall. They were big Simmental calves, so probably more.

Some like to brag about how little they spend on vaccines, etc. - not me.
I use Scour-Gard, given to the cow about 8 weeks before calving, works very nicely.
about 18 years ago we lost about 3 calves and had about 8 more sick out of 20, it was a misery! Since we've vaccinated, we've had maybe a case every 5 years, and most of those were weak calves that didn't get much colostrum.

It's the only vaccine I use, I have a pretty isolated herd that doesn't get to rub noses with any strange cows.. I would vaccinate with 7 way if I had shared fencelines or close neighbors... As Aaron said, 1 loss would pay for years and years of vaccine.
Not bragging, but I don't. Haven't needed it since I quit fooling with dairy bottle calves nearly 20 years ago.
Only vaccines my adult cows get is a 5-way Lepto+HB on a yearly basis, and a booster of polyvalent Clostridial bacterin/toxoid every 3 years or so.
Closed herd with no fenceline contact with other cattle. No introductions in the last 18 years, except for one purchased bull 10 years ago. Anything that leaves the farm never comes back.
If I was regularly buying in new stock, or had fenceline contact with other cattle, I *might* do CalfGuard (oral rota/corona), but I've not had anything other than milk scours that have not required any treatment - just watching - in so long that I can't remember.
A couple of years ago we had a "scour storm" in 2 pastures. Started giving calves born in those pastures the oral calfguard and haven;t had a scouring calf since.

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