Sad morning

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Named'em Tamed'em

Well-known member
Dec 8, 2012
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Wet-side Washington St.
I was a little worried when the Border Collie wasn't on the porch ready for breakfast this morning. I looked everywhere she could be stuck, nope. Dog pound called and said they had her and she's been hit by a car and paralyzed and was getting pain relief. She had to be put down, really hit me when I put her scoop of food back. She loved to go to town. Eleven years Eleven days RIP Claire 😢20220507_211445.jpg20220502_124451.jpg
Oh I am so sorry for your loss… heartbreaking. I hope and pray that you find comfort in the years that you had with her. She was beautiful!
So sorry for your loss! Tough to lose an animal especially when it's at your side everyday/night. We had to put down our border collie (rescued) last year. She had cancer and could hardly walk, but still wanted to go everywhere with me. So yes, a sad day indeed, may Claire RIP! 🙏
That's no beuno. Is she sleeping with a cat in that pic? We've got a dog that torures a cat all day then they sleep togeter at night.
I'm so sorry. They go everywhere with you, and you get closer too them than a family member. It truly is a loss when they're gone.
So sorry she was pretty, had to put a horse down Sunday she was a pet and man did it hurt. I feel your pain.
So sorry about Claire. I hope you were able to be with her and comfort her when they put her down. pets are part of the family and always hurts when one passes away.
So sorry to here that. I can sympathize, I lost my Border. Collie Sam about 4 years ago. We think he chased a varmint out of the yard and got hit in the road. He was an older dog and starting to show his age and didn't move as fast. It was like losing a best friend or family member as he was with me like a shadow. He rode in the tractor and truck with me for hours at a time.
Well this just seriously tore me up this morning. We've got a 2 yr. old female Giant Schnauzer that's the best dog I've ever had, she will put her body between anyone in our family and any kind of danger. She'd die for us, I'm convinced of it-she's just so loyal, protective and the most affectionate dog I've been around in my 54 years. I hope you kind find some comfort but go ahead and mourn because it's alright and good for you.
I have Border Collie about that same age, she is a very lovable dog and great pet. Sorry for you loss
Sorry to hear of your loss, there's few things greater than the love and loyalty of a good cow dog and few things hurt worse than when we lose one. When I was 4 or 5 my border collie wiped the gravel with a big Pyrenees type dog for growling at me. The fur started flying and when the dust settled that big dog was curled up at his owners feet and Bobby was sitting at mine with that "don't mess with my kid" look. She got hit on the highway in front of my parent's house. I've never had a dog since that wasn't at least part border collie and doubt that'll ever change. Again, my condolences.
My deepest sympathy for your loss. I know how hard it is to loose a doggy friend.

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