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Rookie":3lgr74j3 said:
cowgirl580":3lgr74j3 said:
this is kinda unrelated and kinda not. made me think of it when ya'll were talking about sentencing.

i was listening to court tv this morning at work and they were talking about a case where they finally found the guy who had murdered his "best friend" over a girl. she was married to the best friend and cheating with the guy who murdered him. confused yet? anyway. after 10 yrs they finally had the forensic capabilities to put him away for life. seems he's getting out because he was found guilty after the required however many yrs it is for a crime to become inactive.

I didn't think there be a statute of limitations on murder :shock: george

The report I heard was that he was kicked loose because of the speedy trial deal. Don;t understand it but that's the law.

dun":2zy87gz2 said:
Rookie":2zy87gz2 said:
cowgirl580":2zy87gz2 said:
this is kinda unrelated and kinda not. made me think of it when ya'll were talking about sentencing.

i was listening to court tv this morning at work and they were talking about a case where they finally found the guy who had murdered his "best friend" over a girl. she was married to the best friend and cheating with the guy who murdered him. confused yet? anyway. after 10 yrs they finally had the forensic capabilities to put him away for life. seems he's getting out because he was found guilty after the required however many yrs it is for a crime to become inactive.

I didn't think there be a statute of limitations on murder :shock: george

The report I heard was that he was kicked loose because of the speedy trial deal. Don;t understand it but that's the law.


Correct, there is NO statute of limitations on murder. Dun's got it right. I don't remember all the details but it had something to do with the jurys instructions from the judge. They were not allowed to know what the out come of their penalty decision would be. At any rate, the penalty they selected was judged to be time he had already served awaiting trial. Don't hold me to all that but I recall it was something to that affect.

As far as prisons go, it's true they're not what they were 20 years ago, but trust me, it's not a place any of us want to be. Over the years I've been to several of the prisons in Tx. and interviewed inmates who were involved or related to matters I was required to investigate. The hair on my neck always stood up when I walked through them high walls and gates.
There are several members of my immediate family that work in prisions. I agree that the life there is way too cush. But it is explained to me that when the prisioners have something to do (i.e. watch tv) it is easier on the workers and guards, less fighting and commotion. I think that should have all creature comforts taken away. No tv, no exercise/workout rooms, no basketball, no craft shops, ect. They should get fed only what they can grow and water to drink. Sleep on the floor - no comfy cots that they can break pieces off of to make weapons. Put them in big rooms according to their crime. That way all the murders are together etc. If they kill each other, that's great, less we gotta pay in tax money.
There is lots of talk in this thread about death penalty and increased prison terms, more severe prison life, and while not mentioned maybe even bringing back some chain gangs. Make them earn their keep. I personally agree with all of this. I am very much in favor of the death penalty for certain crimes, child molestation is one of them.

I am not saying that my following statements apply to anyone on this board or any reader of this thread, just my experience in the community that I live in. The problem I've found with many people who say they believe in these harsh punishments only believe this way when it is someone they don't know who is the guilty person. When it is their son, daughter, brother, sister, father, cousin, uncle, friend, etc... that they know well is the guilty one, they no longer favor the death penalty.

These criminals are all someones relative. Child molestors do not have a certain look about them, they look like the guy next door. Most are not a freaky looking as Michael Jackson.

My concluding comment about the death penalty and the harsher punishments includes concern over the method in which justice is measured out. While I believe we have the best system in the world, there is still two systems of justice. One for the haves and one for the have nots. If you have enough money you have a pretty good shot at buying your way out of trouble, if you are poor you will get the court appointed attorney who would prefer to plead your case than go to trial. I know that innocent people are put in jail and innocent people have recieved the death penalty. I don't have the answer to the problem, but this is a concern. Even so, I am still in favor of the death penalty for certain crimes.

Just my 2 cents worth
sidney411":2kzdow74 said:
There are several members of my immediate family that work in prisions. I agree that the life there is way too cush. But it is explained to me that when the prisioners have something to do (i.e. watch tv) it is easier on the workers and guards, less fighting and commotion. I think that should have all creature comforts taken away. No tv, no exercise/workout rooms, no basketball, no craft shops, ect. They should get fed only what they can grow and water to drink. Sleep on the floor - no comfy cots that they can break pieces off of to make weapons. Put them in big rooms according to their crime. That way all the murders are together etc. If they kill each other, that's great, less we gotta pay in tax money.

This may be good "common sense" advice; however, history tells us that such "treatment" of the inmates tends to incite riots and other disasters. I'm more in favor of "earned privileges", working on a "prison farm" to grow own vegetables, meat, etc. No free lunch, but no extremes either.
Running Arrow Bill":14ko3p1n said:
I'm more in favor of "earned privileges", working on a "prison farm" to grow own vegetables, meat, etc. No free lunch, but no extremes either.

Couldn't agree more. Well put.
That reminds me, isn't there still a law in the books in Texas that if you catch your wife cheating you can shoot her and not be arrested or is that just a good ol boy agreement out there?

Is that reciprocal? :eek:
SF":2nj4y1k5 said:
My concluding comment about the death penalty and the harsher punishments includes concern over the method in which justice is measured out. While I believe we have the best system in the world, there is still two systems of justice. One for the haves and one for the have nots. If you have enough money you have a pretty good shot at buying your way out of trouble, if you are poor you will get the court appointed attorney who would prefer to plead your case than go to trial. I know that innocent people are put in jail and innocent people have recieved the death penalty. I don't have the answer to the problem, but this is a concern. Even so, I am still in favor of the death penalty for certain crimes.

Just my 2 cents worth

I agree with the haves and have not comment. OJ is a perfect example. I also agree our justice system is the best in the world however I believe it takes way too long to extract justice. The more money you have the longer it takes. What concerns me is all the child abuse/molestation charges going on. Seems like if a child says it then it must be true and off to jail you go. That worries me. Don't take this statement wrong, I believe the gulity child molesters should have their nu_s cut off at the very least.
Bill, that's what I was trying to get at. The prision system produces a lot of crops, beef, textiles, etc. but I think they need to be more self suffecient in that too much food is still being brought in to form a balanced diet for the prisioners.
While this has nothing to do with the moon-walking freak in Kalifornia, there is a case in Arkansas that concerns me about the justice system in general.It is almost reminiscent of the O.J. fiasco.There were two black nursing assistants working in a nursing home in south Arkansas that beat an old white woman to death with brass nuckles because she "dissed" them.The younger one was tried,found guilty as an accomplice and was sentenced to 30 years(she held the old woman down).The older one that actually did the beating has had two trials,had hung juries,and has been released!The mainstream media is staying away from this one!You rarely hear anything about it! One of the main questions in my mind is why was this not treated as a "hate crime"? :mad: :x :shock:
The Lawyers and Prosecutors in this Country act like arch enemies in the Courtroom.When the day is over they meet each other at the Bar for Drinks, and play Golf with each other Saturday morning. Sad road we're headed down with people getting away with Murder and other crimes. The Victims have no rights. Problem is, us folks working for a Living don't have the time to take off from work to fight the enemy. They've got the money and the time to do it. Jackson like O.J. will know doubt walk. They have the best defense attorney in the world. Money.
Crowderfarms":2ulnoc3t said:
Jackson like O.J. will know doubt walk.

No doubt. He will never serve a day.

I truly hope I am wrong on this.
personal opinion, i think EVERY person in prison should be shot as they walk through the prison gates no matter what they did. their lives are way to comfy for what they committed. pretty bad they have more luxuries than I had growing up and many other people I know. and since i am about to join the workforce after college (and of course raise cattle) i get really p*ssed off that people like this is having their way. go to jail, come out as a doctor. cable keeps them occupied, my a**. there are still riots all the time, female guards getting assualted, inmates practically having more rights than the guards, etc... micheal jackson will walk,even if he is found guilty he will cry racism and he will then walk, only reason why martha went to prison because she was not able to cry racism. about the prisons, i know first hand what happens with my mother, my aunt, and many other relatives that ended up quitting after awhile, including my dad, all working at a prison. All child molesters that do go to prison are beaten and sometimes killed by other inmates, which is a good thing.
no offense to anyone if i typed something that offended someone
also, sorry about some of the typos it seems to drive some of ya insane.
branxchar&charx":1o39naf7 said:
All child molesters that do go to prison are beaten and sometimes killed by other inmates, which is a good thing.

Ought to be killed not long if not before they get there. Got some special thought about the manner.
dun":1ke5oc8s said:
Rookie":1ke5oc8s said:
cowgirl580":1ke5oc8s said:
this is kinda unrelated and kinda not. made me think of it when ya'll were talking about sentencing.

i was listening to court tv this morning at work and they were talking about a case where they finally found the guy who had murdered his "best friend" over a girl. she was married to the best friend and cheating with the guy who murdered him. confused yet? anyway. after 10 yrs they finally had the forensic capabilities to put him away for life. seems he's getting out because he was found guilty after the required however many yrs it is for a crime to become inactive.

I didn't think there be a statute of limitations on murder :shock: george

The report I heard was that he was kicked loose because of the speedy trial deal. Don;t understand it but that's the law.


A violation of his constitutional rights under the Bill of Rights. Don't ya love it! :roll:
The Michael J. case is really sort of mild. Not far from here they have arrested nine "good" church members for s-x wth children and animals. Among those arrested so far are the pastor, his wife , and a deputy sheriff.
Wewild":3abooa2t said:
branxchar&charx":3abooa2t said:
All child molesters that do go to prison are beaten and sometimes killed by other inmates, which is a good thing.

Ought to be killed not long if not before they get there. Got some special thought about the manner.
They ought to be done away with the second they are Convicted. Crimes committed against Children and Old Folks need to be dealt with, in the harshest manner, as both are most defenseless. I'm tired of hearing the Racist trash.The discrimination, because of being Black. They want equality, but Blame us White people for all their problems. I try to get along with everbody but I will call a spade a spade.Who's gonna stand up for us?

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