We had to pull the calf... big heifer at about eighty pounds ... I had fed mama too well, and she was fat. This has been a REAL learning experience... from getting the cow to let the calf suck, to hobbles, to haltering, to roping, to shots, etc.... the big question today is: It has been going on fourth day since birth. We have been giving Oxytacin? twice a day until she passes the placenta, but in THE BOOK it says that it can take up to ten days for it to pass, and it may come out in pieces. Because my cow is showing pretty passive interest in the calf, I am assuming that if she had passed the placenta she probably wouldn't bother to eat it. On the other hand, I have watched the other cows eat their placenta, and they don't leave a lick of it in place to leave any evidence that they cleaned out. The cow is bleeding out a little, and between being in a stall and hobbled, she hasn't really had enough exercise to help the process, I am sure. When should I get really worried, and what happens if she doesn't pass the placenta in ten days?
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