Remember Gertrude and Fred

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
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South Georgia
Remember Gertrude? She's the little oak snake that took up residence in my shop a year or so ago. Thought she'd be a big plus in the de-mousing the place cause oak snakes can't hurt you. She has caused quite a stir on occasion when someone ignorant to Gertrude's presence opens "her drawer". Screams and cries beget laughs and chuckles cause she can't hurt you.


Remember her boyfriend Fred? The wannabe pit viper. He acts tough but couldn't harm you but he does show out if given the chance.


Both of these have been allowed to rat around my place cause they "can't hurt you" and they have grown rather large. Apart from the occasional holler or scream, you don't even know they are there. They are after all beneficial snakes and they "can't hurt you" - or so I thought till today.

Well today while I was hooking up a spreader I had some edumication in snakeology. Seems mature snakes breed and given a habitat that is free from predators they multiply. (I guess that explains why I haven't seen any mice) Anyhow, they also like to den. And they also like sheet metal. And they seem to like to den in sheet metal. I learned all these facts today as I attempted to hook up a spreader. If you look closely inside the tubing you will see the pair of eyes that I was privileged to seeing this afternoon. And the second picture shows the second snakeling that was just beneath this one.



After realizing that I had an audience I found myself instinctively running backwards but with lift arms lowered I didn't get far. Least my legs didn't. My body did keep on going though. Right into the rear tire and an oil bucket. After doing such a wonderful imitation of a drunken gymnast on crack I came to the conclusion that non-poisonous snakes CAN hurt you. Just thought I'd pass this wisdom on. :tiphat: :oops:
Well Jo I know what you mean, as for me I know there are venomous snakes and "harmless" snakes but to me they are pretty much all deadly. Because since they slither around and show up when I least expecxt them they can startle me to death. I know all the sane responses to the benefits of snakes and I really do try to live and let live but by george they could show their appreciation more by not sneaking up on a person. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hate it when that happens.

Did you do what I usually do...look around to see if anyone saw the dance? :D
The biggest danger that I've ever seen from non-poisonous snakes is not their ability to hurt you, but your ability to hurt yourself around them. Thank you for the proving that my edjumicated guess was correct.

Why couldn't it have been Jamal to test that theory instead of you (with all of us watching)! :mrgreen:
Right. I saw a nine foot long shed from one of those harmless oak snakes last week. Got hung up on a tractor tire and ended up rolled out next to the equipment shelter. Talked my wife into coming over and help get hay rolls out of the field last weekend- you know the rest of the dtory.
Sounds like it's time to get t6he hoe out. Those slithery little fellers would have to work their magic without their heads if it were up to me.

Tommy Ruyle":2iywtgon said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hate it when that happens.

Did you do what I usually do...look around to see if anyone saw the dance? :D

Oh gosh! I forgot. Tommy thanks for reminding me. I also learned today that "the world is round". Do you remember me talking about the fella opening Gertrude's drawer and screaming like a woman when he met her for the first time? Well he and his buddy had front row seats to this event. :oops: They laughed their heads off. So there you go. The world is round.

curtis":2iywtgon said:
Fred sure looks like he has fangs.

Nah, just little teethes is all. They'll scratch but nothing more.

larryshoat":2iywtgon said:
Sounds like it's time to get t6he hoe out. Those slithery little fellers would have to work their magic without their heads if it were up to me.


I may have to do something cause this environment sharing just ain't what its cracked up to be. Besides, last time I bumped into Gertrude she was around 4 feet long and she isn't that cute anymore.
Jo they make mouse posion for a killing mice. And cattle sorting sticks for killing snakes. Now i don't kill all the snakes i see but they ain't taking up residence anywhere i will be sticking my fingers.
Red Bull Breeder":1f9074ok said:
Jo they make mouse posion for a killing mice. And cattle sorting sticks for killing snakes. Now i don't kill all the snakes i see but they ain't taking up residence anywhere i will be sticking my fingers.

A few years ago I had some trouble with rattlesnakes in the barnyard and I got 13 retired fighting roosters from a friend of mine for snake patrol. I asked him if they were good ones and he just looked at me and said, "they're still breathing ain't they". He was right, these boys were wonderful for snake patrol and would surround a snake and take turns working their magic. Unfortunately the Cooper's hawks thinned them terribly leaving me with one extremely paranoid rooster. He was a hoot to watch.
Jalopy":3sfamlic said:
Well Jo I know what you mean, as for me I know there are venomous snakes and "harmless" snakes but to me they are pretty much all deadly. Because since they slither around and show up when I least expecxt them they can startle me to death. I know all the sane responses to the benefits of snakes and I really do try to live and let live but by george they could show their appreciation more by not sneaking up on a person. :lol:
I have posted several times about any snake being potentially dngerous until dead. :help: Apparently Jogeephus did not pay attention. :dunce: You know the thing about leading a horse to water but you can't make him drink. :roll:
I thought he had reformed since his snake painting days, but apparently not. Now, let come what may. :frowns:
Ryder":1brle4mi said:
Jalopy":1brle4mi said:
Well Jo I know what you mean, as for me I know there are venomous snakes and "harmless" snakes but to me they are pretty much all deadly. Because since they slither around and show up when I least expecxt them they can startle me to death. I know all the sane responses to the benefits of snakes and I really do try to live and let live but by george they could show their appreciation more by not sneaking up on a person. :lol:
I have posted several times about any snake being potentially dngerous until dead. :help: Apparently Jogeephus did not pay attention. :dunce: You know the thing about leading a horse to water but you can't make him drink. :roll:
I thought he had reformed since his snake painting days, but apparently not. Now, let come what may. :frowns:

Keep in mind I do have a hard head and I did ride the short bus.

My only regret is that I didn't catch this on video. Had I done this I could have posted it on the board and when you folks had a bad week or something you could watch it and have a laugh at my expense. Then I would feel that I had actually contributed something useful to the board. :lol2:
Why not offer genuwine organic mouse traps to all your friends?? You could even offer them on cragslist..Snake raising could take the place of cow rasing!! lot less feeding..
peg4x4":2lt2qmc6 said:
Why not offer genuwine organic mouse traps to all your friends?? You could even offer them on cragslist..Snake raising could take the place of cow rasing!! lot less feeding..
Enough of that kind of talk. :secret:
Don't encourage him. :stop:
Jo why are you standing on that poor snake? he looks like he is in distress. Is he still alive? a video of your dance would have been fun. Harmless snakes are a good thing in keeping rodents down. Good on you for letting them stay.
Red Bull Breeder":10cier56 said:
I reckon i would find me a few more of them retired roosters and slip one in that new chicken coup and raise some replacments.

I went shopping today at the organic snake control mart but I couldn't make up my mind. Just so many good choices and these buggers are expensive. I think I'm going to have to wait till so go into retirement. ;-)

Jogeephus":2w4ts2d9 said:
I went shopping today at the organic snake control mart but I couldn't make up my mind. Just so many good choices and these buggers are expensive. I think I'm going to have to wait till so go into retirement. ;-)

Dang, Jo I think we have the same neighbors.

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