Reckon who runs this family?

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Elly needs her little a$$ whipped but I guess that might get the parents arrested now days. You have to be careful now as to how you discipline your children, they might get taken away from you. It's a shame that it's that way now. Seems like some good old fashioned spankings would help alot of children now to become more responsible adults in the future. I used to get plenty of whippings and it sure didn't kill me. ;-)
Alice":2bx6m0rz said:

For crying out loud, strap the kid in the seat and then try to console her.

This isn't shocking, though. Go to any grocery store and watch some of the kids repeatedly ignore instructions from their parents.

In my opinion, this is a good example of where our society has seen a decline: Parenting Skills!
Rustler9":3s9olwu4 said:
Elly needs her little a$$ whipped but I guess that might get the parents arrested now days. You have to be careful now as to how you discipline your children, they might get taken away from you. It's a shame that it's that way now. Seems like some good old fashioned spankings would help alot of children now to become more responsible adults in the future. I used to get plenty of whippings and it sure didn't kill me. ;-)

What I found to be really, really telling was that the parents didn't have enough time to "console" the little brat. And, the brat was hitting her parents? Arghhhhhhh!

I'm not a big advocate of "whuppin's," but a think a right smart swat on Little Elly's behind might have gotten the little darlin's attention long enough for the plane to take off. AND, I think at that point, there might have been more than one passenger more than willing to do a little "parenting" for the parents.

And then again, a right smart slap might have set the brat off enough to make that long plane ride seem like an eternity!

The airline offered the parents free airline tickets...I think the airline shoulda banned 'em for life!

Man, stuff like this slays me!

Best part....I saw the story on ABC news this morning and they were interviewing the parents and all they would say was how much of an angel the little girl was. The whole time she is throwing a fit, trying to take off her clothes whining and totally disregarding her parents and they would just smile and say how she was just three. It was a show!
Wonder if they'll still think she's an angel when she's 14 or 15 and she's skipping school, drugging and cussing her parents when they ask where's she's been?
Seems to me the parents knew the rules before they got on, if they can't control their kid on a airplane, just imagine how it is in their own home. They said they needed some time, how much time would have it taken them I wonder to get the wild child under control? My guess they have no control in the first place, and the airlines made the right decision.

On a side topic to discipline, my sister in laws friend, spanked her daughter in Walmart, and someone called the cops, and she got slapped with a $100 ticket for disciplining her own daughter. Seems to me, society frowns on spankings, and frowns on the parents who have no control over their kids, can't have it both ways, theres a big difference between simple discipline (spanking) and child abuse.

GMN":2xnl7k3e said:
Seems to me the parents knew the rules before they got on, if they can't control their kid on a airplane, just imagine how it is in their own home. They said they needed some time, how much time would have it taken them I wonder to get the wild child under control? My guess they have no control in the first place, and the airlines made the right decision.

On a side topic to discipline, my sister in laws friend, spanked her daughter in Walmart, and someone called the cops, and she got slapped with a $100 ticket for disciplining her own daughter. Seems to me, society frowns on spankings, and frowns on the parents who have no control over their kids, can't have it both ways, theres a big difference between simple discipline (spanking) and child abuse.


A hundred dollar ticket? :lol:

I'm not laughing at your sister-in-law's friend...I'm laughing at the absurdity of the police. If the woman was thought to be abusing the child, one would think the police would take the child into custody...but no, they gave the child's mother a hundred dollar ticket and let the child go with her. What is wrong with this picture? Something tells me that the police were caving into pressure, knew nothing abusive was going on, but had to make a show for whomever called them. That is ludicrous.

Now, I've seen kids not get their bottoms swatted in stores that I and half a dozen other people thought would have been just the "ticket."

Alice":2ytbeklw said:
GMN":2ytbeklw said:
Seems to me the parents knew the rules before they got on, if they can't control their kid on a airplane, just imagine how it is in their own home. They said they needed some time, how much time would have it taken them I wonder to get the wild child under control? My guess they have no control in the first place, and the airlines made the right decision.

On a side topic to discipline, my sister in laws friend, spanked her daughter in Walmart, and someone called the cops, and she got slapped with a $100 ticket for disciplining her own daughter. Seems to me, society frowns on spankings, and frowns on the parents who have no control over their kids, can't have it both ways, theres a big difference between simple discipline (spanking) and child abuse.


A hundred dollar ticket? :lol:

I'm not laughing at your sister-in-law's friend...I'm laughing at the absurdity of the police. If the woman was thought to be abusing the child, one would think the police would take the child into custody...but no, they gave the child's mother a hundred dollar ticket and let the child go with her. What is wrong with this picture? Something tells me that the police were caving into pressure, knew nothing abusive was going on, but had to make a show for whomever called them. That is ludicrous.

Now, I've seen kids not get their bottoms swatted in stores that I and half a dozen other people thought would have been just the "ticket."

Good one and very true. Yet imagine how it made this young mother feel, I mean who gives them the right to say a spanking is wrong, just because it was done in a public store? Society has parents all scared to discipline their own kids, its not right. I know when my kids were younger the terrible 2's, there sometimes is no reasoning with a toddler, I can remember carrying them out of Walmart like a sack of potatoes, them under one arm, and the other arm pushing the cart, just part of life, and oh how I like to remind them of it now, a good laugh!


Holy Mackeral! :shock: if i had acted like that, i would have been paddled! Even if we were in California! ;-)
GMN":3h12vtg8 said:
Seems to me the parents knew the rules before they got on, if they can't control their kid on a airplane, just imagine how it is in their own home. They said they needed some time, how much time would have it taken them I wonder to get the wild child under control? My guess they have no control in the first place, and the airlines made the right decision.

On a side topic to discipline, my sister in laws friend, spanked her daughter in Walmart, and someone called the cops, and she got slapped with a $100 ticket for disciplining her own daughter. Seems to me, society frowns on spankings, and frowns on the parents who have no control over their kids, can't have it both ways, theres a big difference between simple discipline (spanking) and child abuse.


what state was that in? Seems like I would fight that one all the way to the top.
The father said they would never fly trans air again. I guess maybe I will start. Im sick and tired of parents that refuse to discipline their kids.

I used to be a street cop and responded to a vandalism call where a little girl about 6 was pulling flowers out of a city garden and throwing them into a fountain. When I got there I saw a lady sitting on the fountain reading a book. I walked up the girl and started talkign to her and tryign to find out where her parents were. The lady came over and told her girl "See I told you that you would get in trouble. I was shocked and applaled, but not as much as the lady was when I wrote her a ticket for the vandalism. She just couldnt understand how she could be held responsible for the actions of her child.
I really don't know what some people were thinking when they decided to have babies. I love my sons and teaching them how to behave in public was one of my responsibilities as a parent. Too many parents think that everyone else should conform to the rules of their family, no matter how chaotic that family is. I don't really care how you act at home. Let your kids crawl under the furniture and hit you all they want. But don't take that kid on an airplane or in a restaurant and expect that everyone else will understand. Stay home.
3MR":3dxf39yp said:
The father said they would never fly trans air again. I guess maybe I will start. Im sick and tired of parents that refuse to discipline their kids.

I bet Trans Air is gonna hate that! :lol: As a Jr. High teacher, I just can't wait till those kinds of kids are teens! It sure keeps my job from being dull and boring!
i reckon im just a mean old mawmaw, cuz i have been known to take a flyswatter to church., only had to take it one time though.... ;-)

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