Reading heat detect patches ?

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Stocker Steve

Well-known member
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Central Minnesota
We patch our heifers and do one round of AI. Often there are several in heat on the same day so there can be a lot of activity. Last year I bred heifers who showed over 80% color, but many of them came in standing heat a couple days later. So I switched to only breeding after 100% color or seeing them stand. Now after 21 days, I have about a group who had 50 to 90% color previously that have not been bred... I gave them a close up look today and two had a light brown watery discharge. Recommendations?
We had a bigger group of heifers this year than ever, and opted to do a TAI for the first time rather than watch heat. We should have watched heat. Even if we missed a few or bred some too early I think we would have come out a lot better. All I can say is watch them as often as you can and just go with your gut. We use a teaser bull also, and try to turn everything AI'd out into another trap when they come out of the chute. If their patch isn't 80-100% rubbed right down the middle, we usually opt to wait and maybe repatch unless we actually see them being squirrely.
OK, my ignorance is showing again. How do heat detection patches work? Where are they placed and when is it done?
It's like a lottery ticket - scratch off. Put it on the tailhead and it scratches off and shows a color when they mount each other.
Since it has been 21 days I would just repatch and use the am/pm rule. The ones we don't ai we give a shot of GnRH 10 days after protocol to repeat the process. My results are similar to yours, the ones with only 70 % or less rubbed most didn't stick but very good conception with the ones that were 100%.

I'm sure bse can give you better advice though.
Repatched and gave lute to the remaining. AIed one and then turned the bull in. Not sure why, but some lines don't show as strong heats...

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