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Dec 24, 2003
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We're finally getting good rain. Probably two inches in the last two days and it's still coming. The whole state of OK seems to be getting good rain. :D

How about Texas? Is it pretty widspred there, too?
Save some for us, Frankie. it hasnt rained here since late february.
I've been praying for rain and , evidently, the good Lord took me seriously. We had 2.2 inches on Monday, 3.6 inches yesterday, and it's been raining heavy all day today.

We had another 5 inches on Friday. TxDOT had the farm-to-market road closed Friday evening. We had to backtrack 10 miles then go another 12 miles south to finally get to the house. But it was worth it to get the rain.The tanks are overflowing,the grass is growing and the cows are grazing !!!!!
I am glad it finally started raining here. We had the Alvarado curse, in which rain falls all around and not on your place. But we did have the humidity and gloominess. Now that it's raining, I feel better. Garden's getting a drink and the pasture looks good.
well it has stormed here last nite.with very little rain here.but hey ill take what i can get.just dont like the bad storms.[/b]
We got the rain..and with that came the tornados in Oklahoma. We were just 2 miles from the tornado/storms in OKC-Kilpatrick turnpike (Yukon) area yesterday. Seems early to start this tornado stuff :(

Thank goodness all is well here. Prayers go out to those with damage to homes, barns, livestock, etc.
beaver creek is out...first time in years as I recall. I'm not
going to complain....the subsoil surely needed to be
recharged after the 05--06 drought.
3 inches on Monday and 8 inches in about 4 hours yesterday, not to mention the 60-70 mph winds that came with it.
curtis":kwfbwi8x said:
Dry as a bone here, its suppose to be moving this way.

14.25 inches this week here. More rain this year than all of '05. Everything is flooded up. Last night I was stuck here at the house and couldn't leave because there was 9 foot of water crossing the road.
I hope you guys who haven't had rain get it soon. We've had 4.7 inches since Thursday and today the sun is out. I can just hear the grass waking up. :D Or maybe that sound is the water running through the pipe in the pond dams? Our back yard was a sheet of water yesterday. Now we get to deal with the mud.

vquinn2, we came through OKC about 3 pm on Thursday. A bad situation. I'm glad, at least, that it missed you.
i am sssooo sick and tired of the mud!! we had i dont know how many inches of snow this year. and now we've had like 8 inches of rain the last like 3 weeks i bet. it gets really annoying having to hook the tractor up to the trailer everytime we went to load up/unload some calves. there is water in places that even my dad hasnt seen water in his 54 years of living on the farm. the creek has been dry for about the last 2 years and now its about to flood. and dumb dad didnt take the side dikes off his new waterway and now the little, what used to be just a ditchm, is now over flowed with water cuz it doesnt have anywhere to go so it just goes in with our little lightweight calves. :x
so glad we have a front wheele assist tractor or there would be no way we could feed hay. and im sick of ruining socks because im getting my boots stuck in the mud. nothing is more irritating. and the weather has just been acting plain weird. have had 2 weeks of 80 degree weather and now next week its supposed to be 40 with 20 degree lows. god im gonna freeze my freakin butt off. fruit trees are blooming and alfalfas up good and trees have budded and now its all gonna freeze. :mad: im not worried about oats basically because no one has been able to drill them cuz its too wet. and im not worried about the wheat b/c its a tough crop. now im kinda worried about not being able to get the oats in. and hope it dries up for the corn and bean planting season. the turkeys are breeding already and they usually dont til the end of may. gosh poor things are ssoo messed up. and now during turkey season they wont even be breeding so i prolly wont get one. dang it. might just go out a little bit early this year...wink wink. have had alot of severe stuff already. that kinda scares me. tornado warning today. luckily it was just a false alarm..but who knows what next time holds. i have some kinda sick feeling in my gut about a tornado :(
We're over 10 inches below this year here in north Alabama. After the drought of last year, I've got to think about trying to haul water in April if we don't get something pretty soon. Both my tank and creek have pretty much dried up!! Last year it was July, the previous two years they never dried up.
The Bachelor":31vrvhgh said:
We're over 10 inches below this year here in north Alabama. After the drought of last year, I've got to think about trying to haul water in April if we don't get something pretty soon. Both my tank and creek have pretty much dried up!! Last year it was July, the previous two years they never dried up.

We'll be pulling for ya. Pryaing for ya too. '05 was bad here and I hate to see anyone else suffer that type of drought. Keep water available to fight brush fires and keep the disc hooked up to the tractor.
I just recently built this fence and lost about 200ft of it. I have a dry creek that runs through my place. We built the creek crossing very sturdy assuming the worst. The creek enters the north side of the property and out the south side. The fence on both sides held just fine at the creek. But the water came out of the banks about 3 feet high on the east side of the creek. On the incoming side it took out 50ft of fence and on the west fence it took down about 150ft. Just snapped all five strands. Even took out a drill stem post cemented about 24 inches into the grnd. This happened Friday. Saturday morning I went over to the neihbors to see if he needed a hand. He said he was up till 2am. He said water was pouring in the house. He thinks that was the worst flash flood in 50 years. Only 3 roads lead to my place. One was washed out. One of the 3 culverts washed down the creek about 40yds. About a 6 ft drop if you were dumb enough to cross it. The 2nd road is a low water crossing made of concrete. I was told you couldn't even see the other side of the road. The 3rd road was safe. When it rains it pours.
