question for the Europeans

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
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If you don't like the new taxes coming , what can you do about it?
I'm genuinely curious, if they don't let you vote on your leader , why would you get to vote on new taxes?
"Inbreeding" (oops...linebreeding) is sacred with British Royalty. If you don't believe this...remember what happened to Diana???

"Why change the's working, isn't it?...LOL!

Keeps the "riff raft" out of the bloodlines (and, keeps new ideas from contaminating the "laws & policies"...

Off my soapbox nox... ;-)
Running Arrow Bill":kif6rpb8 said:
"Inbreeding" (oops...linebreeding) is sacred with British Royalty. If you don't believe this...remember what happened to Diana???

"Why change the's working, isn't it?...LOL!

Keeps the "riff raft" out of the bloodlines (and, keeps new ideas from contaminating the "laws & policies"...
Off my soapbox nox... ;-)
like ours
Running Arrow Bill":liqcnsir said:
"Inbreeding" (oops...linebreeding) is sacred with British Royalty. If you don't believe this...remember what happened to Diana???

"Why change the's working, isn't it?...LOL!

Keeps the "riff raft" out of the bloodlines (and, keeps new ideas from contaminating the "laws & policies"...

Off my soapbox nox... ;-)
Diana was one of them, she just didn't want to share he Husband and I don't blame her. Camila is one of the riff raff as you say, as she is not from Titled Gentry, but it is OK now as they wont have any children so no riff raff breeding. Diana was a baby machine for the next heir. and do you think for one minute she would be allowed to marry a Muslim, the future Kings Mother. That's why that happened to Diana.
But this new tax is nothing to do with our Royalty or Government as such it is from the EU, our Government can say yes or no to it, and as it is coming up to Election time, each side I am sure will listen to the people while canversing and when either is in will decide to do what they see fit, and us little folk wont be able to do anything. :secret:
ollie?":pqkcpsly said:
I'm genuinely curious, if they don't let you vote on your leader , why would you get to vote on new taxes?
We do get to vote on our leader the Queen is the figure head but the Goverment run the Country. She has the last word on any new laws but she will go along with her government, as she has been advised by all the cronnies around her. Gone are the days when the Royal Family was the be all and end all, Oliver Cromwell put pay to that. If we do get this new tax the Royals even the Queen will have to pay.
chrisy":2kj1h283 said:
ollie?":2kj1h283 said:
I'm genuinely curious, if they don't let you vote on your leader , why would you get to vote on new taxes?
We do get to vote on our leader the Queen is the figure head but the Goverment run the Country. She has the last word on any new laws but she will go along with her government, as she has been advised by all the cronnies around her. Gone are the days when the Royal Family was the be all and end all, Oliver Cromwell put pay to that. If we do get this new tax the Royals even the Queen will have to pay.
I understand that part Chrisy. What I am curious about is the new E.U. govt. If they pass a tax to help fund environmental issues for example, can England "opt" out of the tax? If so, why would any country "opt" in? If England can't opt out, then effectively your new govt. is the E.U. president correct? If so, he was unelected. We revolted from England for less.
ollie?":2uaxmt0o said:
chrisy":2uaxmt0o said:
ollie?":2uaxmt0o said:
I'm genuinely curious, if they don't let you vote on your leader , why would you get to vote on new taxes?
We do get to vote on our leader the Queen is the figure head but the Goverment run the Country. She has the last word on any new laws but she will go along with her government, as she has been advised by all the cronnies around her. Gone are the days when the Royal Family was the be all and end all, Oliver Cromwell put pay to that. If we do get this new tax the Royals even the Queen will have to pay.
I understand that part Chrisy. What I am curious about is the new E.U. govt. If they pass a tax to help fund environmental issues for example, can England "opt" out of the tax? If so, why would any country "opt" in? If England can't opt out, then effectively your new govt. is the E.U. president correct? If so, he was unelected. We revolted from England for less.
Yes England or any other Country can opt out, the smaller Countries in the EU benefit from the stronger ones, so not all will opt out, if you noticed we have opted out of the Euro for years and there is no talk of going over to that currency. No the EU president is not our new Government, he is only Pres: of the EU it gets very complicated to follow, there are few rules in the EU that all EU Countries have to follow, and each Country has an EUMP that sits on the benches, and all EU Countries have their own Governments that deal with the day to day running of their Country. As I say it is complicated and very long winded to go into. If you look on Wikipedia - What does the EU govern it will tell you but rather you than me to read it all, and understand it.
I'm off for a bit to go and watch NCIS. I might be back later. :wave: