Puts things into perspective

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Dec 23, 2009
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NE Tennessee
Went out to check the cows tonight and found a good 5 year old cow that was about a month from calving laying belly up. She looked like she had either got knocked down or rolled over slightly down hill in some mud and couldn't get up. I know if you're going to have livestock you're going to lose them sometimes the best you can do, but it still sucks losing them. I was heading home kind of bummed out about it and the way my day had ended. I passed by a house with an ambulance sitting in the driveway and a hearse was just pulling in. That poor family really has a loss tonight, and needs prayers. I get to go home to my wife and little boy tonight and the rest of my close family is alive and well at the moment too. Maybe my day wasn't so bad after all. I am very blessed and thank the Lord for another day.
Well first off im sorry for the loss of your cow. Ive been fortunate so far to not lose any but like you stated i know its only a matter of time before it happens. I also have to agree with you that as bad as your day turned out someone else had it worse. Sometimes its easy to lose sight of how blessed we are do to the bumps in the road that life throws our way. Thanks for sharing, once again im sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!
Yep. I've lost lots of cows, horses and dogs that I really, really liked but after a few days I was done missing even the best of them with every part of me but my wallet. We're in the middle of an out of state move though and I've found out that I am simply not myself without my wife and kids around. I thought I was pretty involved in their lives but now I feel like maybe I've taken them being around me for granted and need to make sure that every minute is quality time.
Most everybody takes a lot of things for granted, including me. However, the fact that the thought crosses your mind that you are blessed and that you realize that you are not as unfortunate as someone else, well that means you're ok. It's when you stop noticing that you are blessed that you've got real problems. Merry Christmas.
we went out this morning and a neighbor had a cow down flat so called his wife and told them.he was just getting to her when we was coming back through.
Sorry about your cow, and hope that ends your bad luck for a while.

On the subject of keeping things in perspective, my grandpa told me many times as I was growing up, "About the time you get to feeling sorry for yourself, look around. You won't have to look very far to find someone in worse shape than you are".

I'll be 50 in Feb. and lost him in '11. I sure miss him and wish...
Sorry about your cow. But as was said earlier,we can always look around and see someone worse off than we are. My mother always said that and reminded us of it so many times. It is very true, if you stop and think about it. We should never take our blessings for granted. God is good.
Thanks. Blessings definitely outweigh the negatives. It's easy to forget the many positives when there is a set back. I know this can be a tough time of year for many folks who are away from or lost loved ones. God is good all the time.
I am a changed man after the last six years. Cows, horses and dogs die and it sucks. I get bothered, aka mad, by agricultural and professional hardships. God has a plan and we are not allowed to see the future.

For perspective... Not having living parents and almost losing my wife scared the he!! out of me. Family and god live forever in our hearts and souls. When you get a glimpse, don't forget what you saw. (This post may not be Politically Correct but it's true).
Sorry that you lost one. It really sucks that she was nearing her calving date and then just doesn't make it. Been there before. Yeah, I think everyone has at least a moment when we all feel as though we're on top of the mountain that everything is right in his or her world. Then there are times when we feel as though we're at the bottom of the mountain and can't even make that first incline step. Truth is that your really not ever on top nor on the bottom. Someone always gonna be better off as well as worse off. Just enjoy the good moments of life with family and friends and know Jesus Christ is Lord and your be strengthened for the bad times.
A good many years back, I lived for several years right around the corner from a funeral home. It was a little bit of a tough time for our young family--debt, sick baby, too many hours at work, no family around...Sometimes I'd be rushing here or there, just sick with worry or troubles (or just plain sick--seemed like I had the flu for 3 years straight), and go by that funeral home and see the lot filling up, black hearse at the ready. In a weird way (and I know this will sound 'wrong'), but it always put things in perspective and (dare i say) cheered me up? Not at that poor family's misfortune, but at my great GOOD fortune: sick baby was alive (which wasn't a given at birth); debt was being wrestled to ground a bit every day; and work was, well, helping with the aforementioned debt and meeting our basic needs.

One thing we started doing off and on that has brought us a lot of joy: giving an envelope of cash to someone(s) on Christmas Eve that looks like they could use some help. In it, we enclose a note that just says Merry Christmas (and that it's theirs to use as they see fit; if they don't need it, they can pass some or all of it along). We don't stick around or give our names, all anonymous.
My son thought we were crazy at first (especially because when we do it, we cut way back on presents to each other) but gradually came to think it was...well, slightly less crazy anyway...Nah, it's still kinda crazy.
Sorry for your loss AJ, and your right about taking things for granted. My wife was in a car accident a couple years ago, she suffered a spinal chord injury and is now paralyzed from the waist down. When I think I'm having a bad day or something doesn't quite go the way I want it to, I think about what she has to go through mentally and physically on a daily basis and the problem doesn't seem to be a problem anymore. Merry Christmas and God Bless!
I'm sorry to hear about your wife's accident midTN. Prayers that she keeps her spirits up and maintains her health. I have a lot of respect for the determination of people in situations like your wife is in. I know having a strong support system has to mean a lot to her.
A.J.":1l6lrgjk said:
I'm sorry to hear about your wife's accident midTN. Prayers that she keeps her spirits up and maintains her health. I have a lot of respect for the determination of people in situations like your wife is in. I know having a strong support system has to mean a lot to her.

Thank you AJ, and your right it sure does.
I was born with a heart condition. At the age of 5 months I had corrective surgery and I've never looked back. Considering I don't work out and don't eat very healthy, I'm a very healthy guy. However, the median life expectancy for someone with my condition is 31. I will never forget reaching that birthday. I'm 33 now.

In 2010 I had an infected abscess. I had a fever of 106, resting pulse of 150. I had emergency surgery and spent 2 days in the hospital.

Today could be worse for me. I've had worse. I have a very solid roof over my head. Cows in the field. A hay stack to feed them. Food in my fridge. Propane for heat. And a brand-spanking-new truck in the garage.

My point is this: Be happy for what you have, and be happy for some things you're not dealing with. Today is a GOOD day.

I hope everyone has a good day, week, month and year.
Bestoutwest":2s0sws8c said:
I was born with a heart condition. At the age of 5 months I had corrective surgery and I've never looked back. Considering I don't work out and don't eat very healthy, I'm a very healthy guy. However, the median life expectancy for someone with my condition is 31. I will never forget reaching that birthday. I'm 33 now.

In 2010 I had an infected abscess. I had a fever of 106, resting pulse of 150. I had emergency surgery and spent 2 days in the hospital.

Today could be worse for me. I've had worse. I have a very solid roof over my head. Cows in the field. A hay stack to feed them. Food in my fridge. Propane for heat. And a brand-spanking-new truck in the garage.

My point is this: Be happy for what you have, and be happy for some things you're not dealing with. Today is a GOOD day.

I hope everyone has a good day, week, month and year.

Hear hear! :clap: :clap: :clap: Glad you are dodging bullets. Been doing that around my place too. And for those who have had a tough year (I know there are many on here), may 2016 give you good health; sunshine when you want it and rain when you need it; and a good sense of humor about the ridiculousness of the whole human "thing."
Bestoutwest":1zhdw670 said:
I was born with a heart condition. At the age of 5 months I had corrective surgery and I've never looked back. Considering I don't work out and don't eat very healthy, I'm a very healthy guy. However, the median life expectancy for someone with my condition is 31. I will never forget reaching that birthday. I'm 33 now.

In 2010 I had an infected abscess. I had a fever of 106, resting pulse of 150. I had emergency surgery and spent 2 days in the hospital.

Today could be worse for me. I've had worse. I have a very solid roof over my head. Cows in the field. A hay stack to feed them. Food in my fridge. Propane for heat. And a brand-spanking-new truck in the garage.

My point is this: Be happy for what you have, and be happy for some things you're not dealing with. Today is a GOOD day.

I hope everyone has a good day, week, month and year.

Take care of yourself Best. Exercise , eat smart and you can still enjoy many more years of the good life.
Merry Christmas and have a Happy, Healthy and prosperou New Year!
I can say God has blessed me much more than I will ever deserve. My son had colic for the first six months when he was born. Anyone who has went through this knows the sleeping in shifts and staying up with a baby who only sleeps a couple of hours a night wears on your body and your nerves. After about four months of this my wife and I were about at our wits end. About that time we had a good friend that lost their 14 month old son. Of all the hundreds of funerals I have attended this is the only one that haunts me to my core. From then on I thank God every time I have to wake up with a crying child, for there are many who will never hear this sound. My dad has always said that if you could put everyone's problems in a pile and you had to take one back, you would want your own back every time.
That sure does put things in to perspective AJ, I feel like that all the time. get to thinking thigs aren't going my way and then quickly get reminded how perfect my life is.

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