Purebred Angus bulls without papers

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Almost 3000 views in a day on this thread. Something of value is being discussed, one would have to assume.
A freebie to add to the daily newspaper comics. Cattle Circus, Cowbert, Fur side, ... need a name. Or "As the rumen turns" for the afternoon drama? You can't make this stuff up. :nod:
Ebenezer said:
Almost 3000 views in a day on this thread. Something of value is being discussed, one would have to assume.
A freebie to add to the daily newspaper comics. Cattle Circus, Cowbert, Fur side, ... need a name. Or "As the rumen turns" for the afternoon drama? You can't make this stuff up. :nod:
Well their right,something of value is being discussed ..just have too sort through it to find it...
True Grit Farms said:
gizmom said:
Well shucks Jscunn I'm blushing.

You shouldn't be you deserve it. :tiphat: If we'd of met y'all when we first started we'd of never left Angus cattle. Most successful Angus breeders that we've met act exactly like Branded.

Well crud! And I was thinking I must be special. Now I find out those Gilmores treat everyone that way!!!

I have to dispute your claim about efficiency. In its truest form efficiency is about RFI (Residual Feed Intake). RFI is about the feed needed past maintance requirements to put on a pound of gain. Lots of bull test now have growsafe systems, not very many of them turn the results into the AAA for EPD calculation. It might be one of the least reliable EPDs in the profile.

The problem with the association and its members is we have moved away performance testing and toward something a computer nerd has generated in its place. That said I think the AAA is attempting to get the car back on the road from where the previous administrations have put it in the ditch. Single step was a move in the correct direction.
phillse said:
Are you matching your cattle to the environment or matching your environment to the cattle?

Also, AI sires or being a highly promoted sire is not necessarily mean he is superior. Home raised clean up bulls, AI sired in most cases, from the old matrons of our herd for several years have had calves that have out performed the AI sired calves. The biggest difference has been that th cleanup bulls may not have the biggest best calf but across the board they average better and are more consistent.

I saw a lot of big money bucking bull sires flop once they started to get some notoriety. There were some guys using home raised bulls on their home raised cows doing really well, started selling straws and it went downhill.
This topic has done one thing. And Branded said it himself. It's been FREE promotion of his cattle. He's a master at manipulating people for his benefit.
Chocolate Cow2 said:
This topic has done one thing. And Branded said it himself. It's been FREE promotion of his cattle. He's a master at manipulating people for his benefit.

It is true. He said that and publicity is effective both when positive or negative. Positive or negative it draws attention to the product.

I would not agree that he has proven himself a master manipulator of people. More data is needed to prove that.
Shouldn't take long to figure it out. He joined Dec 11, 2018 and has almost 670 posts. That's 10 posts per day spread out over 30+ pages and two 'feature' topics he initiated.

I've been here a little over a year with less than 300 posts. In that time, no one has come on CT with the bravado and BS like he has.

I call 'em as I see 'em. :tiphat:
Give old James "Iron Guts" Angus credit. So far he has not lost his temper. I told him privately that he needs to "stop trying to sell snowballs to Eskimos" and just stick with expressing his vision of raising cattle. You don't have to force everyone else to follow you like the Pied Pipper. We all have our own vision and trying to force others to change their vision is akin to shoveling dodo into the tide. It just washes back on you, you don't accomplish anything and in the end - you smell bad.
Boy if that ain't the truth, not only on this forum but every where ya look. Can't have a good debate because people just wants to change your view, that's why you can't talk religion or politics.
Midtenn said:
Nesikep said:
************* said:
Dares never turn out well, but let me think about this. I have a few right now that might work, I would not want to use anything sired by Stone Gate in this throwdown if I agree to it. I think one of our high input SAV sons with top 1% RADG and YW might work.

As TT said, I would want to send down one of our boys that has a healthy appetite, maybe an International son

This is probably the most interesting thing I've heard yet on here.

You know what I'd like to see as a test? A herd of cattle with half bred to a bull or two from each of you and compare the calves... A bull's value is in his offspring really, not in how big he can get. I've noticed in my herd that some of the thinner, bonier looking cows have the meatier looking calves (I've seen this in several full sisters bred to the same bulls)

That's because she is a great mother. A bad momma cow will take care of herself first then let the calf get what's left. Those thin cows as long as they breed back (some don't) are money makers.
I'm talking about build, not fatness, they all raise heavy calves, it just seems like the kinda framy cows have the meaty calves
Here are two full sisters, I like the one on the right better, and she's raised the biggest calf of the herd, but the sister (1 year younger) has the calves that make you want to cut a steak out of them
Chocolate Cow2 said:
This topic has done one thing. And Branded said it himself. It's been FREE promotion of his cattle. He's a master at manipulating people for his benefit.

That's pretty harsh.

Didn't mean to offend so many people on here. Nobody has handled me in the cattle business with kid gloves and I thought topics could be discussed without a fight. If I inadvertently hurt anyone's feelings, my apologies. That was not my intention.
I really doubt you could ever make $750,000 bulls with 4 cows.. Look at the big operations, 100's of head and they've been doing it for decades, and it's still a small percentage of the bulls that get the big money, and part of the reason they do is they come from large herds that have registered and tested offspring, siblings, dams, sires, aunties and uncles and cousins for so long.
Try it, get an ET calf from SAV America and the most expensive dam and go try to market it.. even though you have the same genetics you won't get a tenth of the price had it been born on the Schaff ranch.
Nesikep said:
I really doubt you could ever make $750,000 bulls with 4 cows.. Look at the big operations, 100's of head and they've been doing it for decades, and it's still a small percentage of the bulls that get the big money, and part of the reason they do is they come from large herds that have registered and tested offspring, siblings, dams, sires, aunties and uncles and cousins for so long.
Try it, get an ET calf from SAV America and the most expensive dam and go try to market it.. even though you have the same genetics you won't get a tenth of the price had it been born on the Schaff ranch.

Nesikep, what Branded is speculating is owning 4 young cows each representing a very elite cow family. Flushing those cows to very carefully selected bulls. If you pencil it out, theoretically, $750,000 is within the mathematical range. I know some of the largest Simmental Breeders in Kentucky that only have 2 to 4 flush cows that meet that criteria.

Edited to add: that is a total return over the flush life of the 4 cows.
Religion and politics can be discussed without problems by most people. It's when someone is trying to sell you something every time they open their mouth things go to hell.
************* said:
Chocolate Cow2 said:
This topic has done one thing. And Branded said it himself. It's been FREE promotion of his cattle. He's a master at manipulating people for his benefit.

That's pretty harsh. I've got the goods, especially if you have certain animals you cannot find anywhere else, and the have their parentage proven via DNA to boot!

There was well over 200 cattle with the President progeny that were registered.

I have 30 of my own in my commercial operation. But listen, just because you have a President, doesn't mean you're getting too dollar for him/her. You have two bulls. They're what? 6 months old? How are they looking right now? How will they grow off the tit? Will they walk right? You know how many PB's went to our fat pen this year? More than the number of bulls you're trying to sell. We cull very hard here and at the end of the day, they're still "cattle". We buy PB's to make better females who we want to produce better calves.

Your two bulls may not be bulls by the time they're a yearling. Not worth nothing. No matter how you feed them.

This isn't your golden ticket. I'd be very careful my friend. I know more than I'm able to say and you're not doing yourself any favors.

We buy 500+ units of semen a year. Money talks, bull *%#^ walks.
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