Proud of my Family!

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Really nice article. You should be proud. Good luck on the sale. I looked thru your catalog yesterday, the cattle looked great.
How fantastic! Its so exciting to hear about someone who is out there doing this, and doing it so successfully ~ especially in a generational situation. You have every right to be proud of your family! :clap:
Very nice. My dad was born in 1921 (mom 1922) and went through the depression. He is 90 now. But it did something to him and mom. He was always afraid to take any financial risks and as a result he never had the joy of success. Your dad is even more remarkable to me that he was able to come through those difficult times but still had the will to become a business success. Congratulations to you and your family.

BTW, do you ever cross any of your breeds? Which of the three breeds would you say is the most docile?
Thanks! We never crossed them although I wish we had the room to run a set of commercial cows. We have several customers that are crossing all 3. Working well. As far as docile goes we dont tolerate any disposition problems. All 3 breeds are very docile. I'd say the Polled Hereford and Charolais are the most though.