property tax

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9 ER

Well-known member
Dec 1, 2004
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south of Houston
Do I have to pay more in property taxes to make up for the folks that are exempt and dont have to pay any?
I think down the line all tax payers do. You jsut don't notice it tath much because we all contribute. But to answer painfully, YES.

9 ER":3g9g3tqr said:
Do I have to pay more in property taxes to make up for the folks that are exempt and dont have to pay any?

Everybody pays something. Some pay less (real estate)- like widows, homesteaders and aggies. I get pretty irritated about paying income taxes when I see a 500lb woman with 15 kids standing in the handout line. Baby number 16 is on the way to increase the benefit more.
I'm glad that you are able to keep money in your pocket. I really am. If I could get an exemption I would. But if this is true, why should I or anybody else have to pay extra to make up for what you're not paying. You are taking money out of peoples pockets.

For all opposed to grants who have property tax exemption
What is the difference here? You complain about having to pay for these grants through taxes and at the same time people are paying for you so you can get a break. I know I'm a "newbie idiot", but please explain it to me the best you can.
9 ER":2kt3v8gc said:
Do I have to pay more in property taxes to make up for the folks that are exempt and dont have to pay any?

How do you get one of those property tax exemptions?

property tax has always been the most unfair tax around. a farmer that needs land to operate is always punished by the tax, where town people just pay about a third as much. here we also have to pay on cattle, machinery, cars & trucks. i would rather see it put on as a sales tax so anyone that buys pays
9 ER":1tdb34d9 said:
why should I or anybody else have to pay extra to make up for what you're not paying. You are taking money out of peoples pockets.

What an ignorant remark. It's NOT taking money out of anybody's pockets. It's trying to keep others from taking OUR money out of OUR pockets. Savvy???

9 ER":1tdb34d9 said:
For all opposed to grants who have property tax exemption
What is the difference here? You complain about having to pay for these grants through taxes and at the same time people are paying for you so you can get a break. I know I'm a "newbie idiot", but please explain it to me the best you can.

Can you honestly not see the difference? We taxpayers are trying to hang on to OUR OWN money. The grant recipients are trying to get hold of OUR OWN money. This is not a difficult concept.

Your profile says you're a teacher. I'm almost afraid to ask… what do you teach?

I am not opposed to all gants. The one to figure out how to rid the world of idiots got my money. Seriously, where is the miscomm here.

Craig wrote
Can you honestly not see the difference? We taxpayers are trying to hang on to OUR OWN money. The grant recipients are trying to get hold of OUR OWN money
I am a taxpayer and I have to pay extra because you dont. I'm trying to keep money in my pocket ...Savvy? I dont want to pay for you either. Quit taking handouts and pay like the rest of us. Property tax is based on the value of your land. Pay your ****ing taxes like you are supposed too you free loading bastard
9 ER":3iy09ga9 said:
Craig wrote
Can you honestly not see the difference? We taxpayers are trying to hang on to OUR OWN money. The grant recipients are trying to get hold of OUR OWN money
I am a taxpayer and I have to pay extra because you dont. I'm trying to keep money in my pocket ...Savvy? I dont want to pay for you either. Quit taking handouts and pay like the rest of us. Property tax is based on the value of your land. Pay be nice taxes like you are supposed too you free loading be nice

No hand outs here. Who, if anyone, are you specifically talking to or about.

Scotty wrote
Who, if anyone, are you specifically talking to or about

Craig and anyone else who does not pay a property tax and is opposed to grants.

No beef with you Scotty. Dont know where the miscomm came from. I'm sure Craig will tell me.
9 ER":cx0dboey said:
I'm glad that you are able to keep money in your pocket. I really am. If I could get an exemption I would. But if this is true, why should I or anybody else have to pay extra to make up for what you're not paying. You are taking money out of peoples pockets.

For all opposed to grants who have property tax exemption
What is the difference here? You complain about having to pay for these grants through taxes and at the same time people are paying for you so you can get a break. I know I'm a "newbie idiot", but please explain it to me the best you can.
The property tax exemptions are supposed to help protect agriculture, and promote the conservation of land for ag purposes. Can't see anything wrong with that myself. I lease land for cattle, and the actual owner of the land gets the tax break. If he was forced to pay the standard tax rate, I would have no lease and he would have to sell the land for development.
craig wrote
Your profile says you're a teacher. I'm almost afraid to ask… what do you teach?
sex education.....What do you need to know?
Let me guess. You're impotent and dont know what to do?.....Try viagra!
i think 9ER said he is a coach in hi school and probly teaches a few classes like health and that sorta thing. now theres a real waste of taxpayers $$$ look at all the $$$ they spend on building them football stadiums and basketball jims and all the other stuff for them football players and other jocks. WAY to much emfasis on sports these days in school and in the country in genaral!

hay 9ER maybe you just need to by a bigger place in the country so you can git that AG VALUE and pay the LOWER taxes but you still wont be EXEMPT from taxes. if you say you are a teacher use your head.... if i have 640 acres out in the country and run cattle on it or plant cotten or turnips or whatever the local goverment dont need to do much for me...not like it does for 640 acres of land in town that has hundreds or thousands of people livin on it and MANY kids that need to git school' the taxes on AG land should be way less. and the goverment dont need to do much for me on my 640 for roads and water drainage and cops and firemen and all the other stuff you have in the towns and why shouldnt the taxes be lower per acre on AG LAND. i'm just a dum old guy from the country but even i can understand that. i bet there aint hardly one rancher or farmer ... even the big corp. farms...that could ever show a profit if they had to pay the regular taxes on their land.

one thing you need to rember ER is that America never has been really hungry. we better find a way to keep folks that are willin to work in AG , for what little $$$ most of them make for all the hard work and long hours and huge $$$ they spent for there land, cattle, tractors and so on. nodoby likes for us to be depending on them arabs for oil ... or for steel and cement and lots of other needed things from other countrys... well ER you better hope you dont ever live to see the day that America has to depend on other countrys for our food. hell just look at how hard it was a few months ago to find a decent tomato when the hericanes wiped out the crop in florida... we had to get them maters from mexico and they cost an arm and a leg and were sorry as they could be.

now if exxon or some land speculater has 20 or 30 acres in the middle of a big city and they let some guy runs a few cows on just to keep them low taxes i wont argu with you to much ER...but even in that case exxon later on will have to pay regular taxes plus what they call that 5 year rollback of tax plus interest!

hey ER... I dont have no kids. you want to talk about fair... well is it fair that i should have to pay so much in property taxes to support other folks kids? like YOUR kids? thats where more than half the property taxes go anyway.. to build schools and pay teachers and them jock coachs
Speaking on the Exxon scenario, Disney has large tracts they lease out to cattlemen. On one hand, Disney is saving some big bucks on taxes, but what about the cattleman leasing the land. We shouldn't punish him because Disney is big bucks should we? Let's just leave the Ag exemption alone. I like the way it works. If you don't like it, your probably visiting the wrong boards. This is a cattle board. Ag exemption helps the cowman.
You picked your profession just like I did and you knew what you were getting into just like I did. You dont have to preach to me about hard work, long hours, and little pay. If you cant handle it then find something else to do. Somebody got to build them there jims and staydeums.

I'm just tired of certain folks around here complaining about grants when they themselves recieve numerous breaks. I pay for your breaks, like it or not: believe it or not.

I'll tell you what. I understand that you think that you are God and all, and this is not the first time we have had a discussion. You sure come on strong when you're sitting behind a computer. I wonder if you would run your mouth the same way if I was standing in front of you?
TIME OUT everyone!......Truce......... Why can't we all just get along together? (Rodney King) Now there is a man who screwed the taxpayers to the tune of several million dollars. if you ever wondered what happens to your hard earned taxes.... folks like that get a piece of it regularly! :x

I would let any cop tazer and beat me a bit for that kinda money! 8)
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