Production Dramatically Dropped

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have you checked her water supply as if it get foul and she dose not drink as much,her production will drop Suzanne
It is an automatic waterer. Just so hot she just refused to leave the shed to eat at the bunk or graze.
Her body condition is improving too. She is eating like crazy now. No idea how much she gave today she was half way done when she knocked a back teat cup off and right into a fresh pile of manure. It made that slurp sound before I could catch it and I knew it was too late. Just unhooked it all and dumped the milk and let the calves have at her.
That was a pretty sh*tty mess to clean up too. :lol2:

Wish I could send you some cooler weather chippie.
Amounts are still sporatic. Got just a half gallon today but got 2 gallons yesterday. I milked her later then normal yesterday. Not sure if that was the cause or not, but told daughter to cut her off the calves earlier tonight.
I had cut off her alfafa due to the heat. It is cooler at night now so I gave her some today.
Still feeding her grass and barley hay along with her feed..
Wondering about that Nite Hawk.
She has dropped off so much today it wasn't worth even putting the milker on her her bag was so flat.
I am concerned that some predators might be hanging around the barn. She does not want to go in and she is acting stressed.
Worried she might lose the calf if she continues. Picked up more commercial feed for her today.
Will be milking her for 6 months next month.
Some cows just seem to sort of quit production after awhile. I don't remember if this was her first calf or her first time you milked her.
We had one, Cookie. She didn't like her job and was sold.
Chippie this is her second year in production. Last year she went for almost a full year.
Only got around 2 cups of milk out of her today. Not enough to even bother with. Barn cats loved me though.
She let down for the calves though.
OK, then you may be having an attitude problem. We have a cow that would do that. She loves her babies more than the machine. She would make my husband so mad. He knew that she had the milk, she just wouldn't give it to him. He would massage her udder trying to get her to let it down. He would get a pittance, then put her calf with her, she would lick her calf and then be streaming milk. My husband ended up taking the calf away completely and putting it on another cow. After the cow didn't have her baby, she went back to work like she was supposed to. We never can let her keep a calf.
Found out there was a mountain lion in the area when she dropped off this last time.
No wonder she was stressed.
Production picked back up too!

Weaned the calves off of her. Picked up 30 small squares of 2nd cutting alfafa, she gets around 1/3 of a bale every morning and night.
Still milking her once a day. Picked a new feed of calf creep pellets at 14% and 1/2" range cubes that are 16% also our ground feed mix.

4 gallons a day!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Now I need more friends who need milk!
Well drying her up. She was refusing to go in the pen to be milked and the production has dropped to around 2 gallons a day.
Due to calve May 26th.
Her body condition was starting to drop too.
I hit her with the Dry Cow you put in the teats. Checked her today. she is acting much happier even with a now full bag. No heat on it I checked.

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