Premature calves

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Apr 23, 2009
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We've had 2 calves born premature. Both were born about 30 days early, and weighed around 40 lbs. They were both fully developed, but have very short hair. Both are alive and otherwise healthy. The calves are out of cows of 2 different breeds and were AI sired by 2 different bulls - so we're fairly certain that it's not a genetic issue. We didn't worry much with the first premature calf, but after the second, we were trying to figure out why they'd come so early. Could it be from something in the cows ate? All the cows have been on corn stalks, and as they got closer to calving they were brought closer to the place and fed hay. Cows have free choice mineral and salt. Or could something else have caused the premature births? Or is it a freak happening?
A fellow bought a bred heifer from me 2 yrs ago same thing happen they were out on corn, he was thinking possible chemical residue? Who knows but she lost her calf. I would say Lepto but calves are living wonder if its a different strain of it? . Were they doing any road work around your way, had a neighbor lose some due to the chemicals from the road crew treating the road and trying to plant that fake liquid grass, just a thought.well good luck with them were are you located?
This is 2 calves out of 150 so far, just to give a clear picture. If there was a chemical/mold issue in the stalks, wouldn't more calves have been affected? No road work where they were at. They were moved to 5 different fields in central Nebraska before heading home. When we put up hot wire in stalks, we don't let them eat the grass along the edges of the field. We usually leave 10 of so feet from the field edge to the hot wire, so there shouldn't have been much for them to get into as far as weeds. We didn't have any abortions either, just these 2 premature ones.
We had 1 do the same after she ate pine needles a few years ago calf was born alive but didn't survive as it was a couple of weeks earlier than yours
What kind of hay was you feeding and how was it put up. Would be my first guess when looking for a reason on something like that or on them slinking calves all of a sudden. Basically asking if it was put up damp maybe some mold in it? Specially if it was sudan grass or something similiar seems like more people tend to have problems with a little mold in it rather than alfafla or grass. Or when did you move them compared to when the calf was born. Could be possible they slipped on ice causing it but with 2 out of 150 i would chaulk it up as a freak thing if hay is good and no ice to slip on.
I'd guess chance. Alive at 30 days early is good luck, but I probably see at least one very premature calf most years. Some cows do that nearly every year - my 21 has been about ten days early twice and was three weeks early this year.
I've never seen a reason for it, aside from twice I've seen late-term slips within a week of trucking to a new farm.
The hay they're on is ground alfalfa and grass hay. The hay was put up in good condition. Almost all our AI calves came around a week early this year, so I'm hoping this is just a fluke thing.

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