pregnancy testing

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Dec 7, 2004
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Northeast Texas
I know this has been discussed on here before, but I cannot seem to find it when I do a search. Using the old washer on a string pregnancy test to determine the sex of the calf. Which one (swinging back and forth or circling) goes with which sex of the baby? I tried it out yesterday on a few of my cows and had two circles and two back and forth swings. Thanks in advance for your responses.
That woiuld be 2 bulls and 2 heifers.
Circles are girls, straight are boys.
Keep trtack of which ones were which. I'ld be curious to see how accuarte it is for you.

Here's a couple of others...besides the hair on the tail! :lol:

#1. If a cow still gets jumped (as if she was showing signs of heat) despite her being settled, she "may" most likely be carrying a bull calf.

My wife has a theory. She says it has to do with how the animal seperates herself from the herd during pregancy. I think she said if the animal keeps with the herd and dosen't seperate herself (and I'm not talking just the later stages of pregnancy) then it is a heifer.