pet peeves

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Caustic Burno":1qg6by31 said:

Good one, I have to admit you do come up with some interesting posts!!

People who feel they are entitled to things.

People that are afraid to get dirty.

People who are afraid of bugs.

People who don't carry their share of the load.

Waiting on people.

Wait....yeah I have to agree with horticattleman, PEOPLE! :lol:
Idjits that put shopping carts in handicaped parking :mad:
Ones that have a cellphone attached to their ear..Now if somebody's talking to themselfs,you can't tell!!

My kids were taught to say "Yes",or "HERE"..If I wanted them,then it was "Come here"..If they were to do something,they were told that.. In a store,I had a certan whistel for them,ment "Where are you?" 30 years later,I can still pop their heads around. :lol:
Forgot one....People who stand right next to you having a loud personal conversation on their cell phone. That one really ticks me off. :mad: Got one of those in my office right now!
Cellphones. People who drive while talking on one. Sitting through a 4-H meeting with no microphone with a dozen or so cellphones ringing. People shopping while talking on phone and with kids running around.
Having appointments double booked at the doctor/dentist even though that makes the patients all wait and be late it does keep the doctor/dentist from having to wait on a patient and possibly not making his extra $100 on the day. People who aren't aware of what's going on around them like someone who blocks the entire aisle at the grocery reading the back of a box for a couple of minutes then act surprised that a line of people are trying to get past them. People who cut line.
Those stupid bluetooth things stuck to peoples heads

Smacking while eating

People not using their turn signal and abrubtly making a turn in front of you


People who dont care where their pets defecate.
kyblockhead":5l7uu6zu said:
Having appointments double booked at the doctor/dentist even though that makes the patients all wait and be late it does keep the doctor/dentist from having to wait on a patient and possibly not making his extra $100 on the day.
:clap: :clap: :clap: Couldn't agree more.
millstreaminn":2fddoyi0 said:
kyblockhead":2fddoyi0 said:
Having appointments double booked at the doctor/dentist even though that makes the patients all wait and be late it does keep the doctor/dentist from having to wait on a patient and possibly not making his extra $100 on the day.
:clap: :clap: :clap: Couldn't agree more.
Dr. Gott, I think it is, in his newspaper column says bill them for your time if kept waiting too long.
kyblockhead":3p7lqfb7 said:
Having appointments double booked at the doctor/dentist even though that makes the patients all wait and be late it does keep the doctor/dentist from having to wait on a patient and possibly not making his extra $100 on the day. People who aren't aware of what's going on around them like someone who blocks the entire aisle at the grocery reading the back of a box for a couple of minutes then act surprised that a line of people are trying to get past them. People who cut line.

Frankly, I get double booked when something has to be seen, is urgent and can't wait for another day. I do not intentionally double book, and financially it doesn't pay to work late, and have to pay the staff for overtime.....

See, two sides of the same issue.....
People who clip their fingernails in church. I mean honestly, is that really necessary? :roll:

Bad drivers, I live on a US highway and I see so many speeders and unsafe passers I'm almost getting phobic of being on the road.

Drunk drivers, it's 2 years now that my kids were almost run over getting on the school bus at 7:30 in the morning. :mad: :mad:
Not a whole lot gets me except being able to hear other people when they eat. It makes my skin crawl. I just cant stand the sound of people eating. :D
Lets see pet peeves........

Last weekend the youngest daughter left her puppy at my place. That pup yapped and yapped. I was peeved at the pup and my daughter.
Cant stand the sound of rap. Its like fingernails on a blackboard.

Cant stand people who think they are better than everyone else.

Cant stand people who will sit around and do nothing while others are working (old FFA farm workday memories there).

People who are scared to get dirty or do a little physical work.

People who smack their lips and eat with their mouths open when they're eating, I mean c'mon people it's table manners.

People who whinge and bad mouth the country they live in. I saw something on a bumper sticker that sums it up perfectly for me. "If You Don't Love It, LEAVE!!"

The politics at shows, the cattle isn't so bad, but here, a lot(not all) of the people who show horses look down on us cattle people as dirt.
oh there is just so many. i cant stand cant stand it when people are scared of bugs. spiders and snakes is fine. but a little bug aint gonna hurt you. when someone calls a heifer or steer or bull or calf a cow. its not a cow, dont call it one. when your the first to order your food, and the last to recieve it. when someone pulls out in front of you and then goes like 40 in the 60 zone. and pretty much everything else that ya'll said.
Trying to ask a question to someone and having them talk over me and give me an answer when I'm only half way through my question... and it's not even close to the answer of my question. You know... know it alls.

Calling an 1-800 # and having to go through spanish, then push a dozen numbers and enter codes. Then having to wait 10 minutes "for the next avilable operator" only to be transfered to the right, or best guessed department and getting disconnected during the transfer. The cycle starts all over again. :mad:

While I'm on a roll.... why aren't calves born with the knowledge of knowing how to go through a gate? :D

Happy Mothers Days (that one is not a pet peeve)

People who call me and then put me on hold.

People who crack & pop their chewing gum.

People who don't understand the concept behind the left lane on interstates/two lane highways.

People who pull out right in front of me, then proceed down the road at 25 miles/hour, or then turn at the next intersection.

Folks with an entitled attitude and more money than brains.

Loose dogs damaging other folks property.

Incessant barking dogs 24/7/365

Animal owners who make excuses why their pets, livestock AND kids are; ( pick all that apply and add more ):

Loose, barking, skinny, disruptive, disrespectful, full of fleas, full of ticks, badly behaved, distructive, loud, dirty, sickly, missing, have no shelter, have wounds of unknown origin, died in the field, have an arrow sticking out of their shoulder, have no access to water,