over producer now not producing

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We have a cow that over-produced in the first two weeks after calving. The calf could keep up on three teats but the fourth was too big and tender for him to work on. <br>In the last two days the cow's milk production suddenly dropped though the fourth quarter remained huge. We milked out the fourth quarter and found it to be hard and full of bad milk. Unfortunately nothing seems to be improving the milk production in the rest of the quarters. <br>Has anyone experienced this? Have any ideas on how to bring back her milk? What did you do to clear up the quarter? We really appreciate your answers!!<br>
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[email protected]
Is she a dairy or beef cow? Is it possible that she has mastitis in that quarter? is her udder red, hard and does it feel feverish? If that is the case, you need to treat her. You can get a good mastitis treatment at the local co op. It comes in single dose syringes that you insert into the teat canal and put the med. into the udder. you'll have to milk out the quarter before treatment and a few hrs after treatment. follow the directions on the medication.<br>Is the calf nursing on the other quarters? If so, it's possible that he's keeping them emptied. If I'm not mistaken, mastitis will also reduce milk production.<br>You may want to call a vet and give him/her the info you posted here. Usually they can advise you on treatments when given a discription of the symptoms.<br>Forgive me, if I'm giving advice that you already know about or don't need. Hope she does ok!<br>Tim<br>
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