Over all drought.

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People here don't know what I'm talking about if I say anything about cracks in the ground. Virtually NEVER have such a thing happen here. I have seen the ground really dry (this past spring), and bare ground in the cattle lot had some cracks. I mean, a crack you might be able to squeeze a piece of straw into. Not CRACKS that you can put your fingers in. I lived in Kansas for 12 years, so I have experience with ground cracking (and lived in Texas for 5 years - but I was quite young, 4-9).
These were take in the yard last year but pretty much the same this year.
All the "dryness" is another reason why son went on and cut a couple places that we would have not bothered with. We are in "good shape" for hay.... but more is better right now. Sq bales are in demand and so he went on and cut the 10 acre OG field and baled it yesterday after I got it raked. At least 200 sq bales off it and still had 3 windrows left... he will roll the outside since there are leaves and other stuff in it... and will roll another 14-15 acres of just "grass" that I raked yesterday. Going to finish raking today, have about 12-15 acres total, left I guess 2 more fields... We made alot of sorghum-sudan hay this year, all dry baled, didn't wrap anything. Planting more OG on some of the sorghum ground but we need moisture for it to come up... Slight chance mon-tues... but turning alot colder... DS wanted to get the wheat in for the cover crop on other sorghum ground but it is so iffy due to lack of moisture... if we get just a little, it will come up and get frozen out if it turns cold...
Been a tough year for everyone for different reasons but mostly from lack of rain.
I've seen a couple of shallow ponds that are now dried up... never seen either one completely dry like this.

The only saving to this is the leaves on the trees have been very pretty this year and did not get stripped off the trees with hurricane/bad weather. We have had very warm temps this week, around 80.... so nice to be out catching up... but going to drop 30+ degrees the first of the week to below normal... then might level out. Supposed to get a chance of some rain the first of the week ahead of the temp drop, but not looking like much of anything.
Was worried about the same. I was happy to see the field turned half green today from the last 2 days of mist. Was still misting this morning, now it's sunny and back to 80deg. Sweat my behind off on a walk to open the gate, Miserable! Can't wait until it freezes.....who needs grass anyway?
This weather is not natural!
It's raining here this morning a good steady soaking rain so far. Past a farmer pulling a drill behind his truck yesterday. If he was finishing up planting he might have timed it just right. It's a little late to help make grass grow here now. But we sure need the rain to refill ponds and get some moisture back in the ground. Maybe I should have complained about it being dry and no rain sooner. That's just about right for me to tell everyone we aren't getting any rain and how dry everything is. Then the next day it starts raining. Might have spoke too soon, rain just stopped will while writing this text probably be like it has all summer. Looks like it is going to come a flood, light rain for 30 minutes or so then quit. Must have spoke too soon. 🫤
People here don't know what I'm talking about if I say anything about cracks in the ground. Virtually NEVER have such a thing happen here. I have seen the ground really dry (this past spring), and bare ground in the cattle lot had some cracks. I mean, a crack you might be able to squeeze a piece of straw into. Not CRACKS that you can put your fingers in. I lived in Kansas for 12 years, so I have experience with ground cracking (and lived in Texas for 5 years - but I was quite young, 4-9).
Our local golf course is ins one black ground. When it gets dry the holes they don't water can get cracks that a golf ball call fall in to amd be below ground level.