Oregon Farms under attack?

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Mar 12, 2024
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video link of a lady talking about it.

Now they have a hotline setup so you can report your neighbors. I've been seeing these pop up for a lot of different "issues" around our nation and our neighboring countries. New "hotlines" to rat out your neighbors. A lot of these will even PAY you.. some up to 2,000$ to call in .. so they can get you.

video link of a lady talking about it.

Now they have a hotline setup so you can report your neighbors. I've been seeing these pop up for a lot of different "issues" around our nation and our neighboring countries. New "hotlines" to rat out your neighbors. A lot of these will even PAY you.. some up to 2,000$ to call in .. so they can get you.
Urban people have been convinced that they know enough to have something to say about how rural people should live their lives and do their business... and they are a majority. In the meantime rural people fight to find ways around the urban restrictions and adapt.

In the Netherlands they are trying to get rid of animal agriculture. In Sri Lanka they have outlawed artificial fertilizers and as a result they have lost 30% of their productivity, becoming a net importer instead of a net exporter.

At some point there will be a loss of balance and as agriculture tumbles the consequences will become grim... and then urbanites will blame farmers for being unable to produce enough when the shortages will be cause by urban interference. It's a no win scenario for agriculture.
I'm a Texas expat living in Oregon. This state has the greatest beauty of nature, waterfalls, fertile valleys, mountain ranges and vast forests. The whole coastline belongs to the citizens, no private beaches with McMansions like California. Not only that there's only 4 million people in the whole state. But Oregon has the nuttiest most insane government I have ever known, all run by the urbanites of Portland, Salem, Eugene. One out of 6 Oregon people work for the government.
From the article "According to this definition, a few-acre homestead with pasture and let's say two milking cows and some chickens qualifies as a CAFO if it has any area on the property where rock or gravel is used as a route to get to a small barn or coop."
In 2020 we graveled over a new culvert put in so livestock could get to one of the pastures. Fortunately it rains so much in the winter the gravel is now all covered over with mud but it's only ankle deep. People by law have to keep track of water used each month for annual report to "the Water Master". You don't even own the rain water that falls on your roof, no water barrels allowed. At my forest cabin place I built in the next county it cost me almost $2000 for permits to use my own spring. One thing about it though, out in the country there is lack of reporting and under reporting. There is a whole lot of flexible black plastic water hose running all over the landscape to water troughs and people's houses :)
From the article "According to this definition, a few-acre homestead with pasture and let's say two milking cows and some chickens qualifies as a CAFO if it has any area on the property where rock or gravel is used as a route to get to a small barn or coop."
In 2020 we graveled over a new culvert put in so livestock could get to one of the pastures. Fortunately it rains so much in the winter the gravel is now all covered over with mud but it's only ankle deep. People by law have to keep track of water used each month for annual report to "the Water Master". You don't even own the rain water that falls on your roof, no water barrels allowed. At my forest cabin place I built in the next county it cost me almost $2000 for permits to use my own spring. One thing about it though, out in the country there is lack of reporting and under reporting. There is a whole lot of flexible black plastic water hose running all over the landscape to water troughs and people's houses :)
Y'all are living in a communist state.

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