Oh yeah, they passed!

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Jun 10, 2015
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Winfield, KS
BSE today, which always renders me a nervous wreck. But I was able to catch the retained heifers in one side of the corral, move the bulls from their pasture across the road and into the other side, let the heifers out & move my alpha bull to that side in 20 minutes. And yes, on foot with only me and a bucket. Loaded easy, only because I've learned to just stand back by the gate to the trap/alley and let them decide when they're going in. Work smarter, not harder. Still only took maybe 10 minutes. That said, they were jerks at the vet and did NOT want to go through their curved alley into the chute. I'm assuming they sensed it wasn't going to be a pleasant experience.

Woody rocked it and has a massive 46cm scrotal circumference. He's now 5, vet put him at a solid 2100 lbs. (he's tall & rangy). Willy filled the sleeve - and then some. Also now 5 and clocking in at a (too fat in my opinion) 2300 lbs., 43.5cm. And my little Tallywacker just turned 2 but also passed with flying colors and has an impressive 43 cm for that young of bull.

But now these bulls are looking for love! Got 'em unloaded and Mr. TC was pulling out of the pasture when the bulls realized the double gates were wide open. I've never had to run from any of my bulls, but it was a full out race to see who could get to the gates first. Didn't help that Mr. TC didn't pull quite far enough onto the road and the back of the stock trailer was in my way, couldn't completely close & chain the gates. There may have been profanities. Which, in hindsight, was probably my saving grace because the bulls aren't used full-out "sailor mode" from me and stopped in their tracks, long enough to Mr. TC to pull forward so I could secure them back in prison. Cool your jets, boys! Only 5 more weeks.
Tallywacker in the chute. Love how they have the tire tread pad to eliminate the potential for them to go down when they bust out, but not a fan of the chute. Willy's so big there was no need to use the squeeze and couldn't shut the head gate. Plus, I kept banging my head on the levers.
@TCRanch that looks to be the brand we have and very similar to our chute. We can barely get the head gate shut with our 4 year old BWF bull and wouldn't be much squeezing him up in it I'm sure. Those chutes are aptly named For-Most meaning maybe for most but not all. Big bulls not, and small calves for sure not.
We have a rodeo when working calves in it. I have go in behind and keep them in and wove has to stand in front and keep the real small one from coming out the front.
I was also wondering about that 90 degree turn. Thats just asking for a log jam.
Those tire mats are the way to go. They are very durable. I inherited one when I bought this place and it had set out for years folded over with all kinds of critters under it. They are heavy. It took four of us to get it straightened out and put into place.
Nice looking, and LONG bulls!! Did they make the 90 deg turn ok?
Curiosity has the best of me...what is that thing?

View attachment 29012
They did NOT like that corner! Which is what turned a previously easy-peasy experience into an aggravating cluster.

That's a motor to widen the alley and if you look along the bottom and up the far-left side of the pipes, you'll see the electrical cord casing. That said, I haven't seen them use it in years and not sure it still even works.

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