New Dem Amendment Criminalize Political Speech by Others

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Sep 13, 2004
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Now, 49 Democrats have signed an amendment to criminalize corporations from engaging in any political speech.
This would include Saturday Night Live as Ted Cruz shows, but it also would include Newscasts reporting about things going on in the White House.
This would be horrible to shut down the information that we are get daily. 49 have already signed it!!!
They want to put this law in the Bill of Rights.
Just think, we would never know about anything going on with the government. If this goes through, they will shut the mouths of radio stations, and the list goes on..... This could be the beginning of the end.
Come on now the evil Corporations should be able to speak out. I mean their evil, and only want to push their political agenda!
It will never fly and most certainly will never clear SCOTUS scrutiny.
The State of Ohio tried a version of it, and the Supreme Court has allowed the legal challenges to that law to go forward on 1st amendment basis. SCOTUS, according to legal scholars familiar with the challenge, is expected to throw the Ohio law out.
It's a tempest in a teapot. Will never pass but the politicos want to have seomting to whine about and try to sue against those that don;t sgree with them. It will never pass.. No way enough states would ever agree to it to amend the consitution.
This is weird. The D's are furious that the R's voted to bring this to the floor for debate. Debate will eat the time which the D's had planned to use on show votes which they felt gave them a political advantage. Got to adjourn soon and this silliness will be the last thing they do.

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