Need Help Naming Twin Calves!

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If you want to stay with the cookies and cream theme
How bout
Chocolate fudge
Fudge Bar
Mississippi Mud (I do not know which state you are from)
Chunk Chocolate
If you want, I have a list of 700 names for calves (20 years doing it with 20 calves a year, all named)... Some I can remember off the top of my head

Ali and Baba
Vegas and Reno (I had a set this morning, those are their names, Vegas was adopted.. with some luck)
Sonar and Radar
Habanero and Jalapeno
Abacus and Calculus
Asterix and Obelix
Bistro and Deli
Potin (a cacophonious noise) and Fracas (we had this pair 2 years ago)
Mahjong and Pingpong
Panzer and Sherman

That about does it for the names for twins I have...
Link and sausage or dum and dummy or how about plumb and bob lets get down to it will they even know what there names are anyway???? :bday:
Since the female is most likely a freemartin.... call her Martha and call the bull Martin. Martha and Martin... perfect.
Keep us posted so we can stop the namerace in case you sell them or they need to be culled for age issues...