My question on amount to feed

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I also had questions about feeding my heifer. She is in great shape according to 2 ranchers. She is about an 800 # holstein. I give her about 5 pounds of dairy 14 grain per day and about 20 pounds of alfalfa hay. SOmetimes she gets a up to 5 pounds more hay per day. Now that it is winter, we don't tend to tether her in the field across the street. I've also read she should be getting grass hay during the winter. Would you be doing anything different and if so what. Our temperatures are no lower than 35-40 during the day (right now. Nights are about 20. Eventually 30 something days will be par for the course and nights in the teens. She is 17 mo old and about 6 weeks pregnant.

[email protected]
For a holstien you are doing just fine. A beef heifer might get a bit fat on that much alfalfa, but a holstien needs the extra. Keep up the good work.

> I also had questions about feeding
> my heifer. She is in great shape
> according to 2 ranchers. She is
> about an 800 # holstein. I give
> her about 5 pounds of dairy 14
> grain per day and about 20 pounds
> of alfalfa hay. SOmetimes she gets
> a up to 5 pounds more hay per day.
> Now that it is winter, we don't
> tend to tether her in the field
> across the street. I've also read
> she should be getting grass hay
> during the winter. Would you be
> doing anything different and if so
> what. Our temperatures are no
> lower than 35-40 during the day
> (right now. Nights are about 20.
> Eventually 30 something days will
> be par for the course and nights
> in the teens. She is 17 mo old and
> about 6 weeks pregnant.

I live in Wisconson and the temps get much colder (high today 24F) and the dairymen here out winter their heifers. Adjust your feeding program for the colder months. Watch their body condition closely to make sure they don't start loosing weight. If they do than increase their available feed. It is the wet and cold weather that causes the trouble. The wet hair coat will not insulate as well as dry hair coat. Try soaking your coat in water and see how it affects the warmth and you will see what I mean. But you already know that.

[email protected]

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